< Psalms 36 >

1 `To victorie, to Dauid, `the seruaunt of the Lord. The vniust man seide, that he trespasse in hym silf; the drede of God is not bifor hise iyen.
to/for to conduct to/for servant/slave LORD to/for David utterance transgression to/for wicked in/on/with entrails: among heart my nothing dread God to/for before eye his
2 For he dide gilefuli in the siyt of God; that his wickidnesse be foundun to hatrede.
for to smooth to(wards) him in/on/with eye his to/for to find iniquity: crime his to/for to hate
3 The wordis of his mouth ben wickidnesse and gile, he nolde vndirstonde to do wel.
word lip his evil: wickedness and deceit to cease to/for be prudent to/for be good
4 He thouyte wickidnesse in his bed, he stood nyy al weie not good; forsothe he hatide not malice.
evil: wickedness to devise: devise upon bed his to stand upon way: conduct not pleasant bad: evil not to reject
5 Lord, thi merci is in heuene; and thi treuthe is `til to cloudis.
LORD in/on/with [the] heaven kindness your faithfulness your till cloud
6 Thi riytfulnesse is as the hillis of God; thi domes ben myche depthe of watris. Lord, thou schalt saue men and beestis;
righteousness your like/as mountain God (justice: judgement your *L(P)*) abyss many man and animal to save LORD
7 as thou, God, hast multiplied thi merci. But the sones of men; schulen hope in the hilyng of thi wyngis.
what? precious kindness your God and son: child man in/on/with shadow wing your to seek refuge [emph?]
8 Thei schulen be fillid gretli of the plentee of thin hows; and thou schalt yyue drynke to hem with the steef streem of thi likyng.
to quench [emph?] from ashes house: home your and torrent: river delicacy your to water: drink them
9 For the wel of life is at thee; and in thi liyt we schulen se liyt.
for with you fountain life in/on/with light your to see: see light
10 Lord, sette forth thi mercy to hem, that knowen thee; and thi ryytfulnesse to hem that ben of riytful herte.
to draw kindness your to/for to know you and righteousness your to/for upright heart
11 The foot of pryde come not to me; and the hond of the synnere moue me not.
not to come (in): come me foot pride and hand: power wicked not to wander me
12 There thei felden doun, that worchen wickidnesse; thei ben cast out, and myyten not stonde.
there to fall: fall to work evil: wickedness to thrust and not be able to arise: rise

< Psalms 36 >