< Psalms 13 >

1 To the victorie of Dauid. Lord, hou long foryetist thou me in to the ende? hou long turnest thou awei thi face fro me?
[Psalm lal David] LEUM GOD, kom ac mulkinyula putaka? Ya kom ac mulkinyula ma pahtpat? Kom ac wikinkomla likiyu nwe ngac?
2 Hou long schal Y sette counsels in my soule; sorewe in my herte bi dai?
Putaka nga ac muteng mwe keok nu sik? Ac putaka insiuk ac toasrkin ma inge ke len ac fong? Putaka mwet lokoalok luk ac kutangyula?
3 Hou long schal myn enemy be reisid on me?
Ngetma nu sik, O LEUM GOD luk, ac topukyu. Folokonak ku luk, ac tia lela nga in misa.
4 My Lord God, biholde thou, and here thou me. Liytne thou myn iyen, lest ony tyme Y slepe in deth;
Nikmet lela tuh mwet lokoalok luk in fahk, “Kut kutangulla.” Nikmet lela elos in isrunyu ke munasla luk.
5 lest ony tyme myn enemye seie, Y hadde the maistri ayens hym. Thei, that troblen me, schulen haue ioie, if Y schal be stirid; forsothe Y hopide in thi merci.
Nga lulalfongi na lungse pwaye lom; Nga ac fah insewowo mweyen kom ac fah moliyula.
6 Myn herte schal fulli haue ioie in thin helthe; Y schal synge to the Lord, that yyueth goodis to me, and Y schal seie salm to the name of the hiyeste Lord.
Nga ac fah on nu sum, O LEUM GOD, Mweyen kom nuna wo nu sik.

< Psalms 13 >