< Psalms 11 >

1 To the victorie of Dauid. I triste in the Lord; hou seien ye to my soule, Passe thou ouere in to an hil, as a sparowe doith?
大卫的诗,交与伶长。 我是投靠耶和华; 你们怎么对我说:你当像鸟飞往你的山去。
2 For lo! synneris han bent a bouwe; thei han maad redi her arowis in an arowe caas; `for to schete in derknesse riytful men in herte.
看哪,恶人弯弓,把箭搭在弦上, 要在暗中射那心里正直的人。
3 For thei han distryed, whom thou hast maad perfit; but what dide the riytful man?
根基若毁坏, 义人还能做什么呢?
4 The Lord is in his hooli temple; he is Lord, his seete is in heuene. Hise iyen biholden on a pore man; hise iyelidis axen the sones of men.
耶和华在他的圣殿里; 耶和华的宝座在天上; 他的慧眼察看世人。
5 The Lord axith a iust man, and vnfeithful man; but he, that loueth wickidnesse, hatith his soule.
耶和华试验义人; 惟有恶人和喜爱强暴的人,他心里恨恶。
6 He schal reyne snaris on `synful men; fier, brymston, and the spirit of tempestis ben the part of the cuppe of hem.
他要向恶人密布网罗; 有烈火、硫磺、热风,作他们杯中的分。
7 For the Lord is riytful, and louede riytfulnessis; his cheer siy equite, `ethir euennesse.
因为耶和华是公义的,他喜爱公义; 正直人必得见他的面。

< Psalms 11 >