< Psalms 49 >

1 To victorie, a salm to the sones of Chore. Alle ye folkis, here these thingis; alle ye that dwellen in the world, perseyue with eeris.
Psalmus David, in finem, filiis Core. Audite haec omnes Gentes: auribus percipite omnes, qui habitatis orbem:
2 Alle the sones of erthe and the sones of men; togidere the riche man and the pore in to oon.
Quique terrigenae, et filii hominum: simul in unum dives et pauper.
3 Mi mouth schal speke wisdom; and the thenkyng of myn herte schal speke prudence.
Os meum loquetur sapientiam: et meditatio cordis mei prudentiam.
4 I schal bouwe doun myn eere in to a parable; Y schal opene my resoun set forth in a sautree.
Inclinabo in parabolam aurem meam: aperiam in psalterio propositionem meam.
5 Whi schal Y drede in the yuel dai? the wickidnesse of myn heele schal cumpasse me.
Cur timebo in die mala? iniquitas calcanei mei circumdabit me:
6 Whiche tristen in her owne vertu; and han glorie in the multitude of her richessis.
Qui confidunt in virtute sua: et in multitudine divitiarum suarum gloriantur.
7 A brother ayenbieth not, schal a man ayenbie? and he schal not yyue to God his plesyng.
Frater non redimit, redimet homo: non dabit Deo placationem suam.
8 And he schal not yyue the prijs of raunsum of his soule; and he schal trauele with outen ende,
Et pretium redemptionis animae suae: et laborabit in aeternum,
9 and he schal lyue yit in to the ende.
et vivet adhuc in finem.
10 He schal not se perischyng, whanne he schal se wise men diynge; the vnwise man and fool schulen perische togidere. And thei schulen leeue her richessis to aliens;
Non videbit interitum, cum viderit sapientes morientes: simul insipiens, et stultus peribunt. Et relinquent alienis divitias suas:
11 and the sepulcris of hem ben the housis of hem with outen ende. The tabernaclis of hem ben in generacioun and generacioun; thei clepiden her names in her londis.
et sepulchra eorum domus illorum in aeternum. Tabernacula eorum in progenie, et progenie: vocaverunt nomina sua in terris suis.
12 A man, whanne he was in honour, vndurstood not; he is comparisound to vnwise beestis, and he is maad lijk to tho.
Et homo, cum in honore esset, non intellexit: comparatus est iumentis insipientibus, et similis factus est illis.
13 This weie of hem is sclaundir to hem; and aftirward thei schulen plese togidere in her mouth.
Haec via illorum scandalum ipsis: et postea in ore suo complacebunt.
14 As scheep thei ben set in helle; deth schal gnawe hem. And iust men schulen be lordis of hem in the morewtid; and the helpe of hem schal wexe eld in helle, for the glorie of hem. (Sheol h7585)
Sicut oves in inferno positi sunt: mors depascet eos. Et dominabuntur eorum iusti in matutino: et auxilium eorum veterascet in inferno a gloria eorum. (Sheol h7585)
15 Netheles God schal ayenbie my soule from the power of helle; whanne he schal take me. (Sheol h7585)
Verumtamen Deus redimet animam meam de manu inferi, cum acceperit me. (Sheol h7585)
16 Drede thou not, whanne a man is maad riche; and the glorie of his hows is multiplied.
Ne timueris cum dives factus fuerit homo: et cum multiplicata fuerit gloria domus eius.
17 For whanne he schal die, he schal not take alle thingis; and his glorie schal not go doun with him.
Quoniam cum interierit, non sumet omnia: neque descendet cum eo gloria eius.
18 For his soule schal be blessid in his lijf; he schal knouleche to thee, whanne thou hast do wel to hym.
Quia anima eius in vita ipsius benedicetur: confitebitur tibi cum benefeceris ei.
19 He schal entre til in to the generaciouns of hise fadris; and til in to with outen ende he schal not se liyt.
Introibit usque in progenies patrum suorum: et usque in aeternum non videbit lumen.
20 A man, whanne he was in honour, vndurstood not; he is comparisound to vnwise beestis, and is maad lijk to tho.
Homo, cum in honore esset, non intellexit: comparatus est iumentis insipientibus, et similis factus est illis.

< Psalms 49 >