< Psalms 48 >
1 The song of salm, of the sones of Chore. The Lord is greet, and worthi to be preisid ful myche; in the citee of oure God, in the hooli hil of hym.
Rabbigu waa weyn yahay, waana in aad loogu ammaanaa Ilaaheenna magaaladiisa, iyo buurtiisa quduuska ah.
2 It is foundid in the ful out ioiyng of al erthe; the hil of Syon; the sidis of the north, the citee of the greet kyng.
Waxaa dhererka ku quruxsan, oo farxad u ah dunida oo dhan Buur Siyoon oo dhanka woqooyi ah, Meeshaas oo ah magaalada Boqorka weyn.
3 God schal be knowun in the housis therof; whanne he schal take it.
Ilaah wuxuu daaraheeda dhaadheer isku muujiyey inuu magangal yahay.
4 For lo! the kyngis of erthe weren gaderid togidere; thei camen into o place.
Waayo, bal eeg, boqorradii way iswada urursadeen, Dhammaantood way wada dhaafeen.
5 Thei seynge so wondriden; thei weren disturblid, thei weren mouyd togidere, tremblyng took hem.
Oo kolkay arkeen ayay yaabeen, Oo argaggexeen, markaasay haddiiba carareen.
6 There sorewis as of a womman trauelynge of child;
Iyagii halkaasay ku gariireen, Wayna ku xanuunsadeen sida naag foolanaysa.
7 in a greet spirit thou schalt al to-breke the schippis of Tharsis.
Doonniyaha Tarshiish waxaad ku jejebisaa Dabaysha bari.
8 As we herden, so we sien, in the citee of the Lord of vertues, in the citee of oure God; God hath foundid that citee with outen ende.
Annagu sidaan maqalnay, ayaan ku dhex aragnay Magaalada Rabbiga ciidammada, taasoo ah magaalada Ilaaheenna, Ilaah ayaa weligeedba adkayn doona. (Selaah)
9 God, we han resseyued thi mercy; in the myddis of thi temple.
Ilaahow, raxmaddaada ayaan ka fikirnay Markaan macbudkaaga ku jirnay.
10 Aftir thi name, God, so thin heriyng is spred abrood in to the endis of erthe; thi riyt hond is ful of riytfulnesse.
Ilaahow, sida magacaagu yahay Ayaa ammaantaaduna ku tahay dhulka darafyadiisa oo dhan, Gacantaada midigna waxaa ka buuxda xaqnimo.
11 The hil of Sion be glad, and the douytris of Judee be fulli ioiful; for thi domes, Lord.
Buur Siyoon ha faraxdo, Oo gabdhaha reer Yahuudah ha ku reyreeyeen xukummadaada daraaddood.
12 Cumpasse ye Syon, and biclippe ye it; telle ye in the touris therof.
Siyoon hareeraheeda socda, oo ku soo wareega, Oo munaaradaheeda tiriya.
13 Sette ye youre hertis in the vertu of him; and departe ye the housis of hym, that ye telle out in an other generacioun.
Bal aad ugu fiirsada qalcadaheeda, Oo ka fikira daaraheeda dhaadheer, Si aad ugu sheekaysaan farcanka soo socda.
14 For this is God, oure God, in to withouten ende, and in to the world of world; he schal gouerne vs in to worldis.
Waayo, weligiis iyo weligiisba Ilaahan ayaa Ilaah inoo ah, Oo isagaa hoggaamiye inoo ahaan doona xataa tan iyo dhimashada.