< Proverbs 28 >

1 A wickid man fleeth, whanne no man pursueth; but a iust man as a lioun tristynge schal be with out ferdfulnesse.
惡者は逐ふ者なけれども逃げ 義者は獅子のごとくに勇まし
2 For the synnes of the lond ben many princis therof; and for the wisdom of a man, and for the kunnyng of these thingis that ben seid, the lijf of the duyk schal be lengere.
國の罪によりて侯伯多くなり 智くして知識ある人によりて國は長く保つ
3 A pore man falsli calengynge pore men, is lijk a grete reyn, wherynne hungur is maad redi.
4 Thei that forsaken the lawe, preisen a wickid man; thei that kepen `the lawe, ben kyndlid ayens hym.
律法を棄るものは惡者をほめ 律法を守る者はこれに敵す
5 Wickid men thenken not doom; but thei that seken the Lord, perseyuen alle thingis.
惡人は義きことを覺らず ヱホバを求むる者は凡の事をさとる
6 Betere is a pore man goynge in his sympilnesse, than a riche man in schrewid weies.
7 He that kepith the lawe, is a wijs sone; but he that fedith glotouns, schendith his fadir.
律法を守る者は智子なり 放蕩なる者に交るものは父を辱かしむ
8 He that gaderith togidere richessis bi vsuris, and fre encrees, gaderith tho togidere ayens pore men.
9 His preyer schal be maad cursid, that bowith awei his eere; that he here not the lawe.
10 He that disseyueth iust men in an yuel weye, schal falle in his perisching; and iuste men schulen welde hise goodis.
義者を惡き道に惑す者はみづから自己の阱に陷らん されど質直なる者は福祉をつぐべし
11 A ryche man semeth wijs to him silf; but a pore man prudent schal serche him.
富者はおのれの目に自らを智慧ある者となす されど聰明ある貧者は彼をはかり知る
12 In enhaunsing of iust men is miche glorie; whanne wickid men regnen, fallyngis of men ben.
義者の喜ぶときは大なる榮あり 惡者の起るときは民身を匿す
13 He that hidith hise grete trespassis, schal not be maad riytful; but he that knoulechith and forsakith tho, schal gete merci.
その罪を隱すものは榮ゆることなし 然ど認らはして之を離るる者は憐憫をうけん
14 Blessid is the man, which is euere dredeful; but he that is `harde of soule, schal falle in to yuel.
恒に畏るる人は幸福なり その心を剛愎にする者は災禍に陷るべし
15 A rorynge lioun, and an hungry bere, is a wickid prince on a pore puple.
16 A duyk nedi of prudence schal oppresse many men bi fals chalenge; but the daies of hym that hatith aueryce, schulen be maad longe.
智からざる君はおほく暴虐をおこなふ 不義の利を惡む者は遐齢をうべし
17 No man susteyneth a man that falsly chalengith the blood of a man, if he fleeth `til to the lake.
人を殺してその血を心に負ふ者は墓に奔るなり 人これを阻むること勿れ
18 He that goith simpli, schal be saaf; he that goith bi weiward weies, schal falle doun onys.
義く行む者は救をえ 曲れる路に行む者は直に跌れん
19 He that worchith his lond, schal be fillid with looues; he that sueth ydelnesse, schal be fillid with nedynesse.
おのれの田地を耕す者は糧にあき 放蕩なる者に從ふものは貧乏に飽く
20 A feithful man schal be preisid myche; but he that hastith to be maad riche, schal not be innocent.
忠信なる人は多くの幸福をえ 速かに富を得んとする者は罪を免れず
21 He that knowith a face in doom, doith not wel; this man forsakith treuthe, yhe, for a mussel of breed.
人を偏視るはよからず 人はただ一片のパンのために愆を犯すなり
22 A man that hastith to be maad riche, and hath enuye to othere men; woot not that nedinesse schal come on hym.
惡目をもつ者は財をえんとて急がはしく 却て貧窮のおのれに來るを知らず
23 He that repreueth a man, schal fynde grace aftirward at hym; more than he that disseyueth bi flateryngis of tunge.
24 He that withdrawith ony thing fro his fadir and fro his modir, and seith that this is no synne, is parcener of a manquellere.
25 He that auauntith hym silf, and alargith, reisith stryues; but he that hopith in the Lord, schal be sauyd.
心に貧る者は爭端を起し ヱホバに倚賴むものは豊饒になるべし
26 He that tristith in his herte, is a fool; but he that goith wiseli,
おのれの心を恃む者は愚なり 智慧をもて行む者は救をえん
27 schal be preysid. He that yyueth to a pore man, schal not be nedi; he that dispisith `a pore man bisechynge, schal suffre nedynesse.
貧者に賙すものは乏しからず その目を掩ふ者は詛を受ること多し
28 Whanne vnpitouse men risen, men schulen be hid; whanne tho `vnpitouse men han perischid, iust men schulen be multiplied.
惡者の起るときは人匿れ その滅るときは義者ます

< Proverbs 28 >