< Proverbs 29 >

1 Sodeyn perischyng schal come on that man, that with hard nol dispisith a blamere; and helth schal not sue hym.
2 The comynalte schal be glad in the multipliyng of iust men; whanne wickid men han take prinshod, the puple schal weyle.
義者ませば民よろこび 惡きもの權を掌らば民かなしむ
3 A man that loueth wisdom, makith glad his fadir; but he that nurschith `an hoore, schal leese catel.
智慧を愛する人はその父を悦ばせ 妓婦に交る者はその財産を費す
4 A iust king reisith the lond; an auerouse man schal distrie it.
王は公義をもて國を堅うす されど租税を征取る者はこれを滅す
5 A man that spekith bi flaterynge and feyned wordis to his frend; spredith abrood a net to hise steppis.
6 A snare schal wlappe a wickid man doynge synne; and a iust man schal preise, and schal make ioye.
惡人の罪の中には罟あり 然ど義者は歓び樂しむ
7 A iust man knowith the cause of pore men; an vnpitouse man knowith not kunnyng.
義きものは貧きものの訟をかへりみる 然ど惡人は之を知ることを願はず
8 Men ful of pestilence distryen a citee; but wise men turnen awei woodnesse.
嘲笑人は城邑を擾し 智慧ある者は怒をしづむ
9 If a wijs man stryueth with a fool; whether he be wrooth, `ether he leiyith, he schal not fynde reste.
10 Menquelleris haten a simple man; but iust men seken his soule.
血をながす人は直き人を惡む されど義き者はその生命を救はんことを求む
11 A fool bringith forth al his spirit; a wise man dilaieth, and reserueth in to tyme comynge afterward.
愚なる者はその怒をことごとく露はし 智慧ある者は之を心に蔵む
12 A prince that herith wilfuli the wordis of a leesyng; schal haue alle mynystris vnfeithful.
13 A pore man and a leenere metten hem silf; the Lord is liytnere of euer ethir.
貧者と苛酷者と偕に世にをる ヱホバは彼等の目に光をあたへ給ふ
14 If a kyng demeth pore men in treuthe; his trone schal be maad stidfast with outen ende.
15 A yerde and chastisyng schal yyue wisdom; but a child, which is left to his wille, schendith his modir.
鞭と譴責とは智慧をあたふ 任意になしおかれたる子はその母を辱しむ
16 Grete trespassis schulen be multiplied in the multipliyng of wickid men; and iust men schulen se the fallyngis of hem.
惡きもの多ければ罪も亦おほし 義者は彼等の傾覆をみん
17 Teche thi sone, and he schal coumforte thee; and he schal yyue delicis to thi soule.
なんぢの子を懲せ さらば彼なんぢを安からしめ 又なんぢの心に喜樂を與へん
18 Whanne prophesie faylith, the puple schal be distried; but he that kepith the lawe, is blessid.
黙示なければ民は放肆にす 律法を守るものは福ひなり
19 A seruaunt mai not be tauyt bi wordis; for he vndirstondith that that thou seist, and dispisith for to answere.
僕は言をもて譴むるとも改めず 彼は知れども從はざればなり
20 Thou hast seyn a man swift to speke; foli schal be hopid more than his amendyng.
なんぢ言を謹まざる人を見しや 彼よりは却て愚なる者に望あり
21 He that nurschith his seruaunt delicatli fro childhod; schal fynde hym rebel aftirward.
22 A wrathful man territh chidingis; and he that is liyt to haue indignacioun, schal be more enclynaunt to synnes.
23 Lownesse sueth a proude man; and glorie schal vp take a meke man of spirit.
人の傲慢はおのれを卑くし 心に謙だる者は榮誉を得
24 He that takith part with a theef, hatith his soule; he herith a man chargynge greetli, and schewith not.
盗人に党する者はおのれの霊魂を惡むなり 彼は誓を聴けども説述べず
25 He that dredith a man, schal falle soon; he that hopith in the Lord, shal be reisid.
人を畏るれば罟におちいる ヱホバをたのむ者は護られん
26 Many men seken the face of the prince; and the doom of alle men schal go forth of the Lord.
君の慈悲を求むる者はおほし 然れど人の事を定むるはヱホバによる
27 Iust men han abhomynacioun of a wickid man; and wickid men han abhomynacioun of hem, that ben in a riytful weye. A sone kepynge a word, schal be out of perdicioun.
不義をなす人は義者の惡むところ 義くあゆむ人は惡者の惡むところなり

< Proverbs 29 >