< Psalms 113 >

1 Alleluya. Children, preise ye the Lord; preise ye the name of the Lord.
2 The name of the Lord be blessid; fro this tyme now and til in to the world.
3 Fro the risyng of the sunne til to the goyng doun; the name of the Lord is worthi to be preisid.
4 The Lord is hiy aboue alle folkis; and his glorie is aboue heuenes.
ヱホバはもろもろの國の上にありてたかく その榮光は天よりもたかし
5 Who is as oure Lord God, that dwellith in hiye thingis;
われらの神ヱホバにたぐふべき者はたれぞや 寳座をその高處にすゑ己をひくくして天と地とをかへりみ給ふ
6 and biholdith meke thingis in heuene and in erthe?
われらの神ヱホバにたぐふべき者はたれぞや 寳座をその高處にすゑ己をひくくして天と地とをかへりみ給ふ
7 Reisynge a nedi man fro the erthe; and enhaunsinge a pore man fro drit.
8 That he sette hym with princes; with the princes of his puple.
もろもろの諸侯とともにすわらせ その民のきみたちと共にすわらせたまはん
9 Which makith a bareyn womman dwelle in the hous; a glad modir of sones.
又はらみなき婦に家をまもらせ おほくの子女のよろこばしき母たらしめたまふ ヱホバを讃まつれ

< Psalms 113 >