< Psalms 102 >

1 The preier of a pore man, whanne he was angwishid, and schedde out his speche bifore the Lord. Lord, here thou my preier; and my crie come to thee.
Usliši mojo molitev, oh Gospod in moje vpitje naj pride do tebe.
2 Turne not awei thi face fro me; in what euere dai Y am troblid, bowe doun thin eere to me. In what euere day Y schal inwardli clepe thee; here thou me swiftli.
Svojega obraza ne skrivaj pred menoj na dan, ko sem v stiski; nagni k meni svoje uho. Na dan, ko kličem, mi naglo odgovori.
3 For my daies han failid as smoke; and my boonus han dried vp as critouns.
Kajti moji dnevi so použiti kakor dim in moje kosti so sežgane kakor ognjišče.
4 I am smytun as hei, and myn herte dried vp; for Y haue foryete to eete my breed.
Moje srce je prizadeto in ovenelo kakor trava, tako da pozabljam jesti svoj kruh.
5 Of the vois of my weilyng; my boon cleuede to my fleische.
Zaradi glasu mojega stokanja se moje kosti lepijo na mojo kožo.
6 I am maad lijk a pellican of wildirnesse; Y am maad as a niyt crowe in an hous.
Podoben sem pelikanu iz divjine; podoben sem sovi v puščavi.
7 I wakide; and Y am maad as a solitarie sparowe in the roof.
Bedim in sem kakor vrabec sam na strehi.
8 Al dai myn enemyes dispisiden me; and thei that preisiden me sworen ayens me.
Moji sovražniki me ves dan grajajo in tisti, ki so besni name, prisegajo zoper mene.
9 For Y eet aschis as breed; and Y meddlide my drinke with weping.
Kajti pepel sem jedel kakor kruh in svojo pijačo sem mešal z jokom,
10 Fro the face of the ire of thin indignacioun; for thou reisinge me hast hurtlid me doun.
zaradi tvojega ogorčenja in tvojega besa, kajti vzdignil si me in me vrgel dol.
11 Mi daies boweden awei as a schadewe; and Y wexede drie as hei.
Moji dnevi so kakor senca, ki se zmanjšuje in izsušen sem kakor trava.
12 But, Lord, thou dwellist with outen ende; and thi memorial in generacioun and in to generacioun.
Toda ti, oh Gospod, boš ostal na veke in tvoj spomin vsem rodovom.
13 Lord, thou risinge vp schalt haue merci on Sion; for the tyme `to haue merci therof cometh, for the tyme cometh.
Vstal boš in imel usmiljenje do Siona, kajti čas, da mu [izkažeš] naklonjenost, da, določeni čas je prišel.
14 For the stones therof plesiden thi seruauntis; and thei schulen haue merci on the lond therof.
Kajti tvoji služabniki uživajo v njegovih kamnih in so naklonjeni njegovemu prahu.
15 And, Lord, hethen men schulen drede thi name; and alle kingis of erthe schulen drede thi glori.
Tako se bodo pogani bali Gospodovega imena in vsi kralji zemlje tvoje slave.
16 For the Lord hath bildid Sion; and he schal be seen in his glorie.
Ko bo Gospod zgradil Sion, se bo prikazal v svoji slavi.
17 He bihelde on the preier of meke men; and he dispiside not the preier of hem.
Upošteval bo molitev revežev in ne bo preziral njihove molitve.
18 Be these thingis writun in an othere generacioun; and the puple that schal be maad schal preise the Lord.
To bo zapisano za prihajajoči rod; in ljudstvo, ki bo ustvarjeno, bo hvalilo Gospoda.
19 For he bihelde fro his hiye hooli place; the Lord lokide fro heuene in to erthe.
Kajti on je pogledal dol iz višine svojega svetišča, z nebes je Gospod pogledal zemljo,
20 For to here the weilingis of feterid men; and for to vnbynde the sones of slayn men.
da usliši stokanje jetnika, da osvobodi tiste, ki so določeni za smrt,
21 That thei telle in Sion the name of the Lord; and his preising in Jerusalem.
da oznani Gospodovo ime na Sionu in njegovo hvalo v Jeruzalemu,
22 In gaderinge togidere puplis in to oon; and kingis, that thei serue the Lord.
ko se zberejo skupaj ljudstva in kraljestva, da služijo Gospodu.
23 It answeride to hym in the weie of his vertu; Telle thou to me the fewnesse of my daies.
Oslabil je mojo moč na poti, skrajšal je moje dneve.
24 Ayenclepe thou not me in the myddil of my daies; thi yeris ben in generacioun and in to generacioun.
Rekel sem: »Oh moj Bog, ne odstrani me v sredi mojih dni; tvoja leta so skozi vse rodove.«
25 Lord, thou foundidist the erthe in the bigynnyng; and heuenes ben the werkis of thin hondis.
Od davnine si položil temelj zemlji in nebo je delo tvojih rok.
26 Tho schulen perische, but thou dwellist perfitli; and alle schulen wexe eelde as a clooth. And thou schalt chaunge hem as an hiling, and tho schulen be chaungid;
Ta [dva] bosta izginila, toda ti boš ostal. Da, vsa se bosta postarala kakor obleka; zamenjal ju boš kakor suknjo in bosta zamenjani,
27 but thou art the same thi silf, and thi yeeris schulen not faile.
toda ti si isti in tvoja leta ne bodo imela konca.
28 The sones of thi seruauntis schulen dwelle; and the seed of hem schal be dressid in to the world.
Otroci tvojih služabnikov bodo nadaljevali in njihovo seme bo utrjeno pred teboj.

< Psalms 102 >