< Psalms 69 >

1 `In Ebreu thus, To the victorie, on the roosis of Dauid. `In Jerom thus, To the ouercomer, for the sones of Dauid. God, make thou me saaf; for watris `entriden til to my soule.
Kumutungamiri wokuimba namaimbirwo a“Maruva eMahapa.” Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Ndiponesei, imi Mwari, nokuti mvura zhinji yakwira kusvikira pamutsipa wangu.
2 I am set in the sliym of the depthe; and `substaunce is not. I cam in to the depthe of the see; and the tempest drenchide me.
Ndinonyura munhope yakadzika, pasina pangatsika makumbo angu. Ndapinda mumvura yakadzika; ndafukidzwa namafashamu.
3 I traueilide criynge, my cheekis weren maad hoose; myn iyen failiden, the while Y hope in to my God.
Ndaneta nokuridza mhere yokuti ndibatsirwe; huro dzangu dzaoma, meso angu aneta nokumirira Mwari wangu.
4 Thei that hatiden me with out cause; weren multiplied aboue the heeris of myn heed. Myn enemyes that pursueden me vniustli weren coumfortid; Y paiede thanne tho thingis, whiche Y rauischide not.
Vanondivenga ndisina mhosva vakawanda kupfuura bvudzi romusoro wangu; vanondivenga ndisina mhosva vazhinji, avo vanotsvaka kundiparadza. Ndinomanikidzwa kudzosera zvandisina kuba.
5 God, thou knowist myn vnkunnyng; and my trespassis ben not hid fro thee.
Munoziva upenzi hwangu, imi Mwari; mhaka yangu haina kuvanzika kwamuri.
6 Lord, Lord of vertues; thei, that abiden thee, be not aschamed in me. God of Israel; thei, that seken thee, be not schent on me.
Vaya vane tariro mamuri ngavarege kunyadziswa nokuda kwangu, haiwa Ishe, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose; vanokutsvakai ngavarege kunyadziswa nokuda kwangu, haiwa Mwari waIsraeri.
7 For Y suffride schenschipe for thee; schame hilide my face.
Nokuti ndinotsunga kusekwa hangu nokuda kwenyu, uye nyadzi dzafukidza chiso changu.
8 I am maad a straunger to my britheren; and a pilgryme to the sones of my modir.
Ndiri mutorwa kuhama dzangu, nomweni kuvanakomana vamai vangu;
9 For the feruent loue of thin hous eet me; and the schenschipis of men seiynge schenschipis to thee fellen on me.
nokuti kushingairira imba yenyu kwandipedza, uye kutuka kwaavo vanokutukai kunowira pamusoro pangu.
10 And Y hilide my soule with fastyng; and it was maad in to schenschip to me.
Pandinochema uye ndichitsanya, ndinofanira kushinga pakusekwa;
11 And Y puttide my cloth an heire; and Y am maad to hem in to a parable.
pandinofuka nguo dzamasaga, vanhu vanondiita shumo.
12 Thei, that saten in the yate, spaken ayens me; and thei, that drunken wien, sungen of me.
Vaya vanogara pasuo vanondiseka, uye ndiri rwiyo rwezvidhakwa.
13 But Lord, Y dresse my preier to thee; God, Y abide the tyme of good plesaunce. Here thou me in the multitude of thi mercy; in the treuthe of thin heelthe.
Asi ndinonyengetera kwamuri, imi Mwari, panguva inokufadzai; murudo rwenyu rukuru, imi Mwari, ndipindurei noruponeso rwenyu rwechokwadi.
14 Delyuer thou me fro the cley, that Y be not faste set in; delyuere thou me fro hem that haten me, and fro depthe of watris.
Ndinunurei mumatope, musandirega ndichinyura; ndirwirei kuna vanondivenga, napamvura zhinji yakadzika.
15 The tempest of watir drenche not me, nethir the depthe swolowe me; nethir the pit make streit his mouth on me.
Musatendera mvura yamafashamu kuti indifukidze, kana kwakadzika kuti kundimedze kana kuti gomba rizarure muromo waro pamusoro pangu.
16 Lord, here thou me, for thi merci is benygne; vp the multitude of thi merciful doyngis biholde thou in to me.
Ndipindurei, imi Jehovha, zvichibva pakunaka kworudo rwenyu; dzokerai henyu kwandiri nokuda kwetsitsi dzenyu huru.
17 And turne not awei thi face fro thi child; for Y am in tribulacioun, here thou me swiftli.
Regai kuvanzira muranda wenyu chiso chenyu; ndipindurei nokukurumidza, nokuti ndava mudambudziko.
18 Yyue thou tente to my soule, and delyuer thou it; for myn enemyes delyuere thou me.
Swederai pedyo mundinunure; ndidzikinurei nokuda kwavavengi vangu.
19 Thou knowist my schenschip, and my dispysyng; and my schame.
Munoziva kusekwa kwangu, kunyadziswa nokusakudzwa kwangu; vavengi vangu vose vari pamberi penyu.
20 Alle that troblen me ben in thi siyt; myn herte abood schendschipe, and wretchidnesse. And Y abood hym, that was sory togidere, and noon was; and that schulde coumforte, and Y foond not.
Kusekwa kwaputsa mwoyo wangu, uye kwandisiya ndisisina chingandibatsira; Ndakatsvaka vangandinzwira ngoni, asi ndakavashaya, vangandinyaradza, asi ndakavashayazve.
21 And thei yauen galle in to my meete; and in my thirst thei yauen `to me drinke with vynegre.
Vakaisa nduru mune zvokudya zvangu, uye vakandipa vhiniga pandaiva nenyota.
22 The boord of hem be maad bifore hem in to a snare; and in to yeldyngis, and in to sclaundir.
Tafura yagadzirwa pamberi pavo ngaive musungo; ngaive shamhu yokuranga neriva.
23 Her iyen be maad derk, that thei se not; and euere bouwe doun the bak of hem.
Meso avo ngaapofumadzwe kuti varege kuona, uye misana yavo iminame nokusingaperi.
24 Schede out thin ire on hem; and the strong veniaunce of thin ire take hem.
Dururirai hasha dzenyu pamusoro pavo; kutsamwa kwenyu kunotyisa ngakuvakurire.
25 The habitacioun of hem be maad forsakun; and `noon be that dwelle in the tabernaclis of hem.
Nzvimbo yavo ngaisiyiwe; ngaparege kuva nomunhu anogara mumatende avo.
26 For thei pursueden hym, whom thou hast smyte; and thei addiden on the sorewe of my woundis.
Nokuti vanotambudza vaya vamakarova, uye vanotaura pamusoro pokurwadziwa kwavakakuvadzwa nemi.
27 Adde thou wickidnesse on the wickidnesse of hem; and entre thei not in to thi riytwisnesse.
Vapei mhosva pamusoro pemhosva; ngavarege kuva nomugove woruponeso rwenyu.
28 Be thei don awei fro the book of lyuynge men; and be thei not writun with iust men.
Ngavadzimwe mubhuku roupenyu, uye varege kuverengwa pamwe chete navakarurama.
29 I am pore and sorewful; God, thin heelthe took me vp.
Ndiri pakurwadziwa nenhamo; ruponeso rwenyu imi Mwari, ngarundidzivirire.
30 I schal herye the name of God with song; and Y schal magnefye hym in heriyng.
Ndicharumbidza zita raMwari norwiyo, uye ndichamukudza nokuvonga.
31 And it schal plese God more than a newe calf; bryngynge forth hornes and clees.
Izvi zvichafadza Jehovha kukunda nzombe, kupfuura hando nenyanga dzayo, namahwanda ayo.
32 Pore men se, and be glad; seke ye God, and youre soule schal lyue.
Varombo vachazviona uye vachafara, imi vanotsvaka Mwari, mwoyo yenyu ngairarame!
33 For the Lord herde pore men; and dispiside not hise boundun men.
Jehovha anonzwa vanoshayiwa uye haashori vanhu vake vakatapwa.
34 Heuenes and erthe, herye hym; the se, and alle crepynge bestis in tho, herye hym.
Denga nenyika ngazvimurumbidze, makungwa nezvose zvinofamba, imomo,
35 For God schal make saaf Syon; and the citees of Juda schulen be bildid. And thei schulen dwelle there; and thei schulen gete it bi eritage.
nokuti Mwari achaponesa Zioni agovakazve maguta aJudha. Ipapo vanhu vachagarako, vagoritora;
36 And the seed of hise seruauntis schal haue it in possessioun; and thei that louen his name, schulen dwelle ther ynne.
Vana vavaranda vake vacharipiwa senhaka, uye avo vanoda zita rake vachagara ikoko.

< Psalms 69 >