< Psalms 144 >

1 `A salm. Blessid be my Lord God, that techith myn hondis to werre; and my fyngris to batel.
大卫的诗。 耶和华—我的磐石是应当称颂的! 他教导我的手争战, 教导我的指头打仗。
2 Mi merci, and my refuyt; my takere vp, and my delyuerer. Mi defender, and Y hopide in him; and thou makist suget my puple vnder me.
他是我慈爱的主,我的山寨, 我的高台,我的救主, 我的盾牌,是我所投靠的; 他使我的百姓服在我以下。
3 Lord, what is a man, for thou hast maad knowun to him; ether the sone of man, for thou arettist him of sum valu?
耶和华啊,人算什么,你竟认识他! 世人算什么,你竟顾念他!
4 A man is maad lijk vanyte; hise daies passen as schadow.
人好像一口气; 他的年日如同影儿快快过去。
5 Lord, bowe doun thin heuenes, and come thou doun; touche thou hillis, and thei schulen make smoke.
耶和华啊,求你使天下垂,亲自降临, 摸山,山就冒烟。
6 Leite thou schynyng, and thou schalt scatere hem; sende thou out thin arowis, and thou schalt disturble hem.
求你发出闪电,使他们四散, 射出你的箭,使他们扰乱。
7 Sende out thin hond fro an hiy, rauysche thou me out, and delyuere thou me fro many watris; and fro the hond of alien sones.
求你从上伸手救拔我, 救我出离大水, 救我脱离外邦人的手。
8 The mouth of which spak vanite; and the riythond of hem is the riyt hond of wickidnesse.
他们的口说谎话; 他们的右手起假誓。
9 God, Y schal synge to thee a new song; I schal seie salm to thee in a sautre of ten stringis.
神啊,我要向你唱新歌, 用十弦瑟向你歌颂。
10 Which yyuest heelthe to kingis; which ayen bouytist Dauid, thi seruaunt, fro the wickid swerd rauische thou out me.
你是那拯救君王的; 你是那救仆人大卫脱离害命之刀的。
11 And delyuere thou me fro `the hond of alien sones; the mouth of whiche spak vanyte, and the riythond of hem is the riyt hond of wickidnesse.
求你救拔我, 救我脱离外邦人的手。 他们的口说谎话; 他们的右手起假誓。
12 Whose sones ben; as new plauntingis in her yongthe. The douytris of hem ben arayed; ourned about as the licnesse of the temple.
我们的儿子从幼年好像树栽子长大; 我们的女儿如同殿角石, 是按建宫的样式凿成的。
13 The selers of hem ben fulle; bringinge out fro this vessel in to that. The scheep of hem ben with lambre, plenteuouse in her goingis out;
我们的仓盈满,能出各样的粮食; 我们的羊在田间孳生千万。
14 her kien ben fatte. `No falling of wal is, nether passing ouere; nether cry is in the stretis of hem.
我们的牛驮着满驮, 没有人闯进来抢夺, 也没有人出去争战; 我们的街市上也没有哭号的声音。
15 Thei seiden, `The puple is blessid, that hath these thingis; blessid is the puple, whos Lord is the God of it.
遇见这光景的百姓便为有福! 有耶和华为他们的 神,这百姓便为有福!

< Psalms 144 >