< Psalms 13 >

1 To the victorie of Dauid. Lord, hou long foryetist thou me in to the ende? hou long turnest thou awei thi face fro me?
Mpaka lini, Yahweh, utaendelea kunisahau? Ni kwa muda gani utauficha uso wako nisiuone?
2 Hou long schal Y sette counsels in my soule; sorewe in my herte bi dai?
Ni kwa muda gani nitalazimika kuhofu na kuhuzunika moyoni mwangu kila siku? Ni kwa muda gani adui zangu watanishida?
3 Hou long schal myn enemy be reisid on me?
Unitazame na unijibu, Yahwe Mungu wangu! Nipe mwanga machoni pangu, vinginevyo nitalala katika mauti.
4 My Lord God, biholde thou, and here thou me. Liytne thou myn iyen, lest ony tyme Y slepe in deth;
Usimuache adui yangu aseme, “Nimemshinda huyu,” ili kwamba asiweze kusema, “Nimemtawala adui yangu;” la sivyo, maadui zangu watafurahia nitakapo shushwa chini.
5 lest ony tyme myn enemye seie, Y hadde the maistri ayens hym. Thei, that troblen me, schulen haue ioie, if Y schal be stirid; forsothe Y hopide in thi merci.
Lakini nimeamini katika uaminifu wa agano lako; moyo wangu wafurahia katika wokovu wako.
6 Myn herte schal fulli haue ioie in thin helthe; Y schal synge to the Lord, that yyueth goodis to me, and Y schal seie salm to the name of the hiyeste Lord.
Nitamuimbia Yahwe kwa kuwa ameniganga kwa ukarimu kabisa.

< Psalms 13 >