< Proverbs 21 >

1 As departyngis of watris, so the herte of the kyng is in the power of the Lord; whidur euer he wole, he schal bowe it.
Iyi dị iche iche nke jupụtara na mmiri ka obi eze bụ nʼaka Onyenwe anyị, nke ọ na-ahazi nʼụzọ ọbụla dị ya mma.
2 Ech weye of a man semeth riytful to hym silf; but the Lord peisith the hertis.
Ọrụ niile bụ ihe ziri ezi nʼanya onye na-arụ ya, ma Onyenwe anyị bụ onye na-eleba anya nʼechiche obi anyị niile.
3 To do merci and doom plesith more the Lord, than sacrifices doen.
Ime ezi omume na ihe ziri ezi ka Onyenwe anyị na-anabata karịa ịchụ aja.
4 Enhaunsyng of iyen is alargyng of the herte; the lanterne of wickid men is synne.
Nganga na mpako na agụụ ihe ọjọọ nke bụ ọrụ ndị ajọ omume, bụ mmehie.
5 The thouytis of a stronge man ben euere in abundaunce; but ech slow man is euere in nedynesse.
Echiche niile nke onye na-arụsị ọrụ ike na-eweta uru, dịka echiche onye ome ngwangwa na-enweta naanị ụkọ.
6 He that gaderith tresours bi the tunge of a leesing, is veyne, and with outen herte; and he schal be hurtlid to the snaris of deth.
Uru niile enwetara nʼụzọ na-ezighị ezi adịghị adịgide, ha bụ nkuume ifufe na-efesa, ndị na-achọ ya na-achọ ọnwụ.
7 The raueyns of vnpitouse men schulen drawe hem doun; for thei nolden do doom.
Nʼihi na ndị na-emebi iwu anaghị eme ihe ọma, ihe ọjọọ ha na-eme na-alaghachi laa ha nʼiyi.
8 The weiward weie of a man is alien fro God; but the werk of hym that is cleene, is riytful.
Ụzọ onye na-emebi iwu bụ ihe gbagọrọ agbagọ, ma omume onye aka ya dị ọcha ziri ezi.
9 It is betere to sitte in the corner of an hous with oute roof, than with a womman ful of chydyng, and in a comyn hous.
Ọ ka mma ibi nʼotu akụkụ elu ụlọ karịa ibinyere nwanyị na-ese okwu.
10 The soule of an vnpitouse man desirith yuel; he schal not haue merci on his neiybore.
Ihe na-atọ onye ọjọọ ụtọ bụ imerụ ndị ọzọ ahụ; ọ maghị imere mmadụ ibe ya ebere.
11 Whanne a man ful of pestilence is punyschid, a litil man of wit schal be the wisere; and if he sueth a wijs man, he schal take kunnyng.
Mgbe a na-ata onye na-akwa emo ahụhụ, onye na-enweghị uche na-enweta amamihe, ma mgbe a na-akụziri onye maara ihe ihe ọ na-enweta ihe ọmụma.
12 A iust man of the hous of a wickid man thenkith, to withdrawe wickid men fro yuel.
Onye ezi omume na-amụta ihe site nʼile ụlọ onye ajọ omume anya na-emekwa ka ndị ajọ omume laa nʼiyi.
13 He that stoppith his eere at the cry of a pore man, schal crye also, and schal not be herd.
Onye na-adịghị ege ntị na mkpu onye ogbenye, ya onwe ya ga-akpọkwa mkpu ma agaghị aza ya.
14 A yift hid quenchith chidyngis; and a yift in bosum quenchith the moost indignacioun.
Onyinye enyere na nzuzo na-eme ka iwe dajụọ, otu a kwa, ngarị ezonyere nʼime uwe na-eme ka oke ọnụma dajụọ.
15 It is ioye to a iust man to make doom; and it is drede to hem that worchen wickidnesse.
Onye ezi omume na-aṅụrị ọṅụ mgbe e kpere ikpe ziri ezi, ma bụrụ ihe oke egwu dịrị ndị na-eme ajọ ihe.
16 A man that errith fro the weie of doctryn, schal dwelle in the cumpany of giauntis.
Onye ọbụla si nʼụzọ nghọta wezuga onwe ya ga-eso nʼotu ndị nwụrụ anwụ.
17 He that loueth metis, schal be in nedynesse; he that loueth wiyn and fatte thingis, schal not be maad riche.
Nwoke hụrụ ibi ndụ nganga nʼanya na-ada ụkpa; ịṅụ mmanya na oke oriri abụghị ụzọ esi akpata akụ.
18 An vnpitouse man schal be youun for a iust man; and a wickid man schal be youun for a riytful man.
Onye ajọ omume ga-abụ ihe mgbapụta maka onye ezi omume, onye aghụghọ ga-abụkwa ihe mgbapụta maka onye ndụ ya ziri ezi.
19 It is betere to dwelle in a desert lond, than with a womman ful of chidyng, and wrathful.
Ọ ka mma ibi nʼọzara karịa ibinyere nwanyị na-atamu ntamu na-esekwa okwu.
20 Desirable tresoure and oile is in the dwelling places of a iust man; and an vnprudent man schal distrie it.
Onye maara ihe na-edebe ezi ihe oriri na mmanụ oliv nʼụlọ ya, ma onye nzuzu na-eloda ihe niile nʼọnụ ya.
21 He that sueth riytfulnesse and mercy, schal fynde lijf and glorie.
Onye na-achụso ezi omume na ịhụnanya ga-achọta ndụ, na ugwu na ọganihu.
22 A wijs man stiede `in to the citee of stronge men, and distriede the strengthe of trist therof.
Onye maara ihe nwere ike megide obodo ndị dike, kwatuokwa ebe ewusiri ike nke ha tụkwasịrị obi ha.
23 He that kepith his mouth and his tunge, kepith his soule from angwischis.
Onye na-echekwa ire ya na ọnụ ya na-egbochiri onwe ya ọdachi.
24 A proude man and boosteere is clepid a fool, that worchith pride in ire.
Onye nganga na onye mpako, onye na-akwa emo bụ aha ya. Ọ na-eji oke nganga eme ihe niile.
25 Desiris sleen a slow man; for hise hondis nolden worche ony thing.
Oke ọchịchọ nke onye umengwụ na-ewetara ya ọnwụ nʼihi na ọ jụrụ ịrụ ọrụ.
26 Al dai he coueitith and desirith; but he that is a iust man, schal yyue, and schal not ceesse.
Kwa ụbọchị ka ọ na-achọ inwe karịa, ma onye ezi omume na-enye na-akpaghị oke.
27 The offringis of wickid men, that ben offrid of greet trespas, ben abhomynable.
Chineke kpọrọ aja ndị na-emebi iwu asị, nke ka nke, ma ọ bụrụ na ha na-enye onyinye a site na nzube ọjọọ.
28 A fals witnesse schal perische; a man obedient schal speke victorie.
Onyeama ụgha ga-ala nʼiyi, ma onye ọbụla na-ege ya ntị ka a ga-ebibi ruo ebighị ebi.
29 A wickid man makith sad his cheer vnschamefastli; but he that is riytful, amendith his weie.
Ndị ajọ omume na-ebi ndụ atụghị egwu, ma ndị omume ha ziri ezi na-atụgharị uche nʼụzọ ha niile.
30 No wisdom is, no prudence is, no counsel is ayens the Lord.
O nweghị amamihe dị, o nweghị nghọta dị, o nwekwaghị atụmatụ ọbụla, nke pụrụ iguzosi ike megide Onyenwe anyị.
31 An hors is maad redi to the dai of batel; but the Lord schal yyue helthe.
E nwere ike jikere ịnyịnya, kwadokwaa maka agha, maọbụ naanị Onyenwe anyị na-enye mmeri.

< Proverbs 21 >