< Proverbs 25 >

1 Also these ben the Parablis of Salomon, whiche the men of Ezechie, kyng of Juda, translatiden.
Oo weliba kuwanuna waa maahmaahyadii Sulaymaan, Oo boqorkii Yahuudah oo Xisqiyaah ahaa raggiisii ay soo guuriyeen.
2 The glorie of God is to hele a word; and the glorie of kyngis is to seke out a word.
Waa u ammaan Ilaah inuu xaal qariyo, Laakiinse waa u ammaan boqorrada inay xaal baadhaan.
3 Heuene aboue, and the erthe bynethe, and the herte of kyngis is vnserchable.
Sida samadu u sarrayso, oo dhulkuna u gun dheer yahay, Ayaan qalbiga boqorrada loo baadhi karin.
4 Do thou a wei rust fro siluer, and a ful cleene vessel schal go out.
Lacagta wasakhda ka qaad, Oo dabadeedna waxaa lacagshubaha uga soo bixi doona weel.
5 Do thou awei vnpite fro the cheer of the kyng, and his trone schal be maad stidfast bi riytfulnesse.
Boqorka hortiisa kuwa sharka leh ka fogee, Oo carshigiisuna xaqnimuu ku taagnaan doonaa.
6 Appere thou not gloriouse bifore the kyng, and stonde thou not in the place of grete men.
Ha isweynweynayn boqorka hortiisa, Oo kuwa waaweyn meeshoodana ha istaagin.
7 For it is betere, that it be seid to thee, Stie thou hidur, than that thou be maad low bifore the prince.
Amiirkii aad indhahaaga ku aragtay Intii hortiisa lagu hoosaysiin lahaa, Waxaa kuu wanaagsan iyadoo lagu yidhaahdo, Halkan sare kaalay.
8 Brynge thou not forth soone tho thingis in strijf, whiche thin iyen sien; lest aftirward thou maist not amende, whanne thou hast maad thi frend vnhonest.
Dirir degdeg ha ugu bixin, Waaba intaasoo aad ugu dambaysta garan weydaa waxaad samayn lahayd, Markii uu deriskaagu ku ceebeeyey dabadeed.
9 Trete thi cause with thi frend, and schewe thou not priuyte to a straunge man;
Dacwadaada deriskaaga kala dood, Laakiinse mid kale xaalkiisa qarsoon ha sheegin,
10 lest perauenture he haue ioye of thi fal, whanne he hath herde, and ceesse not to do schenschipe to thee. Grace and frenschip delyueren, whiche kepe thou to thee, that thou be not maad repreuable.
Waaba intaas oo uu ku caayaa kii maqlaa, Oo aanay ceebtaadu kaa hadhin.
11 A goldun pomel in beddis of siluer is he, that spekith a word in his time.
Hadalkii si hagaagsan loogu hadlaa Wuxuu la mid yahay tufaaxyo dahab ah oo lagu dhex sameeyey taswiiro lacag ah.
12 A goldun eere ryng, and a schinynge peerle is he, that repreueth a wijs man, and an eere obeiynge.
Kii caqli leh oo wax canaantaa wuxuu dhegta wax maqasha oo addeecda ula mid yahay Hilqado dahab ah iyo wax laysku sharraxo oo dahab saafiya ah.
13 As the coold of snow in the dai of heruest, so a feithful messanger to hym that sente `thilke messanger, makith his soule to haue reste.
Wargeeyihii aamin ahu wuxuu kuwii isaga soo diray ula mid yahay Qabowga barafka cad oo wakhtiga beergooyska, Waayo, isagu wuxuu qabowjiyaa nafta sayidyadiisa.
14 A cloude and wind, and reyn not suynge, is a gloriouse man, and not fillynge biheestis.
Ku alla kii hadiyad been ah isku faaniyaa Wuxuu la mid yahay daruuro iyo dabayl aan roob lahayn.
15 A prince schal be maad soft bi pacience; and a soft tunge schal breke hardnesse.
Waxaa xaakin wax lagu oggolaysiiyaa dulqaadasho badan, Carrab macaanuna laftuu jebiyaa.
16 Thou hast founde hony, ete thou that that suffisith to thee; lest perauenture thou be fillid, and brake it out.
Malab ma heshay? In kugu filan oo keliya ka cun, Waaba intaas oo intaad ka dheregto aad soo hunqaacdaaye.
17 Withdrawe thi foot fro the hous of thi neiybore; lest sum tyme he be fillid, and hate thee.
Cagtaadu ha ku yaraato guriga deriskaaga, Waaba intaasoo uu kaa daalaa oo uu ku necbaadaaye.
18 A dart, and a swerd, and a scharp arowe, a man that spekith fals witnessing ayens his neiybore.
Ninkii deriskiisa marag been ah ku furaa Waa sida budh iyo seef iyo fallaadh af badan oo kale.
19 A rotun tooth, and a feynt foot is he, that hopith on an vnfeithful man in the dai of angwisch,
In wakhtiga dhibaatada nin aaminlaawe ah laysku halleeyo Waa sida ilig jaban iyo cag murkacatay oo kale.
20 and leesith his mentil in the dai of coold. Vynegre in a vessel of salt is he, that singith songis to the worste herte. As a mouyte noieth a cloth, and a worm noieth a tree, so the sorewe of a man noieth the herte.
Kii qalbi murugaysan u gabyaa Waa sida mid maalin qabow huwiska iska qaada iyo sida khal soodhe lagu shubo oo kale.
21 If thin enemy hungrith, feede thou him; if he thirstith, yyue thou watir to hym to drinke;
Cadowgaagu hadduu gaajaysan yahay, wax uu cuno sii, Hadduu harraadsan yahayna waraabi,
22 for thou schalt gadere togidere coolis on his heed; and the Lord schal yelde to thee.
Waayo, dhuxulo dab ah ayaad madaxiisa ku tuuli doontaa, Oo Rabbiguna waa kuu abaalgudi doonaa.
23 The north wind scatereth reynes; and a sorewful face distrieth a tunge bacbitinge.
Dabaysha woqooyi roob bay keentaa, Sidaas oo kale carrabkii xan badanna weji cadhaysan buu keenaa.
24 It is betere to sitte in the corner of an hous without roof, than with a womman ful of chidyng, and in a comyn hous.
In guriga dushiisa dhinac laga joogo ayaa ka roon In guri weyn naag muran badan lala joogo.
25 Coold watir to a thirsti man; and a good messanger fro a fer lond.
Warkii wanaagsan oo dal fog ka yimaadaa Waa sida biyo qabow ay naf harraadsan u yihiin oo kale.
26 A welle disturblid with foot, and a veyne brokun, a iust man fallinge bifore a wickid man.
Ninkii xaq ah ee kii shar leh isu dhiibaa Waa sida durdur qasmay iyo sida il biyood oo wasakhowday oo kale.
27 As it is not good to hym that etith myche hony; so he that is a serchere of maieste, schal be put doun fro glorie.
In malab badan la cunaa ma wanaagsana, Sidaas oo kalena in ammaan la doondoontaa ammaan ma aha.
28 As a citee opyn, and with out cumpas of wallis; so is a man that mai not refreyne his spirit in speking.
Kii aan ruuxiisa u talin karinu Waa sida magaalo duntay oo aan derbi lahayn oo kale.

< Proverbs 25 >