< Proverbs 4 >
1 Sones, here ye the teching of the fadir; and perseiue ye, that ye kunne prudence.
眾子啊,要聽父親的教訓, 留心得知聰明。
2 Y schal yyue to you a good yifte; forsake ye not my lawe.
因我所給你們的是好教訓; 不可離棄我的法則。
3 For whi and Y was the sone of my fadir, a tendir sone, and oon `gendride bifore my modir.
我在父親面前為孝子, 在母親眼中為獨一的嬌兒。
4 And my fadir tauyte me, and seide, Thin herte resseyue my wordis; kepe thou myn heestis, and thou schalt lyue.
父親教訓我說:你心要存記我的言語, 遵守我的命令,便得存活。
5 Welde thou wisdom, welde thou prudence; foryete thou not, nethir bowe thou awey fro the wordis of my mouth.
要得智慧,要得聰明,不可忘記, 也不可偏離我口中的言語。
6 Forsake thou not it, and it schal kepe thee; loue thou it, and it schal kepe thee.
不可離棄智慧,智慧就護衛你; 要愛她,她就保守你。
7 The bigynnyng of wisdom, welde thou wisdom; and in al thi possessioun gete thou prudence.
智慧為首; 所以,要得智慧。 在你一切所得之內必得聰明。
8 Take thou it, and it schal enhaunse thee; thou schalt be glorified of it, whanne thou hast biclippid it.
高舉智慧,她就使你高升; 懷抱智慧,她就使你尊榮。
9 It schal yyue encresyngis of graces to thin heed; and a noble coroun schal defende thee.
她必將華冠加在你頭上, 把榮冕交給你。
10 Mi sone, here thou, and take my wordis; that the yeris of lijf be multiplied to thee.
我兒,你要聽受我的言語, 就必延年益壽。
11 Y schal schewe to thee the weie of wisdom; and Y schal lede thee bi the pathis of equyte.
我已指教你走智慧的道, 引導你行正直的路。
12 In to whiche whanne thou hast entrid, thi goyngis schulen not be maad streit; and thou schalt rennen, and schalt not haue hirtyng.
你行走,腳步必不致狹窄; 你奔跑,也不致跌倒。
13 Holde thou teching, and forsake it not; kepe thou it, for it is thi lijf.
要持定訓誨,不可放鬆; 必當謹守,因為它是你的生命。
14 Delite thou not in the pathis of wyckid men; and the weie of yuele men plese not thee.
不可行惡人的路; 不要走壞人的道。
15 Fle thou fro it, and passe thou not therbi; bowe thou awei, and forsake it.
要躲避,不可經過; 要轉身而去。
16 For thei slepen not, `no but thei han do yuele; and sleep is rauyschid fro hem, no but thei han disseyued.
這等人若不行惡,不得睡覺; 不使人跌倒,睡臥不安;
17 Thei eten the breed of vnpite, and drinken the wyn of wickidnesse.
因為他們以奸惡吃餅, 以強暴喝酒。
18 But the path of iust men goith forth as liyt schynynge, and encreessith til to perfit dai.
但義人的路好像黎明的光, 越照越明,直到日午。
19 The weie of wickid men is derk; thei witen not where thei schulen falle.
惡人的道好像幽暗, 自己不知因甚麼跌倒。
20 Mi sone, herkene thou my wordis; and bowe doun thin eeris to my spechis.
我兒,要留心聽我的言詞, 側耳聽我的話語,
21 Go not tho awei fro thyn iyen; kepe thou hem in the myddil of thin herte.
都不可離你的眼目, 要存記在你心中。
22 For tho ben lijf to men fyndynge thoo, and heelthe `of al fleisch.
因為得着它的,就得了生命, 又得了醫全體的良藥。
23 With al keping kepe thin herte, for lijf cometh forth of it.
你要保守你心,勝過保守一切, 因為一生的果效是由心發出。
24 Remoue thou a schrewid mouth fro thee; and backbitynge lippis be fer fro thee.
你要除掉邪僻的口, 棄絕乖謬的嘴。
25 Thin iyen se riytful thingis; and thin iyeliddis go bifore thi steppis.
你的眼目要向前正看; 你的眼睛當向前直觀。
26 Dresse thou pathis to thi feet, and alle thi weies schulen be stablischid.
要修平你腳下的路, 堅定你一切的道。
27 Bowe thou not to the riytside, nether to the leftside; turne awei thi foot fro yuel. For the Lord knowith the weies that ben at the riytside; but the weies ben weiward, that ben at the leftside. Forsothe he schal make thi goyngis riytful; and thi weies schulen be brouyt forth in pees.
不可偏向左右; 要使你的腳離開邪惡。