< Psalms 108 >

1 The song of `the salm of Dauid. Min herte is redi, God, myn herte is redi; Y schal singe, and Y schal seie salm in my glorie.
canticum psalmi David paratum cor meum Deus paratum cor meum cantabo et psallam in gloria mea
2 My glorie, ryse thou vp, sautrie and harp, rise thou vp; Y schal rise vp eerli.
exsurge psalterium et cithara exsurgam diluculo
3 Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee among puplis; and Y schal seie salm to thee among naciouns.
confitebor tibi in populis Domine et psallam tibi in nationibus
4 For whi, God, thi merci is greet on heuenes; and thi treuthe is til to the cloudis.
quia magna super caelos misericordia tua et usque ad nubes veritas tua
5 God, be thou enhaunsid aboue heuenes; and thi glorie ouer al erthe.
exaltare super caelos Deus et super omnem terram gloria tua
6 That thi derlingis be delyuerid, make thou saaf with thi riythond, and here me; God spak in his hooli.
ut liberentur dilecti tui salvum fac dextera tua et exaudi me
7 I schal make ful out ioye, and Y schal departe Siccimam; and Y schal mete the grete valei of tabernaclis.
Deus locutus est in sancto suo exaltabor et dividam Sicima et convallem tabernaculorum dimetiar
8 Galaad is myn, and Manasses is myn; and Effraym is the vptaking of myn heed. Juda is my king; Moab is the caudron of myn hope.
meus est Galaad et meus est Manasse et Effraim susceptio capitis mei Iuda rex meus
9 In to Ydume Y schal stretche forth my scho; aliens ben maad frendis to me.
Moab lebes spei meae in Idumeam extendam calciamentum meum mihi alienigenae amici facti sunt
10 Who schal lede me forth in to a stronge citee; who schal lede me forth til in to Idume?
quis deducet me in civitatem munitam quis deducet me usque in Idumeam
11 Whether not thou, God, that hast put vs awei; and, God, schalt thou not go out in oure vertues?
nonne tu Deus qui reppulisti nos et non exibis Deus in virtutibus nostris
12 Yyue thou help to vs of tribulacioun; for the heelthe of man is veyn.
da nobis auxilium de tribulatione quia vana salus hominis
13 We schulen make vertu in God; and he schal bringe oure enemyes to nouyt.
in Deo faciemus virtutem et ipse ad nihilum deducet inimicos nostros

< Psalms 108 >