< Psalms 31 >

1 To victorie, the salm of Dauid. Lord, Y hopide in thee, be Y not schent with outen ende; delyuere thou me in thi riytfulnesse.
In finem, Psalmus David, pro extasi. In te Domine speravi non confundar in æternum: in iustitia tua libera me.
2 Bouwe doun thin eere to me; haaste thou to delyuere me. Be thou to me in to God defendere, and in to an hows of refuyt; that thou make me saaf.
Inclina ad me aurem tuam, accelera ut eruas me. Esto mihi in Deum protectorem: et in domum refugii, ut salvum me facias.
3 For thou art my strengthe and my refuyt; and for thi name thou schalt lede me forth, and schalt nurische me.
Quoniam fortitudo mea, et refugium meum es tu: et propter nomen tuum deduces me, et enutries me.
4 Thou schalt lede me out of the snare, which thei hidden to me; for thou art my defendere.
Educes me de laqueo hoc, quem absconderunt mihi: quoniam tu es protector meus.
5 I bitake my spirit in to thin hondis; Lord God of treuthe, thou hast ayen bouyt me.
In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum: redemisti me Domine Deus veritatis.
6 Thou hatist hem that kepen vanytees superfluli.
Odisti observantes vanitates, supervacue. Ego autem in Domino speravi:
7 Forsothe Y hopide in the Lord; Y schal haue fulli ioie, and schal be glad in thi merci. For thou byheldist my mekenesse; thou sauedist my lijf fro nedis.
exultabo, et lætabor in misericordia tua. Quoniam respexisti humilitatem meam, salvasti de necessitatibus animam meam.
8 And thou closidist not me togidere withynne the hondis of the enemy; thou hast sett my feet in a large place.
Nec conclusisti me in manibus inimici: statuisti in loco spatioso pedes meos.
9 Lord, haue thou merci on me, for Y am troblid; myn iye is troblid in ire, my soule and my wombe `ben troblid.
Miserere mei Domine quoniam tribulor: conturbatus est in ira oculus meus, anima mea, et venter meus:
10 For whi my lijf failide in sorewe; and my yeeris in weilynges. Mi vertu is maad feble in pouert; and my boonys ben disturblid.
Quoniam defecit in dolore vita mea: et anni mei in gemitibus. Infirmata est in paupertate virtus mea: et ossa mea conturbata sunt.
11 Ouer alle myn enemyes Y am maad schenship greetli to my neiyboris; and drede to my knowun. Thei that sien me with outforth, fledden fro me; Y am youun to foryetyng,
Super omnes inimicos meos factus sum opprobrium et vicinis meis valde: et timor notis meis. Qui videbant me, foras fugerunt a me:
12 as a deed man fro herte. I am maad as a lorun vessel;
oblivioni datus sum, tamquam mortuus a corde. Factus sum tamquam vas perditum:
13 for Y herde dispisyng of many men dwellynge in cumpas. In that thing the while thei camen togidere ayens me; thei counceliden to take my lijf.
quoniam audivi vituperationem multorum commorantium in circuitu: In eo dum convenirent simul adversum me, accipere animam meam consiliati sunt.
14 But, Lord, Y hopide in thee; Y seide, Thou art my God; my tymes ben in thin hondis.
Ego autem in te speravi Domine: dixi: Deus meus es tu:
15 Delyuer thou me fro the hondis of mynen enemyes; and fro hem that pursuen me.
in manibus tuis sortes meæ. Eripe me de manu inimicorum meorum, et a persequentibus me.
16 Make thou cleer thi face on thi seruaunt; Lord, make thou me saaf in thi merci;
Illustra faciem tuam super servum tuum, salvum me fac in misericordia tua:
17 be Y not schent, for Y inwardli clepide thee. Unpitouse men be aschamed, and be led forth in to helle; (Sheol h7585)
Domine non confundar, quoniam invocavi te. Erubescant impii, et deducantur in infernum: (Sheol h7585)
18 gileful lippys be maad doumbe. That speken wickidnesse ayens a iust man; in pride, and in mysusyng.
muta fiant labia dolosa. Quæ loquuntur adversus iustum iniquitatem, in superbia, et in abusione.
19 Lord, the multitude of thi swetnesse is ful greet; which thou hast hid to men dredynge thee. Thou hast maad a perfit thing to hem, that hopen in thee; in the siyt of the sones of men.
Quam magna multitudo dulcedinis tuæ Domine, quam abscondisti timentibus te. Perfecisti eis, qui sperant in te, in conspectu filiorum hominum.
20 Thou schalt hide hem in the priuyte of thi face; fro disturblyng of men. Thou schalt defende hem in thi tabernacle; fro ayenseiyng of tungis.
Abscondes eos in abscondito faciei tuæ a conturbatione hominum. Proteges eos in tabernaculo tuo a contradictione linguarum.
21 Blessid be the Lord; for he hath maad wondurful his merci to me in a strengthid citee.
Benedictus Dominus: quoniam mirificavit misericordiam suam mihi in civitate munita.
22 Forsothe Y seide in the passyng of my soule; Y am cast out fro the face of thin iyen. Therfor thou herdist the vois of my preier; while Y criede to thee.
Ego autem dixi in excessu mentis meæ: Proiectus sum a facie oculorum tuorum. Ideo exaudisti vocem orationis meæ, dum clamarem ad te.
23 Alle ye hooli men of the Lord, loue hym; for the Lord schal seke treuthe, and he schal yelde plenteuousli to hem that doen pride.
Diligite Dominum omnes sancti eius: quoniam veritatem requiret Dominus, et retribuet abundanter facientibus superbiam.
24 Alle ye that hopen in the Lord, do manli; and youre herte be coumfortid.
Viriliter agite, et confortetur cor vestrum, omnes qui speratis in Domino.

< Psalms 31 >