< Psalms 21 >

1 To victorie, the salm of Dauid. Lord, the kyng schal be glad in thi vertu; and he schal ful out haue ioye greetli on thin helthe.
in finem psalmus David Domine in virtute tua laetabitur rex et super salutare tuum exultabit vehementer
2 Thou hast youe to hym the desire of his herte; and thou hast not defraudid hym of the wille of hise lippis.
desiderium animae eius tribuisti ei et voluntate labiorum eius non fraudasti eum diapsalma
3 For thou hast bifor come hym in the blessyngis of swetnesse; thou hast set on his heed a coroun of preciouse stoon.
quoniam praevenisti eum in benedictionibus dulcedinis posuisti in capite eius coronam de lapide pretioso
4 He axide of thee lijf, and thou yauest to hym; the lengthe of daies in to the world, `and in to the world of world.
vitam petiit a te et tribuisti ei longitudinem dierum in saeculum et in saeculum saeculi
5 His glorie is greet in thin helthe; thou schalt putte glorie, and greet fayrnesse on hym.
magna gloria eius in salutari tuo gloriam et magnum decorem inpones super eum
6 For thou schalt yyue hym in to blessing in to the world of world; thou schalt make hym glad in ioye with thi cheer.
quoniam dabis eum benedictionem in saeculum saeculi laetificabis eum in gaudio cum vultu tuo
7 For the kyng hopith in the Lord; and in the merci of the hiyeste he schal not be moued.
quoniam rex sperat in Domino et in misericordia Altissimi non commovebitur
8 Thyn hond be foundun to alle thin enemyes; thi riythond fynde alle hem that haten thee.
inveniatur manus tua omnibus inimicis tuis dextera tua inveniat omnes qui te oderunt
9 Thou schalt putte hem as a furneis of fier in the tyme of thi cheer; the Lord schal disturble hem in his ire, and fier schal deuoure hem.
pones eos ut clibanum ignis in tempore vultus tui Dominus in ira sua conturbabit eos et devorabit eos ignis
10 Thou schalt leese the fruyt of hem fro erthe; and `thou schalt leese the seed of hem fro the sones of men.
fructum eorum de terra perdes et semen eorum a filiis hominum
11 For thei bowiden yuels ayens thee; thei thouyten counseils, whiche thei myyten not stablische.
quoniam declinaverunt in te mala cogitaverunt consilia quae non potuerunt stabilire
12 For thou schalt putte hem abac; in thi relifs thou schalt make redi the cheer of hem.
quoniam pones eos dorsum in reliquis tuis praeparabis vultum eorum
13 Lord, be thou enhaunsid in thi vertu; we schulen synge, and seie opinly thi vertues.
exaltare Domine in virtute tua cantabimus et psallemus virtutes tuas

< Psalms 21 >