< Psalms 10 >

1 Lord, whi hast thou go fer awei? thou dispisist `in couenable tymes in tribulacioun.
耶和华啊,你为什么站在远处? 在患难的时候为什么隐藏?
2 While the wickid is proud, the pore man is brent; thei ben taken in the counsels, bi whiche thei thenken.
恶人在骄横中把困苦人追得火急; 愿他们陷在自己所设的计谋里。
3 Forwhi the synnere is preisid in the desiris of his soule; and the wickid is blessid.
因为恶人以心愿自夸; 贪财的背弃耶和华,并且轻慢他。
4 The synnere `wraththide the Lord; vp the multitude of his ire he schal not seke.
恶人面带骄傲,说:耶和华必不追究; 他一切所想的都以为没有 神。
5 God is not in his siyt; hise weies ben defoulid in al tyme. God, thi domes ben takun awei fro his face; he schal be lord of alle hise enemyes.
凡他所做的,时常稳固; 你的审判超过他的眼界。 至于他一切的敌人, 他都向他们喷气。
6 For he seide in his herte, Y schal not be moued, fro generacioun in to generacioun without yuel.
他心里说:我必不动摇, 世世代代不遭灾难。
7 `Whos mouth is ful of cursyng, and of bitternesse, and of gyle; trauel and sorewe is vndur his tunge.
他满口是咒骂、诡诈、欺压, 舌底是毒害、奸恶。
8 He sittith in aspies with ryche men in priuytees; to sle the innocent man.
他在村庄埋伏等候; 他在隐密处杀害无辜的人。 他的眼睛窥探无倚无靠的人;
9 Hise iyen biholden on a pore man; he settith aspies in hid place, as a lioun in his denne. He settith aspies, for to rauysche a pore man; for to rauysche a pore man, while he drawith the pore man.
他埋伏在暗地,如狮子蹲在洞中。 他埋伏,要掳去困苦人; 他拉网,就把困苦人掳去。
10 In his snare he schal make meke the pore man; he schal bowe hym silf, and schal falle doun, whanne he hath be lord of pore men.
他屈身蹲伏, 无倚无靠的人就倒在他爪牙之下。
11 For he seide in his herte, God hath foryete; he hath turned awei his face, that he se not in to the ende.
他心里说: 神竟忘记了; 他掩面永不观看。
12 Lord God, rise thou vp, and thin hond be enhaunsid; foryete thou not pore men.
耶和华啊,求你起来! 神啊,求你举手,不要忘记困苦人!
13 For what thing terride the wickid man God to wraththe? for he seide in his herte, God schal not seke.
恶人为何轻慢 神, 心里说:你必不追究?
14 Thou seest, for thou biholdist trauel and sorewe; that thou take hem in to thin hondis. The pore man is left to thee; thou schalt be an helpere to the fadirles and modirles.
其实你已经观看; 因为奸恶毒害,你都看见了, 为要以手施行报应。 无倚无靠的人把自己交托你; 你向来是帮助孤儿的。
15 Al to-breke thou the arme of the synnere, and yuel willid; his synne schal be souyt, and it schal not be foundun.
愿你打断恶人的膀臂; 至于坏人,愿你追究他的恶,直到净尽。
16 The Lord schal regne with outen ende, and in to the world of world; folkis, ye schulen perische fro the lond of hym.
耶和华永永远远为王; 外邦人从他的地已经灭绝了。
17 The Lord hath herd the desir of pore men; thin eere hath herd the makyng redi of her herte.
耶和华啊,谦卑人的心愿, 你早已知道。 你必预备他们的心, 也必侧耳听他们的祈求,
18 To deme for the modirles `and meke; that a man `leie to no more to `magnyfie hym silf on erthe.
为要给孤儿和受欺压的人伸冤, 使强横的人不再威吓他们。

< Psalms 10 >