< Proverbs 8 >

1 Whether wisdom crieth not ofte; and prudence yyueth his vois?
Ko, uchenjeri hahudanidziri here? Kunzwisisa hakusimudziri inzwi rako here?
2 In souereyneste and hiy coppis, aboue the weie, in the myddis of pathis,
Panzvimbo dzakakwirira panzira, pamharadzano dzenzira, ndipo pahumire;
3 and it stondith bisidis the yate of the citee, in thilke closyngis, and spekith, and seith, A!
parutivi rwamasuo okupinda muguta, pamikova, hunodanidzirisa huchiti,
4 ye men, Y crie ofte to you; and my vois is to the sones of men.
“Kwamuri, imi varume, ndinodanidzira; ndinosimudzira inzwi rangu kuvanhu vose.
5 Litle children, vndirstonde ye wisdom; and ye vnwise men, `perseyue wisdom.
Imi vasina mano, wanai uchenjeri; imi mapenzi, wanai kunzwisisa.
6 Here ye, for Y schal speke of grete thingis; and my lippis schulen be openyd, to preche riytful thingis.
Teererai, nokuti ndine zvinhu zvinokosha zvokutaura; ndinozarura muromo wangu kuti nditaure zvakarurama.
7 My throte schal bithenke treuthe; and my lippis schulen curse a wickid man.
Muromo wangu unotaura zvokwadi, nokuti miromo yangu inovenga zvakaipa.
8 My wordis ben iust; no schrewid thing, nether weiward is in tho.
Mashoko ose omuromo wangu akarurama; hapana kana rimwe rakakombama kana rakaipa.
9 `My wordis ben riytful to hem that vndurstonden; and ben euene to hem that fynden kunnyng.
Kune ane njere ose zvawo akarurama, akarurama kuna avo vane zivo.
10 Take ye my chastisyng, and not money; chese ye teching more than tresour.
Sarudza kurayira kwangu panzvimbo yesirivha, ruzivo panzvimbo yegoridhe rakaisvonaka,
11 For wisdom is betere than alle richessis moost preciouse; and al desirable thing mai not be comparisound therto.
nokuti uchenjeri hunokosha kupfuura marubhi, uye hapana chaungada chingaenzaniswa nahwo.
12 Y, wisdom, dwelle in counsel; and Y am among lernyd thouytis.
“Ini, uchenjeri ndinogara pamwe chete navakachenjera; ndine ruzivo nenjere.
13 The drede of the Lord hatith yuel; Y curse boost, and pride, and a schrewid weie, and a double tungid mouth.
Kutya Jehovha ndiko kuvenga zvakaipa; ndinovenga kuzvikudza namanyawi, maitiro akaipa nokutaura kunonyangadza.
14 Counseil is myn, and equyte `is myn; prudence is myn, and strengthe `is myn.
Zano nokutonga kwakanaka ndezvangu; ndine kunzwisisa nesimba.
15 Kyngis regnen bi me; and the makeris of lawis demen iust thingis bi me.
Madzimambo anobata ushe neni uye vatongi vanodzika mirayiro yakarurama;
16 Princis comaunden bi me; and myyti men demen riytfulnesse bi me.
machinda anofambisa ushe neni, navakuru vose vanotonga panyika.
17 I loue hem that louen me; and thei that waken eerli to me, schulen fynde me.
Ndinoda avo vanondida, uye vaya vanonditsvaka vanondiwana.
18 With me ben rychessis, and glorie; souereyn richessis, and riytfulnesse.
Pfuma nokukudzwa zvineni, upfumi hunogara nokururama.
19 My fruyt is betere than gold, and precyouse stoon; and my seedis ben betere than chosun siluer.
Chibereko changu chakanaka kupfuura goridhe rakaisvonaka; zvandinobereka zvinopfuura sirivha yakaisvonaka.
20 Y go in the weies of riytfulnesse, in the myddis of pathis of doom;
Ndinofamba munzira dzokururama, pamakwara okururamisira,
21 that Y make riche hem that louen me, and that Y fille her tresouris.
ndichipa upfumi kuna avo vanondida, uye ndichiita kuti matura avo azare.
22 The Lord weldide me in the bigynnyng of hise weies; bifore that he made ony thing, at the bigynnyng.
“Jehovha akandibudisa sebasa rake rokutanga pamabasa ake, kutangira mabasa ake akare;
23 Fro with out bigynnyng Y was ordeined; and fro elde tymes, bifor that the erthe was maad.
ndakagadzwa kubva pakusingaperi, kubva pakutanga, nyika isati yavapo.
24 Depthis of watris weren not yit; and Y was conseyued thanne. The wellis of watris hadden not brokun out yit,
Makungwa asati avapo, ndakaberekwa, pasati pava nezvitubu zvine mvura zhinji;
25 and hillis stoden not togidere yit bi sad heuynesse; bifor litil hillis Y was born.
makomo asati aiswa munzvimbo dzawo, zvikomo zvisati zvavapo, ndakaberekwa,
26 Yit he hadde not maad erthe; and floodis, and the herris of the world.
asati aita nyika neminda kana guruva ripi zvaro renyika.
27 Whanne he made redi heuenes, Y was present; whanne he cumpasside the depthis of watris bi certeyn lawe and cumpas.
Ndakanga ndiripo paakaisa matenga munzvimbo dzawo, paakaita denderedzwa pamusoro pamakungwa,
28 Whanne he made stidfast the eir aboue; and weiede the wellis of watris.
paakaita makore kudenga uye paakasimbisa zvitubu zvamakungwa,
29 Whanne he cumpasside to the see his marke; and settide lawe to watris, that tho schulden not passe her coostis. Whanne he peiside the foundementis of erthe;
paakapa gungwa miganhu yaro kuti mvura dzirege kudarika zvaakarayira, uye paakateya nheyo dzenyika.
30 Y was making alle thingis with him. And Y delitide bi alle daies, and pleiede bifore hym in al tyme,
Ipapo ndini ndaiva mhizha parutivi rwake. Ndaigara ndichifara zuva nezuva, ndichifara nguva dzose pamberi pake,
31 and Y pleiede in the world; and my delices ben to be with the sones of men.
ndichifadzwa nenyika yake yose uye ndichifadzwa navanhu vose.
32 Now therfor, sones, here ye me; blessid ben thei that kepen my weies.
“Saka zvino, vanakomana vangu, teererai kwandiri; vakaropafadzwa avo vanochengeta nzira dzangu.
33 Here ye teching, and be ye wise men; and nile ye caste it awei.
Teererai kurayira kwangu mugova vakachenjera; musakushayira hanya.
34 Blessid is the man that herith me, and that wakith at my yatis al dai; and kepith at the postis of my dore.
Akaropafadzwa munhu anoteerera kwandiri, anorinda mazuva ose pamasuo angu. Anomira pamukova womusuo wangu.
35 He that fyndith me, schal fynde lijf; and schal drawe helthe of the Lord.
Nokuti ani naani anondiwana anowana upenyu uye anogamuchira nyasha kubva kuna Jehovha.
36 But he that synneth ayens me, schal hurte his soule; alle that haten me, louen deeth.
Asi ani naani asingandiwani anozvikuvadza; vose vanondivenga vanoda rufu.”

< Proverbs 8 >