< Psalms 39 >

1 For victorie, to Iditum, the song of Dauid. I seide, Y schal kepe my weies; that Y trespasse not in my tunge. I settide kepyng to my mouth; whanne a synnere stood ayens me.
大卫的诗,交与伶长耶杜顿。 我曾说:我要谨慎我的言行, 免得我舌头犯罪; 恶人在我面前的时候, 我要用嚼环勒住我的口。
2 I was doumb, and was mekid ful gretli, and was stille fro goodis; and my sorewe was renulid.
我默然无声,连好话也不出口; 我的愁苦就发动了,
3 Myn herte was hoot with ynne me; and fier schal brenne out in my thenkyng.
我的心在我里面发热。 我默想的时候,火就烧起, 我便用舌头说话。
4 I spak in my tunge; Lord, make thou myn eende knowun to me. And the noumbre of my daies what it is; that Y wite, what failith to me.
耶和华啊,求你叫我晓得我身之终! 我的寿数几何? 叫我知道我的生命不长!
5 Lo! thou hast set my daies mesurable; and my substaunce is as nouyt bifor thee. Netheles al vanytee; ech man lyuynge.
你使我的年日窄如手掌; 我一生的年数,在你面前如同无有。 各人最稳妥的时候,真是全然虚幻。 (细拉)
6 Netheles a man passith in ymage; but also he is disturblid veynli. He tresorith; and he noot, to whom he `schal gadere tho thingis.
世人行动实系幻影。 他们忙乱,真是枉然; 积蓄财宝,不知将来有谁收取。
7 And now which is myn abiding? whether not the Lord? and my substaunce is at thee.
主啊,如今我等什么呢? 我的指望在乎你!
8 Delyuere thou me fro alle my wickidnessis; thou hast youe me schenschip to the vnkunnynge.
求你救我脱离一切的过犯, 不要使我受愚顽人的羞辱。
9 I was doumbe, and openyde not my mouth; for thou hast maad,
因我所遭遇的是出于你, 我就默然不语。
10 remoue thou thi woundis fro me.
求你把你的责罚从我身上免去; 因你手的责打,我便消灭。
11 Fro the strengthe of thin hond Y failide in blamyngis; for wickidnesse thou hast chastisid man. And thou madist his lijf to faile as an yreyne; netheles ech man is disturblid in veyn.
你因人的罪恶惩罚他的时候, 叫他的笑容消灭,如衣被虫所咬。 世人真是虚幻! (细拉)
12 Lord, here thou my preier and my bisechyng; perseyue thou with eeris my teeris.
耶和华啊,求你听我的祷告, 留心听我的呼求! 我流泪,求你不要静默无声! 因为我在你面前是客旅, 是寄居的,像我列祖一般。
13 Be thou not stille, for Y am a comelyng at thee; and a pilgrime, as alle my fadris. Foryyue thou to me, that Y be refreischid, bifor that Y go; and Y schal no more be.
求你宽容我, 使我在去而不返之先可以力量复原。

< Psalms 39 >