< Psalms 31 >

1 To victorie, the salm of Dauid. Lord, Y hopide in thee, be Y not schent with outen ende; delyuere thou me in thi riytfulnesse.
大卫的诗,交与伶长。 耶和华啊,我投靠你; 求你使我永不羞愧; 凭你的公义搭救我!
2 Bouwe doun thin eere to me; haaste thou to delyuere me. Be thou to me in to God defendere, and in to an hows of refuyt; that thou make me saaf.
求你侧耳而听, 快快救我! 作我坚固的磐石, 拯救我的保障!
3 For thou art my strengthe and my refuyt; and for thi name thou schalt lede me forth, and schalt nurische me.
因为你是我的岩石,我的山寨; 所以,求你为你名的缘故引导我,指点我。
4 Thou schalt lede me out of the snare, which thei hidden to me; for thou art my defendere.
求你救我脱离人为我暗设的网罗, 因为你是我的保障。
5 I bitake my spirit in to thin hondis; Lord God of treuthe, thou hast ayen bouyt me.
我将我的灵魂交在你手里; 耶和华诚实的 神啊,你救赎了我。
6 Thou hatist hem that kepen vanytees superfluli.
我恨恶那信奉虚无之神的人; 我却倚靠耶和华。
7 Forsothe Y hopide in the Lord; Y schal haue fulli ioie, and schal be glad in thi merci. For thou byheldist my mekenesse; thou sauedist my lijf fro nedis.
我要为你的慈爱高兴欢喜; 因为你见过我的困苦,知道我心中的艰难。
8 And thou closidist not me togidere withynne the hondis of the enemy; thou hast sett my feet in a large place.
你未曾把我交在仇敌手里; 你使我的脚站在宽阔之处。
9 Lord, haue thou merci on me, for Y am troblid; myn iye is troblid in ire, my soule and my wombe `ben troblid.
耶和华啊,求你怜恤我, 因为我在急难之中; 我的眼睛因忧愁而干瘪, 连我的身心也不安舒。
10 For whi my lijf failide in sorewe; and my yeeris in weilynges. Mi vertu is maad feble in pouert; and my boonys ben disturblid.
我的生命为愁苦所消耗; 我的年岁为叹息所旷废。 我的力量因我的罪孽衰败; 我的骨头也枯干。
11 Ouer alle myn enemyes Y am maad schenship greetli to my neiyboris; and drede to my knowun. Thei that sien me with outforth, fledden fro me; Y am youun to foryetyng,
我因一切敌人成了羞辱, 在我的邻舍跟前更甚; 那认识我的都惧怕我, 在外头看见我的都躲避我。
12 as a deed man fro herte. I am maad as a lorun vessel;
我被人忘记,如同死人,无人记念; 我好像破碎的器皿。
13 for Y herde dispisyng of many men dwellynge in cumpas. In that thing the while thei camen togidere ayens me; thei counceliden to take my lijf.
我听见了许多人的谗谤, 四围都是惊吓; 他们一同商议攻击我的时候, 就图谋要害我的性命。
14 But, Lord, Y hopide in thee; Y seide, Thou art my God; my tymes ben in thin hondis.
耶和华啊,我仍旧倚靠你; 我说:你是我的 神。
15 Delyuer thou me fro the hondis of mynen enemyes; and fro hem that pursuen me.
我终身的事在你手中; 求你救我脱离仇敌的手和那些逼迫我的人。
16 Make thou cleer thi face on thi seruaunt; Lord, make thou me saaf in thi merci;
求你使你的脸光照仆人, 凭你的慈爱拯救我。
17 be Y not schent, for Y inwardli clepide thee. Unpitouse men be aschamed, and be led forth in to helle; (Sheol h7585)
耶和华啊,求你叫我不致羞愧, 因为我曾呼吁你; 求你使恶人羞愧, 使他们在阴间缄默无声。 (Sheol h7585)
18 gileful lippys be maad doumbe. That speken wickidnesse ayens a iust man; in pride, and in mysusyng.
那撒谎的人逞骄傲轻慢, 出狂妄的话攻击义人; 愿他的嘴哑而无言。
19 Lord, the multitude of thi swetnesse is ful greet; which thou hast hid to men dredynge thee. Thou hast maad a perfit thing to hem, that hopen in thee; in the siyt of the sones of men.
敬畏你、投靠你的人,你为他们所积存的, 在世人面前所施行的恩惠是何等大呢!
20 Thou schalt hide hem in the priuyte of thi face; fro disturblyng of men. Thou schalt defende hem in thi tabernacle; fro ayenseiyng of tungis.
你必把他们藏在你面前的隐密处, 免得遇见人的计谋; 你必暗暗地保守他们在亭子里, 免受口舌的争闹。
21 Blessid be the Lord; for he hath maad wondurful his merci to me in a strengthid citee.
耶和华是应当称颂的, 因为他在坚固城里向我施展奇妙的慈爱。
22 Forsothe Y seide in the passyng of my soule; Y am cast out fro the face of thin iyen. Therfor thou herdist the vois of my preier; while Y criede to thee.
至于我,我曾急促地说: 我从你眼前被隔绝。 然而,我呼求你的时候, 你仍听我恳求的声音。
23 Alle ye hooli men of the Lord, loue hym; for the Lord schal seke treuthe, and he schal yelde plenteuousli to hem that doen pride.
耶和华的圣民哪,你们都要爱他! 耶和华保护诚实人, 足足报应行事骄傲的人。
24 Alle ye that hopen in the Lord, do manli; and youre herte be coumfortid.
凡仰望耶和华的人, 你们都要壮胆,坚固你们的心!

< Psalms 31 >