< Proverbs 6 >

1 Mi sone, if thou hast bihiyt for thi freend; thou hast fastned thin hoond at a straunger.
Mwanakomana wangu, kana uchinge waita rubatso kumuvakidzani wako, kana uchinge waita mhiko nokumbunda noruoko rwako kuno mumwe,
2 Thou art boundun bi the wordis of thi mouth; and thou art takun with thin owne wordis.
kana uchinge wasungwa nokuda kwezvawakataura, wabatwa namashoko omuromo wako,
3 Therfor, my sone, do thou that that Y seie, and delyuere thi silf; for thou hast fallun in to the hond of thi neiybore. Renne thou aboute, haste thou, reise thi freend;
ipapo ita izvi, mwanakomana wangu, kuti uzvisunungure, sezvo wawira mumaoko omuvakidzani wako! Enda undozvininipisa; ukumbire zvikuru kumuvakidzani wako!
4 yyue thou not sleep to thin iyen, nether thin iyeliddis nappe.
Usatendera meso ako hope, usatendera meso ako kutsumwaira.
5 Be thou rauyschid as a doo fro the hond; and as a bridde fro aspiyngis of the foulere.
Zvipukunyutse, semhara kubva paruoko rwomuvhimi, seshiri kubva paugombe hwomuteyi.
6 O! thou slowe man, go to the `amte, ether pissemyre; and biholde thou hise weies, and lerne thou wisdom.
Enda kusvosve, iwe simbe; cherechedza nzira dzaro ugova wakachenjera!
7 Which whanne he hath no duyk, nethir comaundour, nether prince;
Harina mutungamiri, mutariri kana mutongi,
8 makith redi in somer mete to hym silf, and gaderith togidere in heruest that, that he schal ete.
asi rinochengeta zvokudya zvaro muzhizha, uye rinounganidza zvokudya zvaro pakukohwa.
9 Hou long schalt thou, slow man, slepe? whanne schalt thou rise fro thi sleep?
Uchasvika riniko wakarara ipapo, iwe simbe? Uchamuka riniko kubva pahope dzako?
10 A litil thou schalt slepe, a litil thou schalt nappe; a litil thou schalt ioyne togidere thin hondis, that thou slepe.
Kumbovata zvishomanana, kumbotsumwaira zvishomanana, kumbopeta maoko zvishomanana kuti ndizorore.
11 And nedynesse, as a weigoere, schal come to thee; and pouert, as an armed man. Forsothe if thou art not slow, thi ripe corn schal come as a welle; and nedynesse schal fle fer fro thee.
Naizvozvo urombo huchauya kwauri segororo, uye kushayiwa somurwi akashonga nhumbi dzokurwa.
12 A man apostata, a man vnprofitable, he goith with a weiward mouth;
Munhu asina maturo uye anoita zvakaipa, anofamba-famba achitaura zvakaora,
13 he bekeneth with iyen, he trampith with the foot, he spekith with the fyngur,
anochonya nameso ake, anonongedzera netsoka dzake, uye anodudzira neminwe yake,
14 bi schrewid herte he ymagyneth yuel, and in al tyme he sowith dissenciouns.
anoronga zvakaipa nounyengeri mumwoyo make, iyeyo anogaromutsa kupesana.
15 His perdicioun schal come to hym anoon, and he schal be brokun sodeynli; and he schal no more haue medecyn.
Naizvozvo njodzi ichamuwira munguva shoma shoma; achaparadzwa nokukurumidza, pasina chingamubatsira.
16 Sixe thingis ben, whyche the Lord hatith; and hise soule cursith the seuenthe thing.
Pane zvinhu zvitanhatu zvakavengwa naJehovha, zvinomwe zvinomunyangadza zvinoti:
17 Hiye iyen, a tunge liere, hondis schedinge out innocent blood,
meso anozvikudza, rurimi runoreva nhema, maoko anodeura ropa risina mhosva,
18 an herte ymagynynge worste thouytis, feet swifte to renne in to yuel,
mwoyo unoronga mano akaipa, tsoka dzinokurumidza kumhanyira muzvakaipa,
19 a man bringynge forth lesingis, a fals witnesse; and him that sowith discordis among britheren.
chapupu chenhema chinodurura nhema, uye munhu anomutsa kupesana pakati pehama.
20 Mi sone, kepe the comaundementis of thi fadir; and forsake not the lawe of thi modir.
Mwanakomana wangu, chengetedza mirayiro yababa vako, uye usarasa kudzidzisa kwamai vako.
21 Bynde thou tho continueli in thin herte; and cumpasse `to thi throte.
Zvisungirire pamwoyo wako nokusingaperi; uzvishonge pamutsipa wako.
22 Whanne thou goist, go tho with thee; whanne thou slepist, kepe tho thee; and thou wakynge speke with tho.
Paunofamba zvichakutungamirira; paucharara, zvichakurinda; pauchamuka, zvichataura newe.
23 For the comaundement of God is a lanterne, and the lawe is liyt, and the blamyng of techyng is the weie of lijf;
Nokuti mirayiro iyi ndiyo mwenje kwauri, dzidziso iyi ndiyo chiedza, uye kudzora kwokurayira ndiko nzira youpenyu,
24 `that the comaundementis kepe thee fro an yuel womman, and fro a flaterynge tunge of a straunge womman.
kunokuchengetedza pamukadzi asingazvibati, kubva parurimi runonyengera rwomudzimai asingazvibati.
25 Thin herte coueite not the fairnesse of hir; nether be thou takun bi the signes of hir.
Usachiva runako rwake mumwoyo mako, kana kumurega achikubata namaziso ake,
26 For the prijs of an hoore is vnnethe of o loof; but a womman takith the preciouse soule of a man.
nokuti chifeve chinokuderedza kusvikira wafanana nechingwa, uye mukadzi womumwe asi ari chifeve anoendesa upenyu hwako chaihwo kurufu.
27 Whether a man mai hide fier in his bosum, that hise clothis brenne not;
Ko, munhu angaisa moto pamakumbo ake, nguo dzake dzikasatsva here?
28 ethir go on colis, and hise feet be not brent?
Ko, munhu angafamba pamazimbe anopisa, tsoka dzake dzikasatsva here?
29 So he that entrith to the wijf of his neiybore; schal not be cleene, whanne he hath touchid hir.
Ndizvo zvakaita uyo anorara nomudzimai womumwe murume; hapana angabate mukadzi iyeyo akasarangwa.
30 It is not greet synne, whanne a man stelith; for he stelith to fille an hungri soule.
Vanhu havazvidzi mbavha kana ikaba kuti ipedze nzara yayo painenge yoziya.
31 And he takun schal yelde the seuenthe fold; and he schal yyue al the catel of his hous, and schal delyuere hym silf.
Asi kana akabatwa, anofanira kuripa kakapetwa kanomwe, kunyange zvichimutorera pfuma yose yeimba yake.
32 But he that is avouter; schal leese his soule, for the pouert of herte.
Asi munhu anoita upombwe, anoshayiwa njere; ani naani anozviita anozviparadza iye pachake.
33 He gaderith filthe, and sclaundrith to hym silf; and his schenschip schal not be don awei.
Kurohwa nokunyadziswa ndiwo mugove wake, uye kunyadziswa kwake hakungatongobviswi;
34 For the feruent loue and strong veniaunce of the man schal not spare in the dai of veniaunce,
nokuti godo rinomutsa hasha dzomurume, uye haanganzwiri tsitsi kana otsiva.
35 nether schal assente to the preieris of ony; nether schal take ful many yiftis for raunsum.
Haangagamuchiri muripo upi zvawo; acharamba fufuro, kunyange rakakura sei.

< Proverbs 6 >