< Proverbs 26 >

1 As snow in somer, and reyn in heruest; so glorie is vnsemeli to a fool.
Ịhụ onye nzuzu a na-enye nsọpụrụ dịka ịhụ mkpụrụ mmiri ka ọ na-ada nʼoge ọkọchị maọbụ mmiri na-ezo nʼoge owuwe ihe ubi.
2 For whi as a brid fliynge ouer to hiy thingis, and a sparowe goynge in to vncerteyn; so cursing brouyt forth with out resonable cause schal come aboue in to sum man.
Dịka nnụnụ nta na-efegharị efegharị, maọbụ dịka eleke na-awụgharị otu a ka ọbụbụ ọnụ na-ekwesighị agaghị ere.
3 Beting to an hors, and a bernacle to an asse; and a yerde in the bak of vnprudent men.
Ụtarị dịrị ịnyịnya, ịnyịnya ibu ka a na-ekenye mkpụmkpụ igwe nʼọnụ; otu a kwa ka apịpịa dị nye azụ ndị nzuzu.
4 Answere thou not to a fool bi his foli, lest thou be maad lijk hym.
A zaghachila onye nzuzu dịka enweghị uche ya si dị, ma ọ bụghị ya gị onwe gị ga-adị ka ya.
5 Answere thou a fool bi his fooli, lest he seme to him silf to be wijs.
Zaa onye nzuzu dịka enweghị uche ya si dị, ma ọ bụghị ya ọ ga-abụ onye maara ihe nʼanya onwe ya.
6 An haltinge man in feet, and drinkinge wickidnesse, he that sendith wordis by a fonned messanger.
Iziga ozi site nʼaka onye nzuzu dịka mmadụ ibipụ ụkwụ ya maọbụ ịṅụ ihe ike dịka mmiri.
7 As an haltinge man hath faire leggis in veyn; so a parable is vnsemeli in the mouth of foolis.
Dịka onye ngwụrọ si eji ụkwụ ya eje ije, otu a ka ilu si esite nʼọnụ onye nzuzu apụta.
8 As he that casteth a stoon in to an heep of mercurie; so he that yyueth onour to an vnwijs man.
Ọ baghị uru inye onye nzuzu nsọpụrụ, nʼihi na ọ gaghị anọgide. Ọ dị ka ịwụ ọkụkọ mmiri nʼazụ.
9 As if a thorn growith in the hond of a drunkun man; so a parable in the mouth of foolis.
Dịka ogwu manyere nʼaka onye na-aṅụbiga mmanya oke otu a ka ilu dị nʼọnụ onye nzuzu.
10 Doom determyneth causis; and he that settith silence to a fool, swagith iris.
Dịka ọgba ụta si agba ụta ya na-enweghị onye o bụ nʼobi, otu a ka ọ dị bụ onye na-enye onye nzuzu maọbụ onye o bụla na-agafe nʼụzọ ọrụ ka o rụọra ya.
11 As a dogge that turneth ayen to his spuyng; so is an vnprudent man, that rehersith his fooli.
Dịka nkịta laghachiri ọzọ nʼihe ọ gbọrọ, otu a ka ndị nzuzu dị mgbe ha na-emekwa omume enweghị uche ha.
12 Thou hast seyn a man seme wijs to hym silf; an vnkunnyng man schal haue hope more than he.
Ị hụrụ onye mara ihe nʼanya nke onwe ya? Olileanya dị nye onye nzuzu karịa ndị dị otu a.
13 A slow man seith, A lioun is in the weie, a liounnesse is in the foot pathis.
Onye umengwụ na-asị, “Ọdụm nọ nʼokporoụzọ, ọdụm ji oke iwe na-awagharị nọ nʼama niile!”
14 As a dore is turned in his hengis; so a slow man in his bed.
Dịka ibo ọnụ ụzọ si emegharị nʼihe nkonye ya, otu a ka onye umengwụ si na-atụgharị onwe ya nʼelu ihe ndina ya.
15 A slow man hidith hise hondis vndur his armpit; and he trauelith, if he turneth tho to his mouth.
Onye umengwụ na-amanye aka nʼefere nri ma oke umengwụ a naghị ekwe ka o weghachi ya tinye nʼọnụ ya.
16 A slow man semeth wysere to hym silf, than seuene men spekynge sentensis.
Nʼuche ya, onye umengwụ na-eche na ọ maara ihe karịa ndị ikom asaa na-eji ezi uche azaghachi okwu.
17 As he that takith a dogge bi the eeris; so he that passith, and is vnpacient, and is meddlid with the chiding of anothir man.
Onye na-etinye onwe ya nʼesemokwu na-agbasaghị ya dị ka mmadụ na-apụ nʼokporoụzọ dọkpụrụ nkịta ọbụla ọ hụrụ na ntị.
18 As he is gilti, that sendith speris and arowis in to deth;
Dịka onye ara na-agba àkụ na-ere ọkụ nke na-eweta ọnwụ,
19 so a man that anoieth gilefuli his frend, and whanne he is takun, he schal seie, Y dide pleiynge.
ka nwoke ahụ bụ nke na-aghọgbu onye agbataobi ya ma sị, “ọ bụ naanị egwuregwu ka m na-egwu.”
20 Whanne trees failen, the fier schal be quenchid; and whanne a priuy bacbitere is withdrawun, stryues resten.
Ọkụ na-anyụ mgbe nkụ gwụrụ, otu a kwa esemokwu na-akwụsị mgbe a kwụsịrị ikwu ndị ọzọ okwu nʼazụ.
21 As deed coolis at quic coolis, and trees at the fier; so a wrathful man reisith chidyngis.
Dịka icheku si eme ka nkụ nwuru ọkụ, otu a ka onye na-ese okwu si eme ka ọgụ nwuru ọkụ.
22 The wordis of a pryuei bacbitere ben as symple; and tho comen til to the ynneste thingis of the herte.
Okwu niile nke onye na-agba asịrị na-ekwu dịka iberibe nri nʼatọ ezi ụtọ, ha na-agbadakwa nʼime ime ala afọ.
23 As if thou wolt ourne a vessel of erthe with foul siluer; so ben bolnynge lippis felouschipid with `the werste herte.
Dịka ite aja ụrọ nke e ji ọlaọcha na-abaghị uru techie, ka egbugbere ọnụ dị nro nke obi jupụtara nʼihe ọjọọ bụ.
24 An enemy is vndirstondun bi hise lippis, whanne he tretith giles in the herte.
Ndị iro na-eji egbugbere ọnụ ha gbanwee onwe ha, ma nʼime obi ha ọ bụ naanị aghụghọ dị ya.
25 Whanne he `makith low his vois, bileue thou not to hym; for seuene wickidnessis ben in his herte.
Okwu ọnụ ya nwere ike tọọ ụtọ na ntị ma ekwenyerela ha, nʼihi na ihe arụ asaa jupụtara nʼime obi ha.
26 The malice of hym that hilith hatrede gilefuli, schal be schewid in a counsel.
Ọ bụ ezie na ọ ga na-eme ka ọ hụrụ gị nʼanya, ma iro ya ga-apụta ihe, mmadụ niile ga-ahụkwa ya.
27 He that delueth a diche, schal falle in to it; and if a man walewith a stoon, it schal turne ayen to hym.
Onye na-egwuru ibe ya olulu ga-adaba nʼime ya. Ọzọ, onye na-enuda nkume, ya ka nkume ahụ ga-adagbu.
28 A fals tunge loueth not treuth; and a slidir mouth worchith fallyngis.
Onye ị kpọrọ asị bụ onye ị ga-achọ iwetara ihe mgbu site nʼịgha ụgha. Okwu ọma na-esighị nʼobi mmadụ pụta na-eweta ịla nʼiyi.

< Proverbs 26 >