< Proverbs 7 >

1 Mi sone, kepe thou my wordis; and kepe myn heestis to thee. Sone, onoure thou the Lord, and thou schalt be `myyti; but outakun hym drede thou not an alien.
我兒,你要遵守我的言語, 將我的命令存記在心。
2 Kepe thou myn heestis, and thou schalt lyue; and my lawe as the appil of thin iyen.
遵守我的命令就得存活; 保守我的法則, 好像保守眼中的瞳人,
3 Bynde thou it in thi fyngris; write thou it in the tablis of thin herte.
繫在你指頭上, 刻在你心版上。
4 Seie thou to wisdom, Thou art my sistir; and clepe thou prudence thi frendesse.
對智慧說:你是我的姊妹, 稱呼聰明為你的親人,
5 That it kepe thee fro a straunge womman; and fro an alien womman, that makith hir wordis swete.
她就保你遠離淫婦, 遠離說諂媚話的外女。
6 For whi fro the wyndow of myn hous bi the latijs Y bihelde; and Y se litle children.
我曾在我房屋的窗戶內, 從我窗欞之間往外觀看:
7 I biholde a yong man coward,
見愚蒙人內,少年人中, 分明有一個無知的少年人,
8 that passith bi the stretis, bisidis the corner; and he
從街上經過,走近淫婦的巷口, 直往通她家的路去,
9 goith niy the weie of hir hous in derk tyme, whanne the dai drawith to niyt, in the derknessis and myst of the nyyt.
在黃昏,或晚上, 或半夜,或黑暗之中。
10 And lo! a womman, maad redi with ournement of an hoore to disseyue soulis, meetith hym, and sche is a ianglere, and goynge about,
看哪,有一個婦人來迎接他, 是妓女的打扮,有詭詐的心思。
11 and vnpacient of reste, and mai not stonde in the hous with hir feet;
這婦人喧嚷,不守約束, 在家裏停不住腳,
12 and now without forth, now in stretis, now bisidis corneris sche `aspieth.
有時在街市上,有時在寬闊處, 或在各巷口蹲伏,
13 And sche takith, and kissith the yong man; and flaterith with wowynge cheer, and seith, Y ouyte sacrifices for heelthe;
拉住那少年人,與他親嘴, 臉無羞恥對他說:
14 to dai Y haue yolde my vowis.
平安祭在我這裏, 今日才還了我所許的願。
15 Therfor Y yede out in to thi meetyng, and Y desiride to se thee; and Y haue founde thee.
因此,我出來迎接你, 懇切求見你的面,恰巧遇見了你。
16 Y haue maad my bed with coordis, Y haue arayed with tapetis peyntid of Egipt;
我已經用繡花毯子 和埃及線織的花紋布鋪了我的床。
17 Y haue bispreynt my bed with myrre, and aloes, and canel.
我又用沒藥、沉香、桂皮 薰了我的榻。
18 Come thou, be we fillid with tetis, and vse we collyngis that ben coueitid; til the dai bigynne to be cleer.
你來,我們可以飽享愛情,直到早晨; 我們可以彼此親愛歡樂。
19 For myn hosebonde is not in his hows; he is goon a ful long weie.
20 He took with hym a bagge of money; he schal turne ayen in to his hous in the dai of ful moone.
21 Sche boonde hym with many wordis; and sche drow forth hym with flateryngis of lippis.
淫婦用許多巧言誘他隨從, 用諂媚的嘴逼他同行。
22 Anoon he as an oxe led to slayn sacrifice sueth hir, and as a ioli lomb and vnkunnynge; and the fool woot not, that he is drawun to bondys,
少年人立刻跟隨她,好像牛往宰殺之地; 又像愚昧人帶鎖鍊去受刑罰,
23 til an arowe perse his mawe. As if a brid hastith to the snare; and woot not, that it is don of the perel of his lijf.
直等箭穿他的肝; 如同雀鳥急入網羅,卻不知是自喪己命。
24 Now therfor, my sone, here thou me; and perseyue the wordis of my mouth.
眾子啊,現在要聽從我, 留心聽我口中的話。
25 Lest thi soule be drawun awei in the weies of hir; nether be thou disseyued in the pathis of hir.
你的心不可偏向淫婦的道, 不要入她的迷途。
26 For sche castide doun many woundid men; and alle strongeste men weren slayn of hir.
因為,被她傷害仆倒的不少; 被她殺戮的而且甚多。
27 The weies of helle is hir hous; and persen in to ynnere thingis of deeth. (Sheol h7585)
她的家是在陰間之路, 下到死亡之宮。 (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbs 7 >