< Psalms 49 >

1 To victorie, a salm to the sones of Chore. Alle ye folkis, here these thingis; alle ye that dwellen in the world, perseyue with eeris.
Nangho mipite’n hichehi ngaijuvin! Nangho vannoi mite jouse’n ngaicheh uvin!
2 Alle the sones of erthe and the sones of men; togidere the riche man and the pore in to oon.
Milen le mineo, ahao avai in ngaisoh keijun!
3 Mi mouth schal speke wisdom; and the thenkyng of myn herte schal speke prudence.
Ajeh chu kathuseiho hi chihna thu ahin, chuleh kalung’a kagel jong hi hetgilna dimset ahi.
4 I schal bouwe doun myn eere in to a parable; Y schal opene my resoun set forth in a sautree.
Keiman thuchih kaseiho chu giltah’in kegel’in hiti chun semjang sai a kitilkhou in thulem kaseiho suhlhap na kanei ji'e.
5 Whi schal Y drede in the yuel dai? the wickidnesse of myn heele schal cumpasse me.
Kagalmite’n eihin umkimvel’uva boinan eihin lhunkhum teng idia kakichat ding ham?
6 Whiche tristen in her owne vertu; and han glorie in the multitude of her richessis.
Amahon anei agouhou atahsan un ahaotheinau a akiletsah ui.
7 A brother ayenbieth not, schal a man ayenbie? and he schal not yyue to God his plesyng.
Ahijeng vang’in athina diuva kon’in amaho le amaho akihuhdoh joupouvin Pathen henga sum in ahinkhou akichoh thei pouve.
8 And he schal not yyue the prijs of raunsum of his soule; and he schal trauele with outen ende,
Lhatdamna kitihi bailam tah a um ahipoi, ajeh chu koiman alhingset’in apejou poi;
9 and he schal lyue yit in to the ende.
tonsot’a hingjing a lhanmun’a chelou hel nading chu.
10 He schal not se perischyng, whanne he schal se wise men diynge; the vnwise man and fool schulen perische togidere. And thei schulen leeue her richessis to aliens;
Michingho chu nikhat thitei diu ahi, hiche mingol le lungel neilou ho banga anei agouhou chu adalhah cheh di’u ahi.
11 and the sepulcris of hem ben the housis of hem with outen ende. The tabernaclis of hem ben in generacioun and generacioun; thei clepiden her names in her londis.
Lhanmol chu atonsot in’u ahitan achen jingna di’u mun chu ahitai. Anei agouho’u chu amaho min putsah jeng leu.
12 A man, whanne he was in honour, vndurstood not; he is comparisound to vnwise beestis, and he is maad lijk to tho.
Aminthan nao chu sotlou ding ganhing ho bang’a thithou thou di’u ahi.
13 This weie of hem is sclaundir to hem; and aftirward thei schulen plese togidere in her mouth.
Amaho hi min miching dan’in geljong leu mingol bang’a thina ato thou thou di’u ahi.
14 As scheep thei ben set in helle; deth schal gnawe hem. And iust men schulen be lordis of hem in the morewtid; and the helpe of hem schal wexe eld in helle, for the glorie of hem. (Sheol h7585)
Kelngoiho bang’a lhanmun lhung thou thou di’u thina chu akelngoi chingpa’u hiding, anei agouhou a kon’a gamlatah’a lhanmun khat’a monlha thou thou diu ahi. (Sheol h7585)
15 Netheles God schal ayenbie my soule from the power of helle; whanne he schal take me. (Sheol h7585)
Ahin keivang Pathen’in kahinkho eilhatdoh peh’in tin, Aman lhanmun’a kon’in eihuhdoh nante. (Sheol h7585)
16 Drede thou not, whanne a man is maad riche; and the glorie of his hows is multiplied.
Hijeh chun migilou ho ahung hao ua a innchen ujong ahung hoibe cheh tengu le lunglhadah hih in.
17 For whanne he schal die, he schal not take alle thingis; and his glorie schal not go doun with him.
Ajeh chu amaho athiteng uleh imacha akipoh di’u aumpoi anei agou’un lhan sung’ah juilut thei pouvinte.
18 For his soule schal be blessid in his lijf; he schal knouleche to thee, whanne thou hast do wel to hym.
Hiche lei hinkho’a hin alolhin jeh’un vangpha le ochat um’in kigel jong leu,
19 He schal entre til in to the generaciouns of hise fadris; and til in to with outen ende he schal not se liyt.
Chemasa ho bang bang’a thidiu khovah amukit louhel di’u ahitai.
20 A man, whanne he was in honour, vndurstood not; he is comparisound to vnwise beestis, and is maad lijk to tho.
Anei agou’u kiletsahpi ho chun amaho jong ganhing bang’a phat khatleh thithou thou diu ahilam akihetdoh lou’u ahi.

< Psalms 49 >