< Proverbs 28 >
1 A wickid man fleeth, whanne no man pursueth; but a iust man as a lioun tristynge schal be with out ferdfulnesse.
Opaki bježe i kad ih nitko ne progoni, a pravednici su neustrašivi kao mladi lav.
2 For the synnes of the lond ben many princis therof; and for the wisdom of a man, and for the kunnyng of these thingis that ben seid, the lijf of the duyk schal be lengere.
Kad se u zemlji griješi, mnogi su joj knezovi, a s čovjekom razumnim i umnim uprava je postojana.
3 A pore man falsli calengynge pore men, is lijk a grete reyn, wherynne hungur is maad redi.
Čovjek opak koji tlači ubogoga - kiša je razorna poslije koje kruha nema.
4 Thei that forsaken the lawe, preisen a wickid man; thei that kepen `the lawe, ben kyndlid ayens hym.
Koji zapuštaju Zakon, veličaju opake, a koji se drže Zakona, protive im se.
5 Wickid men thenken not doom; but thei that seken the Lord, perseyuen alle thingis.
Zli ljudi ne razumiju pravice, a koji traže Jahvu, razumiju sve.
6 Betere is a pore man goynge in his sympilnesse, than a riche man in schrewid weies.
Bolji je siromah koji živi bezazleno nego bogataš koji kroči krivim putem.
7 He that kepith the lawe, is a wijs sone; but he that fedith glotouns, schendith his fadir.
Tko se drži Zakona, razuman je sin, a tko se druži s izbjeglicama, sramoti oca svoga.
8 He that gaderith togidere richessis bi vsuris, and fre encrees, gaderith tho togidere ayens pore men.
Tko umnožava bogatstvo svoje lihvom i pridom, skuplja ga onomu tko je milostiv ubogima.
9 His preyer schal be maad cursid, that bowith awei his eere; that he here not the lawe.
Tko uklanja uho svoje da ne sluša Zakona, i molitva je njegova mrska.
10 He that disseyueth iust men in an yuel weye, schal falle in his perisching; and iuste men schulen welde hise goodis.
Tko zavodi poštene na put zao, past će u jamu svoju, a pošteni će baštiniti sreću.
11 A ryche man semeth wijs to him silf; but a pore man prudent schal serche him.
Bogat se čovjek čini sebi mudrim, ali će ga razuman siromah raskrinkati.
12 In enhaunsing of iust men is miche glorie; whanne wickid men regnen, fallyngis of men ben.
Velika je slava kad se raduju pravednici, a kad se dižu opaki, ljudi se kriju.
13 He that hidith hise grete trespassis, schal not be maad riytful; but he that knoulechith and forsakith tho, schal gete merci.
Tko skriva svoje grijehe, nema sreće, a tko ih ispovijeda i odriče ih se, milost nalazi.
14 Blessid is the man, which is euere dredeful; but he that is `harde of soule, schal falle in to yuel.
Blago čovjeku uvijek bojaznu, jer čovjek okorjela srca zapada u nesreću.
15 A rorynge lioun, and an hungry bere, is a wickid prince on a pore puple.
Lav koji riče i gladan medvjed: takav je opak vladalac siromašnu narodu.
16 A duyk nedi of prudence schal oppresse many men bi fals chalenge; but the daies of hym that hatith aueryce, schulen be maad longe.
Nerazuman knez čini mnoga nasilja, a koji mrzi lakomost, dugo živi.
17 No man susteyneth a man that falsly chalengith the blood of a man, if he fleeth `til to the lake.
Onaj koga tišti krvna krivica, do groba bježi: ne zaustavljajte ga.
18 He that goith simpli, schal be saaf; he that goith bi weiward weies, schal falle doun onys.
Spasava se tko živi pravedno, tko se koleba između dva puta, propada na jednom od njih.
19 He that worchith his lond, schal be fillid with looues; he that sueth ydelnesse, schal be fillid with nedynesse.
Tko obrađuje svoju zemlju, nasitit će se kruha, a tko trči za tlapnjama, nasitit će se siromaštva.
20 A feithful man schal be preisid myche; but he that hastith to be maad riche, schal not be innocent.
Čestit čovjek stječe blagoslov, a tko hrli za bogatstvom, ne ostaje bez kazne.
21 He that knowith a face in doom, doith not wel; this man forsakith treuthe, yhe, for a mussel of breed.
Ne valja biti pristran na sudu, jer i za zalogaj kruha čovjek čini zlo.
22 A man that hastith to be maad riche, and hath enuye to othere men; woot not that nedinesse schal come on hym.
Pohlepnik hrli za bogatstvom, a ne zna da će ga stići oskudica.
23 He that repreueth a man, schal fynde grace aftirward at hym; more than he that disseyueth bi flateryngis of tunge.
Tko kori čovjeka, nalazi poslije veću milost nego onaj koji laska jezikom.
24 He that withdrawith ony thing fro his fadir and fro his modir, and seith that this is no synne, is parcener of a manquellere.
Tko pljačka oca svoga i majku svoju i veli: “Nije grijeh”, drug je razbojniku.
25 He that auauntith hym silf, and alargith, reisith stryues; but he that hopith in the Lord, schal be sauyd.
Lakomac zameće svađu, a tko se uzda u Jahvu, uspjet će.
26 He that tristith in his herte, is a fool; but he that goith wiseli,
Bezuman je tko se uzda u svoje srce, a spasava se tko živi mudro.
27 schal be preysid. He that yyueth to a pore man, schal not be nedi; he that dispisith `a pore man bisechynge, schal suffre nedynesse.
Tko daje siromahu, ne trpi oskudicu; a tko odvraća oči svoje, bit će proklet.
28 Whanne vnpitouse men risen, men schulen be hid; whanne tho `vnpitouse men han perischid, iust men schulen be multiplied.
Kad se dižu opaki, ljudi se kriju, a kad propadaju, tad se množe pravednici.