< Psalms 109 >

1 To victorye, the salm of Dauid.
Kumutungamiri wokuimba. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Haiwa Mwari, imi wandinorumbidza, regai kunyarara,
2 God, holde thou not stille my preisyng; for the mouth of the synner, and the mouth of the gileful man is openyd on me.
nokuti vanhu vakaipa vanonyengera vakandishamira miromo yavo; vakataura nhema pamusoro pangu nendimi dzavo.
3 Thei spaken ayens me with a gileful tunge, and thei cumpassiden me with wordis of hatrede; and fouyten ayens me with out cause.
Vakandikomba namashoko okuvenga; vanorwa neni pasina mhosva.
4 For that thing that thei schulden loue me, thei bacbitiden me; but Y preiede.
Pachinzvimbo choushamwari hwangu navo, vanondipa mhosva, asi ini ndiri munhu wokunyengetera.
5 And thei settiden ayens me yuelis for goodis; and hatrede for my loue.
Vanonditsivira zvakaipa pane zvakanaka, uye vanondivengera ushamwari hwangu.
6 Ordeyne thou a synner on him; and the deuel stonde on his riyt half.
Tumai munhu akaipa kuti apikisane naye; mupomeri ngaamire kuruoko rwake rworudyi.
7 Whanne he is demed, go he out condempned; and his preier `be maad in to synne.
Paanotongwa, ngaawanikwe ane mhosva, uye minyengetero yake ngaimupe mhaka.
8 Hise daies be maad fewe; and another take his bischopriche.
Mazuva ake ngaave mashoma; mumwe ngaatore nzvimbo youkuru hwake.
9 Hise sones be maad faderles; and his wijf a widewe.
Vana vake ngavave nherera, uye mukadzi wake ave chirikadzi.
10 Hise sones tremblinge be born ouer, and begge; and be cast out of her habitaciouns.
Vana vake ngavave vapemhi vanodzungaira; ngavadzingwe vabve mumatongo emisha yavo.
11 An vsurere seke al his catel; and aliens rauysche hise trauelis.
Waakakwereta ngaatore zvose zvaanazvo; vatorwa ngavapambe zvose zvaakashandira.
12 Noon helpere be to him; nether ony be that haue mercy on hise modirles children.
Ngakurege kuva neanomunzwira ngoni kana kunzwira tsitsi nherera dzake.
13 Hise sones be maad in to perisching; the name of him be don awei in oon generacioun.
Zvizvarwa zvake ngazvirove, mazita avo adzimwe parudzi runotevera.
14 The wickidnesse of hise fadris come ayen in to mynde in the siyt of the Lord; and the synne of his modir be not don awei.
Mhosva yamadzibaba ake ngairangarirwe pamberi paJehovha; chivi chamai vake ngachirege kumbodzimwa.
15 Be thei maad euere ayens the Lord; and the mynde of hem perische fro erthe.
Zvivi zvavo ngazvirambe zviri pamberi paJehovha, kuti aparadze chirangaridzo chavo panyika.
16 For that thing that he thouyte not to do merci,
Nokuti haana kumbofunga kuita zvakanaka, asi akavhima varombo kusvika parufu, vanoshayiwa navane mwoyo yakaputsika.
17 and he pursuede a pore man and beggere; and to slee a man compunct in herte.
Aifarira kutaura chituko, ngachichiuya pamusoro pake; iye asina kufadzwa nokuropafadza, ngakuve kure naye.
18 And he louede cursing, and it schal come to hym; and he nolde blessing, and it schal be maad fer fro him. And he clothide cursing as a cloth, and it entride as water in to hise ynnere thingis; and as oile in hise boonus.
Aifuka kutuka senguo yake; zvakapinda mumuviri wake semvura, nomumapfupa ake samafuta.
19 Be it maad to him as a cloth, with which he is hilyd; and as a girdil, with which he is euere gird.
Ngazvive sejasi rakamonerwa paari, sebhanhire rakasungirirwa paari nokusingaperi.
20 This is the werk of hem that bacbiten me anentis the Lord; and that speke yuels ayens my lijf.
Uyu ngauve muripo waJehovha kuvapomeri vangu, kuna avo vanotaura zvakaipa pamusoro pangu.
21 And thou, Lord, Lord, do with me for thi name; for thi merci is swete.
Asi imi, Ishe Jehovha, ndiitirei zvakanaka nokuda kwezita renyu; ndirwirei, kubudikidza nokunaka kworudo rwenyu.
22 Delyuere thou me, for Y am nedi and pore; and myn herte is disturblid with ynne me.
Nokuti ndiri murombo uye ndinoshayiwa, uye mwoyo wangu wakuvara mukati mangu.
23 I am takun awei as a schadowe, whanne it bowith awei; and Y am schakun awei as locustis.
Ndinopera somumvuri wamadekwana; ndinozunzwa semhashu.
24 Mi knees ben maad feble of fasting; and my fleische was chaungid for oile.
Mabvi angu apera simba nokutsanya; muviri wangu waonda uye ndaonda kwazvo.
25 And Y am maad schenschipe to hem; thei sien me, and moueden her heedis.
Ndiri chinhu chinosekwa navapomeri vangu; pavanondiona, vanodzungudza misoro yavo.
26 Mi Lord God, helpe thou me; make thou me saaf bi thi merci.
Ndibatsirei, imi Jehovha Mwari wangu; ndiponesei zvakafanira rudo rwenyu.
27 And thei schulen wite, that this is thin hond; and thou, Lord, hast do it.
Ngavazive kuti ndirwo ruoko rwenyu, kuti imi, iyemi Jehovha, makazviita.
28 Thei schulen curse, and thou schalt blesse, thei that risen ayens me, be schent; but thi seruaunt schal be glad.
Ivo vangatuka havo, asi imi mucharopafadza; vachanyadziswa pavanorwisa, asi muranda wenyu achafara.
29 Thei that bacbiten me, be clothid with schame; and be thei hilid with her schenschipe as with a double cloth.
Vapomeri vangu vachafukidzwa nenyadzi, uye vachaputirwa nokunyara sokunge nejasi.
30 I schal knouleche to the Lord greetli with my mouth; and Y schal herie hym in the myddil of many men.
Ndicharumbidza Jehovha nomuromo wangu zvikuru; paungano huru, ndichamurumbidza.
31 Which stood nyy on the riyt half of a pore man; to make saaf my soule fro pursueris.
Nokuti anomira kuruoko rworudyi rwouyo anoshayiwa, kuti amuponese pane avo vanomupomera mhosva.

< Psalms 109 >