< Psalms 68 >
1 To the victorie, the salm `of the song `of Dauid. God rise vp, and hise enemyes be scaterid; and thei that haten hym fle fro his face.
Ilaah ha sara joogsado, oo cadaawayaashiisuna ha kala firdheen, Kuwa necebuna hortiisa ha ka carareen.
2 As smoke failith, faile thei; as wax fletith fro the face of fier, so perische synneris fro the face of God.
Sida qiiqu u kala firdho, iyagana sidaasoo kale u kala firdhi, Sida shamacu dabka ugu dhalaalo, Sidaasoo kale kuwa sharka lahu Ilaah hortiisa ha ku baabbe'een.
3 And iust men eete, and make fulli ioye in the siyt of God; and delite thei in gladnesse.
Laakiinse kuwa xaqa ahu ha farxeen, oo Ilaah hortiisa ha ku reyreeyeen, Haah, oo farxad ha ku reyreeyeen.
4 Synge ye to God, seie ye salm to his name; make ye weie to hym, that stieth on the goyng doun, the Lord is name to hym. Make ye fulli ioye in his siyt, enemyes schulen be disturblid fro the face of hym,
Ilaah u gabya, oo magiciisa ammaan ugu gabya, Kan lamadegaanka dhex mara jid weyn u fala, Magiciisu waa Yaah, ee hortiisa ku reyreeya.
5 which is the fadir of fadirles and modirles children; and the iuge of widewis.
Ilaah wuxuu rugtiisa quduuskaa ku yahay Agoonta aabbahood iyo carmallada xaakinkooda.
6 God is in his hooli place; God that makith men of o wille to dwelle in the hous. Which leedith out bi strengthe hem that ben boundun; in lijk maner hem that maken scharp, that dwellen in sepulcris.
Kuwa cidlaysan Ilaah reero ayuu u yeelaa, Oo maxaabiistana intuu soo bixiyo ayuu barwaaqo dhex geeyaa, Laakiinse caasiyiintu waxay degganaadaan dhul oommane ah.
7 God, whanne thou yedist out in the siyt of thi puple; whanne thou passidist forth in the desert.
Ilaahow, markaad dadkaaga hor kacday, Markaad lamadegaanka ku dhex socotay, (Selaah)
8 The erthe was moued, for heuenes droppiden doun fro the face of God of Synay; fro the face of God of Israel.
Dhulku waa gariiray, Samooyinkuna waxay ku de'een Ilaah hortiisa, Xataa Buur Siinay nafteedu waxay ka gariirtay Ilaah hortiisa, kaasoo ah Ilaaha Israa'iil.
9 God, thou schalt departe wilful reyn to thin eritage, and it was sijk; but thou madist it parfit.
Ilaahow, waxaad soo daysay roob badan, Oo kuwa dhaxalkaagu markay daallanaayeenna waad xoogaysay.
10 Thi beestis schulen dwelle therynne; God, thou hast maad redi in thi swetnesse to the pore man.
Ururkaagu halkaasuu dhex degganaa, Ilaahow, wanaaggaaga aawadiis wax baad u diyaarisay masaakiinta.
11 The Lord schal yyue a word; to hem that prechen the gospel with myche vertu.
Sayidku wuxuu bixiyey erayga, Kuwa warka faafiyaana waa guuto weyn.
12 The kyngis of vertues ben maad loued of the derlyng; and to the fairnesse of the hous to departe spuylis.
Boqorrada ciidammadu way cararaan, way cararaan, Oo tan guriga ku hadha ayaa dhaca qaybisa.
13 If ye slepen among the myddil of eritagis, the fetheris of the culuer ben of siluer; and the hyndrere thingis of the bak therof ben in the shynyng of gold.
Xeryaha idaha miyaad iska dhex jiifaysaan, Sidii baadad qoolley oo lacag lagu dahaadhay, Iyo baalasheeda oo dahab cas lagu dahaadhay?
14 While the king of heuene demeth kyngis theronne, thei schulen be maad whitter then snow in Selmon;
Markii Qaadirku boqorrada halkaas ku kala dhex firdhiyey, Waxay ahayd sida marka baraf cad ku da'o Salmoon.
15 the hille of God is a fat hille. The cruddid hil is a fat hil;
Buur Ilaah waxaa ah Buur Baashaan. Oo buur dheer waxaa ah Buur Baashaan.
16 wherto bileuen ye falsli, cruddid hillis? The hil in which it plesith wel God to dwelle ther ynne; for the Lord schal dwelle `in to the ende.
Buurihiinnan dhaadheerow, bal maxaad u quudhsanaysaan Buurta Ilaah uu jeclaaday inuu hoygiisii ka dhigto? Haah, oo Rabbigu halkaasuu degganaan doonaa weligiisba.
17 The chare of God is manyfoold with ten thousynde, a thousynde of hem that ben glad; the Lord was in hem, in Syna, in the hooli.
Ilaah gaadhifardoodyadiisu waa labaatan kun, iyo xataa kumanyaal iyo kumaankun, Sayidku wuu ku dhex jiraa iyaga, siduu Siinay ugu jiri jiray xagga meesha quduuska ah.
18 Thou stiedist an hiy, thou tokist caitiftee; thou resseyuedist yiftis among men. For whi thou tokist hem that bileueden not; for to dwelle in the Lord God.
Adigu kor baad u baxday, oo waxaad qabatay oo kaxaysay kuwii maxaabiista ahaan jiray. Oo waxaad hadiyado ka qaadatay dadka dhexdiisa, Iyo xataa caasiyiintaba, in Rabbiga Ilaah ahu halkaas joogo aawadeed.
19 Blessid be the Lord ech dai; the God of oure heelthis schal make an eesie wei to vs.
Waxaa mahad leh Sayidka maalin kasta culaabteenna inoo qaada, Kaasoo ah Ilaaha ina badbaadiya. (Selaah)
20 Oure God is God to make men saaf; and outgoyng fro deeth is of the Lord God.
Ilaah wuxuu inoo yahay Ilaaha samatabbixinta, Ilaaha Sayidka ah ayaa iska leh dhimashada kabixiddeeda.
21 Netheles God schal breke the heedis of hise enemyes; the cop of the heere of hem that goen in her trespassis.
Laakiinse Ilaah wuxuu wax ku dhufan doonaa madaxa cadaawayaashiisa, Iyo dhalada timaha leh oo kan xadgudubyadiisa ku sii socdaba.
22 The Lord seide, Y schal turne fro Basan; Y schal turne in to the depthe of the see.
Sayidku wuxuu yidhi, Waxaan iyaga ka soo celin doonaa xagga Baashaan, Oo waxaan ka soo bixin doonaa badda moolkeeda,
23 That thi foot be deppid in blood; the tunge of thi doggis be dippid in blood of the enemyes of hym.
Inaad cagtaada dhiig darsatid, Iyo in eeyahaaga carrabkoodu uu qayb ka helo cadaawayaashaada.
24 God, thei sien thi goyngis yn; the goyngis yn of my God, of my king, which is in the hooli.
Ilaahow, waxay arkeen tegiddaadii, Taas oo ah tegiddii Ilaahay oo ah Boqorkayga oo uu galay meesha quduuska ah.
25 Prynces ioyned with syngeris camen bifore; in the myddil of yonge dameselis syngynge in tympans.
Gabayayaashii way hor mareen, muusikaystayaashiina way raaceen, Dhexdana waxaa ku jiray hablo daf ku cayaaraya.
26 In chirchis blesse ye God; blesse ye the Lord fro the wellis of Israel.
Kuwiinnan isha Israa'iil ka soo farcamayow, Shirarka ku dhex ammaana Ilaaha Sayidka ah.
27 There Beniamyn, a yonge man; in the rauyschyng of mynde. The princis of Juda weren the duykis of hem; the princis of Zabulon, the princis of Neptalym.
Waxaa jooga Benyaamiin yar oo ah taliyahooda, Iyo amiirrada reer Yahuudah iyo guddigooda, Iyo amiirrada reer Sebulun iyo amiirrada reer Naftaali.
28 God, comaunde thou to thi vertu; God, conferme thou this thing, which thou hast wrouyt in vs.
Ilaahaagu xooggaaguu amray, Ilaahow, waxaad noo samaysay noo xoogee.
29 Fro thi temple, which is in Jerusalem; kyngis schulen offre yiftis to thee.
Macbudkaaga Yeruusaalem ku yaal daraaddiis Ayaa boqorro waxay kuugu keeni doonaan hadiyado.
30 Blame thou the wielde beestis of the reheed, the gaderyng togidere of bolis is among the kien of puplis; that thei exclude hem that ben preuyd bi siluer. Distrie thou folkis that wolen batels,
Canaano dugaagga cawsduurka ku dhex jira, Iyo dibida tirada badan, iyo weylaha dadka Oo ku tumanaya lacagta gogo'a ah, Isagu wuu kala firdhiyey dadyowga dagaalka jecel.
31 legatis schulen come fro Egipt; Ethiopie schal come bifore the hondis therof to God.
Masar waxaa ka iman doona amiirro, Itoobiyana haddiiba gacmaheeday u hoorsan doontaa Ilaah.
32 Rewmes of the erthe, synge ye to God; seie ye salm to the Lord.
Boqortooyooyinka dhulkow, Ilaah u gabya, Ammaan ugu gabya Sayidka, (Selaah)
33 Singe ye to God; that stiede on the heuene of heuene at the eest. Lo! he schal yyue to his vois the vois of vertu, yyue ye glorie to God on Israel;
Kaasoo kor fuushan samada samooyinka sare, oo weligoodba jiray, Bal eega, wuxuu ku hadlaa codkiisa, oo weliba codkiisu waa xoog badan yahay.
34 his greet doyng and his vertu is in the cloudis.
Ilaah xoog ka sheega, Waayo, sharaftiisu waxay dul joogtaa reer binu Israa'iil, Oo xooggiisuna wuxuu ku jiraa samooyinka.
35 God is wondirful in hise seyntis; God of Israel, he schal yyue vertu, and strengthe to his puple; blessid be God.
Ilaahow, meelahaaga quduuska ah waxaad ka tahay mid laga cabsado, Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil wuxuu dadkiisa siiyaa xoog iyo itaal. Mahad waxaa leh Ilaah.