< Psalms 50 >

1 The salm of Asaph. God, the Lord of goddis, spak; and clepide the erthe,
psalmus Asaph Deus deorum Dominus locutus est et vocavit terram a solis ortu usque ad occasum
2 fro the risynge of the sunne til to the goyng doun. The schap of his fairnesse fro Syon,
ex Sion species decoris eius
3 God schal come opynli; oure God, and he schal not be stille. Fier schal brenne an hiye in his siyt; and a strong tempest in his cumpas.
Deus manifeste veniet Deus noster et non silebit ignis in conspectu eius exardescet et in circuitu eius tempestas valida
4 He clepide heuene aboue; and the erthe, to deme his puple.
advocabit caelum desursum et terram discernere populum suum
5 Gadere ye to hym hise seyntis; that ordeynen his testament aboue sacrifices.
congregate illi sanctos eius qui ordinant testamentum eius super sacrificia
6 `And heuenes schulen schewe his riytfulnesse; for God is the iuge.
et adnuntiabunt caeli iustitiam eius quoniam Deus iudex est diapsalma
7 Mi puple, here thou, and Y schal speke to Israel; and Y schal witnesse to thee, Y am God, thi God.
audi populus meus et loquar tibi Israhel et testificabor tibi Deus Deus tuus ego sum
8 I schal not repreue thee in thi sacrifices; and thi brent sacrifices ben euere bifor me.
non in sacrificiis tuis arguam te holocausta autem tua in conspectu meo sunt semper
9 I schal not take calues of thin hows; nethir geet buckis of thi flockis.
non accipiam de domo tua vitulos neque de gregibus tuis hircos
10 For alle the wyelde beestis of wodis ben myne; werk beestis, and oxis in hillis.
quoniam meae sunt omnes ferae silvarum iumenta in montibus et boves
11 I haue knowe alle the volatils of heuene; and the fairnesse of the feeld is with me.
cognovi omnia volatilia caeli et pulchritudo agri mecum est
12 If Y schal be hungry, Y schal not seie to thee; for the world and the fulnesse therof is myn.
si esuriero non dicam tibi meus est enim orbis terrae et plenitudo eius
13 Whether Y schal eete the fleischis of boolis? ethir schal Y drynke the blood of geet buckis?
numquid manducabo carnes taurorum aut sanguinem hircorum potabo
14 Offre thou to God the sacrifice of heriyng; and yelde thin avowis to the hiyeste God.
immola Deo sacrificium laudis et redde Altissimo vota tua
15 And inwardli clepe thou me in the dai of tribulacioun; and Y schal delyuere thee, and thou schalt onoure me.
et invoca me in die tribulationis et eruam te et honorificabis me diapsalma
16 But God seide to the synnere, Whi tellist thou out my riytfulnessis; and takist my testament bi thi mouth?
peccatori autem dixit Deus quare tu enarras iustitias meas et adsumis testamentum meum per os tuum
17 Sotheli thou hatidist lore; and hast cast awey my wordis bihynde.
tu vero odisti disciplinam et proiecisti sermones meos retrorsum
18 If thou siyest a theef, thou `hast runne with hym; and thou settidist thi part with avowtreris.
si videbas furem currebas cum eo et cum adulteris portionem tuam ponebas
19 Thi mouth was plenteuouse of malice; and thi tunge medlide togidere giles.
os tuum abundavit malitia et lingua tua concinnabat dolos
20 Thou sittynge spakist ayens thi brother, and thou settidist sclaundir ayens the sone of thi modir;
sedens adversus fratrem tuum loquebaris et adversus filium matris tuae ponebas scandalum
21 thou didist these thingis, and Y was stille. Thou gessidist wickidli, that Y schal be lijk thee; Y schal repreue thee, and Y schal sette ayens thi face.
haec fecisti et tacui existimasti inique quod ero tui similis arguam te et statuam contra faciem tuam
22 Ye that foryeten God, vndurstonde these thingis; lest sum tyme he rauysche, and noon be that schal delyuere.
intellegite nunc haec qui obliviscimini Deum nequando rapiat et non sit qui eripiat
23 The sacrifice of heriyng schal onoure me; and there is the weie, where ynne Y schal schewe to hym the helthe of God.
sacrificium laudis honorificabit me et illic iter quod ostendam illi salutare Dei

< Psalms 50 >