< Proverbs 1 >

1 The parablis of Salomon, the sone of Dauid, king of Israel;
2 to kunne wisdom and kunnyng;
3 to vndurstonde the wordis of prudence; and to take the lernyng of teching; to take riytfulnesse, and dom, and equyte;
4 that felnesse be youun to litle children, and kunnyng, and vndurstonding to a yong wexynge man.
5 A wise man heringe schal be wisere; and a man vndurstondinge schal holde gouernails.
智慧ある者は之を聞て學にすすみ 哲者は智略をうべし
6 He schal perseyue a parable, and expownyng; the wordis of wise men, and the derk figuratif spechis of hem.
7 The drede of the Lord is the bigynning of wisdom; foolis dispisen wisdom and teching.
ヱホバを畏るるは知識の本なり 愚なる者は智慧と訓誨とを軽んず
8 My sone, here thou the teching of thi fadir, and forsake thou not the lawe of thi modir;
我が子よ汝の父の敎をきけ 汝の母の法を棄ることなかれ
9 that grace be addid, ethir encreessid, to thin heed, and a bie to thi necke.
これ汝の首の美しき冠となり 汝の項の妝飾とならん
10 Mi sone, if synneris flateren thee, assente thou not to hem.
11 If thei seien, Come thou with vs, sette we aspies to blood, hide we snaris of disseitis ayens an innocent without cause;
彼等なんぢにむかひて請ふ われらと偕にきたれ 我儕まちぶせして人の血を流し 無辜ものを故なきに伏てねらひ
12 swolowe we him, as helle swolowith a man lyuynge; and al hool, as goynge doun in to a lake; we schulen fynde al preciouse catel, (Sheol h7585)
陰府のごとく彼等を活たるままにて呑み 壯健なる者を墳に下る者のごとくになさん (Sheol h7585)
13 we schulen fille oure housis with spuylis; sende thou lot with vs,
われら各樣のたふとき財貨をえ 奪ひ取たる物をもて我儕の家に盈さん
14 o purs be of vs alle;
汝われらと偕に籤をひけ 我儕とともに一の金嚢を持べしと云とも
15 my sone, go thou not with hem; forbede thi foot fro the pathis of hem.
我が子よ彼等とともに途を歩むことなかれ 汝の足を禁めてその路にゆくこと勿れ
16 For the feet of hem rennen to yuel; and thei hasten to schede out blood.
そは彼らの足は惡に趨り 血を流さんとて急げばなり
17 But a net is leid in veyn bifore the iyen of briddis, that han wengis.
18 Also `thilke wickid disseyueris setten aspies ayens her owne blood; and maken redi fraudis ayens her soulis.
彼等はおのれの血のために埋伏し おのれの命をふしてねらふ
19 So the pathis of ech auerouse man rauyschen the soulis of hem that welden.
凡て利を貧る者の途はかくの如し 是その持主をして生命をうしなはしむるなり
20 Wisdom prechith with outforth; in stretis it yyueth his vois.
21 It crieth ofte in the heed of cumpenyes; in the leeues of yatis of the citee it bringith forth hise wordis,
熱閙しき所にさけび 城市の門の口邑の中にその言をのべていふ
22 and seith, Hou long, ye litle men in wit, louen yong childhod, and foolis schulen coueyte tho thingis, that ben harmful to hem silf, and vnprudent men schulen hate kunnyng?
なんぢら拙者のつたなきを愛し 嘲笑者のあざけりを樂しみ 愚なる者の知識を惡むは幾時までぞや
23 Be ye conuertid at my repreuyng; lo, Y schal profre forth to you my spirit, and Y schal schewe my wordis.
わが督斥にしたがひて心を改めよ 視よわれ我が霊を汝らにそそぎ 我が言をなんぢらに示さん
24 For Y clepide, and ye forsoken; Y helde forth myn hond, and noon was that bihelde.
われ呼たれども汝らこたへず 手を伸たれども顧る者なく
25 Ye dispisiden al my councel; and chargiden not my blamyngis.
26 And Y schal leiye in youre perisching; and Y schal scorne you, whanne that, that ye dreden, cometh to you.
われ汝らが禍災にあふとき之を笑ひ 汝らの恐懼きたらんとき嘲るべし
27 Whanne sodeyne wretchidnesse fallith in, and perisching bifallith as tempest; whanne tribulacioun and angwisch cometh on you.
これは汝らのおそれ颶風の如くきたり 汝らのほろび颺風の如くきたり 艱難とかなしみと汝らにきたらん時なり
28 Thanne thei schulen clepe me, and Y schal not here; thei schulen rise eerli, and thei schulen not fynde me.
そのとき彼等われを呼ばん 然れどわれ應へじ 只管に我を求めん されど我に遇じ
29 For thei hatiden teching, and thei token not the drede of the Lord,
30 nether assentiden to my councel, and depraueden al myn amendyng.
31 Therfor thei schulen ete the fruytis of her weie; and thei schulen be fillid with her counseils.
32 The turnyng awei of litle men in wit schal sle hem; and the prosperite of foolis schal leese hem.
拙者の違逆はおのれを殺し 愚なる者の幸福はおのれを滅さん
33 But he that herith me, schal reste with outen drede; and he schal vse abundaunce, whanne the drede of yuels is takun awei.

< Proverbs 1 >