< Psalms 38 >

1 `The salm of Dauid, to bythenke on the sabat. Lord, repreue thou not me in thi strong veniaunce; nether chastice thou me in thin ire.
大卫的纪念诗。 耶和华啊,求你不要在怒中责备我, 不要在烈怒中惩罚我!
2 For thin arowis ben fitchid in me; and thou hast confermed thin hond on me.
因为,你的箭射入我身; 你的手压住我。
3 Noon helthe is in my fleisch fro the face of thin ire; no pees is to my boonys fro the face of my synnes.
因你的恼怒,我的肉无一完全; 因我的罪过,我的骨头也不安宁。
4 For my wickidnessis ben goon ouer myn heed; as an heuy birthun, tho ben maad heuy on me.
我的罪孽高过我的头, 如同重担叫我担当不起。
5 Myn heelid woundis weren rotun, and ben brokun; fro the face of myn vnwisdom.
因我的愚昧, 我的伤发臭流脓。
6 I am maad a wretche, and Y am bowid doun til in to the ende; al dai Y entride sorewful.
我疼痛,大大拳曲, 终日哀痛。
7 For my leendis ben fillid with scornyngis; and helthe is not in my fleisch.
我满腰是火; 我的肉无一完全。
8 I am turmentid, and maad low ful greetli; Y roride for the weilyng of myn herte.
我被压伤,身体疲倦; 因心里不安,我就唉哼。
9 Lord, al my desire is bifor thee; and my weilyng is not hid fro thee.
主啊,我的心愿都在你面前; 我的叹息不向你隐瞒。
10 Myn herte is disturblid in me, my vertu forsook me; and the liyt of myn iyen `forsook me, and it is not with me.
我心跳动,我力衰微, 连我眼中的光也没有了。
11 My frendis and my neiyboris neiyiden; and stoden ayens me. And thei that weren bisidis me stoden afer;
我的良朋密友因我的灾病都躲在旁边站着; 我的亲戚本家也远远地站立。
12 and thei diden violence, that souyten my lijf. And thei that souyten yuels to me, spaken vanytees; and thouyten gilis al dai.
那寻索我命的设下网罗; 那想要害我的口出恶言, 终日思想诡计。
13 But Y as a deef man herde not; and as a doumb man not openynge his mouth.
但我如聋子不听, 像哑巴不开口。
14 And Y am maad as a man not herynge; and not hauynge repreuyngis in his mouth.
我如不听见的人, 口中没有回话。
15 For, Lord, Y hopide in thee; my Lord God, thou schalt here me.
耶和华啊,我仰望你! 主—我的 神啊,你必应允我!
16 For Y seide, Lest ony tyme myn enemyes haue ioye on me; and the while my feet ben mouyd, thei spaken grete thingis on me.
我曾说:恐怕他们向我夸耀; 我失脚的时候,他们向我夸大。
17 For Y am redi to betyngis; and my sorewe is euere in my siyt.
我几乎跌倒; 我的痛苦常在我面前。
18 For Y schal telle my wickidnesse; and Y schal thenke for my synne.
我要承认我的罪孽; 我要因我的罪忧愁。
19 But myn enemyes lyuen, and ben confermed on me; and thei ben multiplyed, that haten me wickidli.
但我的仇敌又活泼又强壮, 无理恨我的增多了。
20 Thei that yelden yuels for goodis, backbitiden me; for Y suede goodnesse.
以恶报善的与我作对, 因我是追求良善。
21 My Lord God, forsake thou not me; go thou not awei fro me.
耶和华啊,求你不要撇弃我! 我的 神啊,求你不要远离我!
22 Lord God of myn helthe; biholde thou in to myn help.

< Psalms 38 >