< Psalms 52 >

1 To victorie, the salm of Dauid, `whanne Doech Idumei cam, and telde to Saul, and seide to him, Dauid cam in to the hows of Abymelech. What hast thou glorie in malice; which art miyti in wickidnesse?
KOE ol weit, da me koe suaikeki me sued, pwe kalangan en Ieowa kin duedueta ni ran karos.
2 Al dai thi tunge thouyte vnriytfulnesse; as a scharp rasour thou hast do gile.
Lo om inong iong me sued, o kin rasong naip kong pot, ni a wia likam.
3 Thou louedist malice more than benygnite; `thou louedist wickidnesse more than to speke equite.
Koe kin mauki lokaia sued sang me mau, o lokaia likam sang me pung. (Sela)
4 Thou louedist alle wordis of casting doun; with a gileful tunge.
Koe kin men lokaiaki me sued lo om likam.
5 Therfor God schal distrie thee in to the ende, he schal drawe thee out bi the roote, and he schal make thee to passe awei fro thi tabernacle; and thi roote fro the lond of lyuynge men.
I me Kot pil pan kawe uk ala, o lepuk uk pasang, o waik uk sang nan im om, o koko uk sang nan sap en me maur akan. (Sela)
6 Iust men schulen se, and schulen drede; and thei schulen leiye on hym, and thei schulen seie, Lo!
A me pung kan pan kilang o masapwekada, o re pan kaurureki i:
7 the man that settide not God his helpere. But he hopide in the multitude of his richessis; and hadde maistrie in his vanite.
Kilang, iei ol o, me sota kaporoporeki Ieowa, pwe a keleki a dipisou toto o a kelail ong a wiada me sued.
8 Forsothe Y, as a fruytful olyue tre in the hous of God; hopide in the merci of God with outen ende, and in to the world of world.
A ngai dueta tuka oliwe pot nan tanpas en Kot, i kaporoporeki kalangan en Kot kokolata.
9 Y schal knowleche to thee in to the world, for thou hast do mercy to me; and Y schal abide thi name, for it is good in the siyt of thi seyntis.
I pan kapinga komui kokolata, pwe kom kak kotin wiada; i pan kapinga mar omui, pwe a lingan ren sapwilim omui lelapok kan.

< Psalms 52 >