< Psalms 16 >

1 `Of the meke and symple, the salm of Dauid. Lord, kepe thou me, for Y haue hopid in thee;
ダビデがミクタムの歌 ヱホバよねがはくは我を護りたまへ 我なんぢに依頼む
2 Y seide to the Lord, Thou art my God, for thou hast no nede of my goodis.
われヱホにいへらくなんぢはわが主なり なんぢのほかにわが福祉はなしと
3 To the seyntis that ben in the lond of hym; he made wondurful alle my willis in hem.
4 The sikenessis of hem ben multiplied; aftirward thei hastiden. I schal not gadire togidere the conuenticulis, `ethir litle couentis, of hem of bloodis; and Y schal not be myndeful of her names bi my lippis.
ヱホバにかへて他神をとるものの悲哀はいやまさん 我かれらがささぐる血の御酒をそそがず その名を口にとなふることをせじ
5 The Lord is part of myn eritage, and of my passion; thou art, that schalt restore myn eritage to me.
ヱホバはわが嗣業またわが酒杯にうくべき有なり なんぢはわが所領をまもりたまはん
6 Coordis felden to me in ful clere thingis; for myn eritage is ful cleer to me.
準繩はわがために樂しき地におちたり 宜われよき嗣業をえたるかな
7 I schal blesse the Lord, that yaf vndurstondyng to me; ferthermore and my reynes blameden me `til to nyyt.
われは訓諭をさづけたまふヱホバをほめまつらん 夜はわが心われををしふ
8 I purueide euere the Lord in my siyt; for he is on the riythalf to me, that Y be not moued.
われ常にヱホバをわが前におけり ヱホバわが右にいませばわれ動かさるることなかるべし
9 For this thing myn herte was glad, and my tunge ioyede fulli; ferthermore and my fleisch schal reste in hope.
このゆゑにわが心はたのしみ わが榮はよろこぶ わが身もまた平安にをらん
10 For thou schalt not forsake my soule in helle; nether thou schalt yyue thin hooli to se corrupcioun. (Sheol h7585)
そは汝わがたましひを陰府にすておきたまはず なんぢの聖者を墓のなかに朽しめたまはざる可ればなり (Sheol h7585)
11 Thou hast maad knowun to me the weies of lijf; thou schalt fille me of gladnesse with thi cheer; delityngis ben in thi riythalf `til in to the ende.
なんぢ生命の道をわれに示したまはん なんぢの前には充足るよろこびあり なんぢの右にはもろもろの快樂とこしへにあり

< Psalms 16 >