< Proverbs 29 >

1 Sodeyn perischyng schal come on that man, that with hard nol dispisith a blamere; and helth schal not sue hym.
Munhu anoramba akaomesa mutsipa wake mushure mokutsiurwa kazhinji achaparadzwa nokukurumidza, kusina chingamubatsira.
2 The comynalte schal be glad in the multipliyng of iust men; whanne wickid men han take prinshod, the puple schal weyle.
Kana vakarurama vachiwanda, vanhu vanofara; asi kana vakaipa vachitonga, vanhu vanogomera.
3 A man that loueth wisdom, makith glad his fadir; but he that nurschith `an hoore, schal leese catel.
Munhu anoda uchenjeri anouyisa mufaro kuna baba vake, asi anoshamwaridzana nechifeve anoparadza pfuma yake.
4 A iust king reisith the lond; an auerouse man schal distrie it.
Nokururamisira mambo anosimbisa nyika, asi uyo anokara fufuro anoiparadza.
5 A man that spekith bi flaterynge and feyned wordis to his frend; spredith abrood a net to hise steppis.
Ani naani anonyengera muvakidzani wake anodzikira tsoka dzake mumbure.
6 A snare schal wlappe a wickid man doynge synne; and a iust man schal preise, and schal make ioye.
Munhu akaipa anoteyiwa nezvivi zvake, asi munhu akarurama anogona kuimba uye agofara.
7 A iust man knowith the cause of pore men; an vnpitouse man knowith not kunnyng.
Vakarurama vane hanya nokururamisirwa kwavarombo, asi vakaipa havana hanya naizvozvo.
8 Men ful of pestilence distryen a citee; but wise men turnen awei woodnesse.
Vatuki vanomutsa bope muguta, asi vanhu vakachenjera vanodzora kutsamwa.
9 If a wijs man stryueth with a fool; whether he be wrooth, `ether he leiyith, he schal not fynde reste.
Kana munhu akachenjera akaenda kumatare nebenzi, benzi rinotsamwa uye rigotuka, zvokuti hapangavi norugare.
10 Menquelleris haten a simple man; but iust men seken his soule.
Vanhu vanofarira kudeura ropa vanovenga munhu akarurama, uye vanotsvaka kuuraya vakarurama.
11 A fool bringith forth al his spirit; a wise man dilaieth, and reserueth in to tyme comynge afterward.
Benzi rinobudisa hasha dzaro dzose, asi munhu akachenjera anozvibata.
12 A prince that herith wilfuli the wordis of a leesyng; schal haue alle mynystris vnfeithful.
Kana mutongi akateerera nhema machinda ake ose achava akaipa.
13 A pore man and a leenere metten hem silf; the Lord is liytnere of euer ethir.
Murombo nomunhu anomanikidza vakafanana pachinhu ichi: Jehovha ndiye anoita kuti meso avo vose aone.
14 If a kyng demeth pore men in treuthe; his trone schal be maad stidfast with outen ende.
Kana mambo akatonga varombo nokururamisira, chigaro chake choushe chinogara chakachengetedzeka nguva dzose.
15 A yerde and chastisyng schal yyue wisdom; but a child, which is left to his wille, schendith his modir.
Shamhu yokuranga inopa uchenjeri, asi mwana anosiyiwa akadaro achanyadzisa mai vake.
16 Grete trespassis schulen be multiplied in the multipliyng of wickid men; and iust men schulen se the fallyngis of hem.
Kana vakaipa vachiwanda, nezvivi zvinowandawo, asi vakarurama vachaona kuwa kwavo.
17 Teche thi sone, and he schal coumforte thee; and he schal yyue delicis to thi soule.
Ranga mwanakomana wako, ipapo achakupa rugare; achauyisa mufaro kumweya wako.
18 Whanne prophesie faylith, the puple schal be distried; but he that kepith the lawe, is blessid.
Pasina chizaruro, vanhu vanoramba kuzvidzora; asi akaropafadzwa uyo anochengeta murayiro.
19 A seruaunt mai not be tauyt bi wordis; for he vndirstondith that that thou seist, and dispisith for to answere.
Muranda haarayirwi namashoko zvawo chete, nokuti kunyange achinzwisisa, haangadaviri.
20 Thou hast seyn a man swift to speke; foli schal be hopid more than his amendyng.
Unoona here munhu anotaura achikurumidza? Benzi rine tariro zhinji kupfuura iye.
21 He that nurschith his seruaunt delicatli fro childhod; schal fynde hym rebel aftirward.
Kana munhu akaregerera muranda wake kubva paudiki, achazotarisira kodzero dzomwanakomana pakupedzisira.
22 A wrathful man territh chidingis; and he that is liyt to haue indignacioun, schal be more enclynaunt to synnes.
Munhu akashatirwa anomutsa kupesana, uye munhu ane hasha anoita zvivi zvizhinji.
23 Lownesse sueth a proude man; and glorie schal vp take a meke man of spirit.
Kuzvikudza kwomunhu kunomudzikisira pasi, asi munhu ane mweya wokuzvininipisa achawana kukudzwa.
24 He that takith part with a theef, hatith his soule; he herith a man chargynge greetli, and schewith not.
Anoshamwaridzana nembavha anozvivenga iye pachake; anoiswa pasi pemhiko, asi haangakwanisi kupa uchapupu.
25 He that dredith a man, schal falle soon; he that hopith in the Lord, shal be reisid.
Kutya munhu kuchava musungo, asi ani naani anovimba naJehovha achagara akachengetedzeka.
26 Many men seken the face of the prince; and the doom of alle men schal go forth of the Lord.
Vazhinji vanotsvaka nyasha kumutongi, asi kururamisirwa kwomunhu kunobva kuna Jehovha.
27 Iust men han abhomynacioun of a wickid man; and wickid men han abhomynacioun of hem, that ben in a riytful weye. A sone kepynge a word, schal be out of perdicioun.
Vakarurama vanovenga vasina kutendeka; vakaipa vanovenga vakarurama.

< Proverbs 29 >