< Proverbs 6 >

1 Mi sone, if thou hast bihiyt for thi freend; thou hast fastned thin hoond at a straunger.
Nwa m, ọ bụrụ na ị nara onye agbataobi gị nʼibe, ọ bụrụ na ị nara aka ị bụrụ onye ọbịa onye akaebe,
2 Thou art boundun bi the wordis of thi mouth; and thou art takun with thin owne wordis.
ị bụrụla onye mara nʼọnya site nʼihe ị kwuru, onye enwudere site nʼokwu ọnụ ya.
3 Therfor, my sone, do thou that that Y seie, and delyuere thi silf; for thou hast fallun in to the hond of thi neiybore. Renne thou aboute, haste thou, reise thi freend;
Mee nke a, nwa m, si nʼime ya wepụ onwe gị; nʼihi na ịdabala nʼaka onye agbataobi gị: Jee ọsịịsọ weda onwe gị nʼala rịọọ ya enyekwala ya izuike ọbụla.
4 yyue thou not sleep to thin iyen, nether thin iyeliddis nappe.
Ekwekwala ka ụra baa gị anya abụọ, ekwekwala ka mbụbara anya gị ruo ụra.
5 Be thou rauyschid as a doo fro the hond; and as a bridde fro aspiyngis of the foulere.
Napụta onwe gị, dịka mgbada site nʼaka dinta, maọbụ dịka nnụnụ site nʼọnya osi ọnya.
6 O! thou slowe man, go to the `amte, ether pissemyre; and biholde thou hise weies, and lerne thou wisdom.
Gaa mụta ihe site nʼaka ndanda, gị onye umengwụ. Mụta ihe site nʼụzọ ya niile.
7 Which whanne he hath no duyk, nethir comaundour, nether prince;
Ọ bụ ezie na o nweghị eze na-achịkọta ha, maọbụ onyendu, maọbụ ọchịagha,
8 makith redi in somer mete to hym silf, and gaderith togidere in heruest that, that he schal ete.
ma ọ na-akpakọta nri ya nʼoge ọkọchị ma na-ewebata nri ya nʼoge owuwe ihe ubi.
9 Hou long schalt thou, slow man, slepe? whanne schalt thou rise fro thi sleep?
Ọ bụ ruo ole mgbe ka ị ga-edina ala nʼebe ahụ, gị onye umengwụ? Olee mgbe ka ị ga-esi nʼụra bilie?
10 A litil thou schalt slepe, a litil thou schalt nappe; a litil thou schalt ioyne togidere thin hondis, that thou slepe.
Nwa ụra nta, nwa iru ụra nta, nwa ịchịkọba aka nta zuo ike,
11 And nedynesse, as a weigoere, schal come to thee; and pouert, as an armed man. Forsothe if thou art not slow, thi ripe corn schal come as a welle; and nedynesse schal fle fer fro thee.
ụbịam ga-abịakwasị gị dịka onye ohi, ụkọ abịakwasịkwa gị dịka onye na-apụnara mmadụ ihe.
12 A man apostata, a man vnprofitable, he goith with a weiward mouth;
Onye okwu na ụka na onye omume ya jọgburu onwe ya, onye na-ejegharị na-ekwu okwu aghụghọ,
13 he bekeneth with iyen, he trampith with the foot, he spekith with the fyngur,
onye ji iro na-egbu ikuanya ya, jiri ụkwụ ya na-ekwu okwu na mkpịsịaka ya na-egosi ihe.
14 bi schrewid herte he ymagyneth yuel, and in al tyme he sowith dissenciouns.
Onye obi ya na-echepụta ihe ọjọọ na aghụghọ, onye na-akpalikwa esemokwu mgbe niile.
15 His perdicioun schal come to hym anoon, and he schal be brokun sodeynli; and he schal no more haue medecyn.
Nʼihi ya, mbibi ga-abịakwasị ya na mberede; nʼotu ntabi anya ka a ga-ebibi ya, apụghịkwa ịgwọta ya.
16 Sixe thingis ben, whyche the Lord hatith; and hise soule cursith the seuenthe thing.
Ọ dị ụzọ ihe isii Onyenwe anyị kpọrọ asị, e, ha dị asaa bụ ihe arụ nʼebe ọ nọ.
17 Hiye iyen, a tunge liere, hondis schedinge out innocent blood,
Anya dị nganga, ire na-ekwu okwu ụgha, aka na-awụfu ọbara ndị na-emeghị ihe ọjọọ.
18 an herte ymagynynge worste thouytis, feet swifte to renne in to yuel,
Obi na-echepụta nzube ọjọọ; ụkwụ na-eme ngwangwa ịgbaba nʼajọ ihe,
19 a man bringynge forth lesingis, a fals witnesse; and him that sowith discordis among britheren.
onyeama ụgha na-awụpụ ụgha dịka mmiri na onye na-agbasa esemokwu nʼetiti ụmụnna.
20 Mi sone, kepe the comaundementis of thi fadir; and forsake not the lawe of thi modir.
Nwa m, debe ihe nna gị nyere gị nʼiwu, ahapụkwala iwu nke nne gị.
21 Bynde thou tho continueli in thin herte; and cumpasse `to thi throte.
Ka ndụmọdụ ha dịrị gị nʼobi mgbe niile, ka ị ghara ichefu ha.
22 Whanne thou goist, go tho with thee; whanne thou slepist, kepe tho thee; and thou wakynge speke with tho.
Mgbe ị na-ejegharị, ọ ga na-edu gị; mgbe ị na-arahụ ụra, ọ ga na-eche gị. Mgbe i tetakwara, ha ga-akpanyere gị ụka.
23 For the comaundement of God is a lanterne, and the lawe is liyt, and the blamyng of techyng is the weie of lijf;
Nʼihi na iwu a bụ oriọna, Ihe ozizi a bụkwa ìhè, otu a kwa ịdọ aka na ntị na ịba mba bụ ụzọ ezi ndụ,
24 `that the comaundementis kepe thee fro an yuel womman, and fro a flaterynge tunge of a straunge womman.
idebe gị ka ị pụọ nʼebe nwunye onye agbataobi gị nọ, sitekwa nʼire ụtọ nke nwanyị ọjọọ.
25 Thin herte coueite not the fairnesse of hir; nether be thou takun bi the signes of hir.
Ekwela ka agụ nʼezighị ezi gụọ gị nʼime obi nʼihi ịma mma ya, ma ọ bụkwanụ ka o jiri ile anya ya rata gị.
26 For the prijs of an hoore is vnnethe of o loof; but a womman takith the preciouse soule of a man.
Nʼihi na nwanyị akwụna ka enwere ike iji otu ogbe achịcha nweta, ma nwunye nwoke ọzọ na-achụ nta ndụ gị ịla ya nʼiyi.
27 Whether a man mai hide fier in his bosum, that hise clothis brenne not;
Mmadụ ọ pụrụ ịgụrụ ọkụ tụkwasị nʼahụ ya, ma uwe ya ereghị ọkụ?
28 ethir go on colis, and hise feet be not brent?
Mmadụ ọ pụrụ ije ije nʼelu icheku ọkụ ma ụkwụ ya ahapụ igbuchapụ?
29 So he that entrith to the wijf of his neiybore; schal not be cleene, whanne he hath touchid hir.
Otu a ka ọ na-adịrị nwoke na-abakwuru nwunye mmadụ ibe ya; o nweghị onye ọbụla na-emetụ ya aka nke a na-agaghị ata ahụhụ.
30 It is not greet synne, whanne a man stelith; for he stelith to fille an hungri soule.
Ndị mmadụ adịghị eleda onye ohi anya ma ọ bụrụ na o zuo ohi ka o were gboo mkpa agụụ nke na-agụsị ya ike.
31 And he takun schal yelde the seuenthe fold; and he schal yyue al the catel of his hous, and schal delyuere hym silf.
Ma ọ bụrụ na ejide ya ọ ga-akwụghachi ụgwọ ihe niile ahụ o zuru okpukpu asaa. Nʼagbanyeghị na nke a ga-eme ka o ree ihe niile o ji biri nʼụlọ ya.
32 But he that is avouter; schal leese his soule, for the pouert of herte.
Ma nwoke ahụ na-akwa iko bụ onye nzuzu, amamihe kọrọ ya, nʼihi na ọ bụ onwe ya ka ọ na-ala nʼiyi.
33 He gaderith filthe, and sclaundrith to hym silf; and his schenschip schal not be don awei.
A ga-eti ya ezi ihe otiti, a ga-elelikwa ya anya, ihere ya agaghị ekwe ihichapụ.
34 For the feruent loue and strong veniaunce of the man schal not spare in the dai of veniaunce,
Nʼihi na di nwanyị ahụ ga-esite nʼekworo wee iwe dị ọkụ; ọ gakwaghị enwe obi ebere nʼebe ọ nọ nʼụbọchị ọ ga-abọ ọbọ.
35 nether schal assente to the preieris of ony; nether schal take ful many yiftis for raunsum.
Ọ gaghị anara ihe ọbụla nʼọnọdụ ihe nkwụghachi nʼihi ihe ọjọọ o mere ya. O nwekwaghị ihe a ga-enye ya pụrụ ime ka iwe ya dajụọ.

< Proverbs 6 >