< Proverbs 20 >

1 Wiyn is a letcherouse thing and drunkenesse is ful of noise; who euere delitith in these, schal not be wijs.
Waini museki uye doro mupopoti; ani naani anotsauswa nazvo haana kuchenjera.
2 As the roryng of a lioun, so and the drede of the kyng; he that territh hym to ire, synneth ayens his owne lijf.
Kutsamwa kwamambo kwakafanana nokuomba kweshumba; uyo anomutsamwisa anotadzira upenyu hwake.
3 It is onour to a man that departith hym silf fro stryuyngis; but fonned men ben medlid with dispisyngis.
Munhu achakudzwa kana akagara kure nokukakavara, asi benzi rimwe nerimwe rinokurumidza kupopota.
4 A slow man nolde ere for coold; therfor he schal begge in somer, and me schal not yyue to hym.
Simbe hairimi mumwaka wokurima; saka panguva yokukohwa anotsvaka asi hapana chaanowana.
5 As deep watir, so counsel is in the herte of a man; but a wijs man schal drawe it out.
Zvinangwa zvomwoyo womunhu imvura yakadzika, asi munhu akachenjera achaichera.
6 Many men ben clepid merciful; but who schal fynde a feithful man?
Vanhu vazhinji vanoti vane rudo rusingagumi, asi munhu akatendeka angawanikwa kupiko?
7 Forsothe a iust man that goith in his simplenesse, schal leeue blessid sones aftir hym.
Munhu akarurama anorarama upenyu hwakanaka; vana vake vanomutevera vakaropafadzwa.
8 A king that sittith in the seete of doom, distrieth al yuel bi his lokyng.
Kana mambo achinge agara pachigaro chake kuti atonge, anopepeta zvakaipa zvose nameso ake.
9 Who may seie, Myn herte is clene; Y am clene of synne?
Ndiani angati, “Ndakachengeta mwoyo wangu wakachena; ndakachena uye handina zvivi”?
10 A weiyte and a weiyte, a mesure and a mesure, euer eithir is abhomynable at God.
Zviereso zvakasiyana nezvipimo zvakasiyana Jehovha anozvivenga zvose.
11 A child is vndurstondun bi hise studies, yf his werkis ben riytful and cleene.
Kunyange mwana anozivikanwa nezvaanoita, kuti tsika dzake dzakanaka uye kuti dzakarurama here.
12 An eere heringe, and an iye seynge, God made euere eithir.
Nzeve dzinonzwa nameso anoona, Jehovha ndiye akazviita zvose zviri zviviri.
13 Nyle thou loue sleep, lest nedynesse oppresse thee; opene thin iyen, and be thou fillid with looues.
Usafarira kurara kana kuti uchava murombo; svinudza meso ako ipapo uchava nezvokudya zvakawanda.
14 Ech biere seith, It is yuel, it is yuel; and whanne he hath go awey, thanne he schal haue glorie.
“Hazvina kunaka, hazvina kunaka!” ndizvo zvinotaura mutengi; ipapo hoyo oenda achizvirumbidza pamusoro pezvaatenga.
15 Gold, and the multitude of iemmes, and a preciouse vessel, ben the lippis of kunnyng.
Goridhe riripo, uye matombo anokosha amarubhi azere, asi miromo inotaura zivo ndicho chinhu chinokosha chisipo.
16 Take thou awei the cloth of hym, that was borewe of an othere man; and for straungeris take thou awei a wed fro hym.
Mutorerei nguo yake, uyo anoitira mutorwa rubatso; itorei sorubatso kana azviitira mukadzi asingazvibati.
17 The breed of a leesing is sweet to a man; and aftirward his mouth schal be fillid with rikenyng.
Zvokudya zvakawanikwa nokunyengera zvinonaka kumunhu, asi achapedzisira ava nomukanwa mazara jecha.
18 Thouytis ben maad strong bi counselis; and bateils schulen be tretid bi gouernals.
Ita urongwa nokutsvaga mazano; kana uchironga hondo, tsvaka kutungamirirwa.
19 Be thou not medlid with him that schewith pryuetees, and goith gylefulli, and alargith hise lippis.
Guhwa rinoputsa chivimbo; saka furatira munhu anotaurisa.
20 The liyt of hym that cursith his fadir and modir, schal be quenchid in the myddis of derknessis.
Kana munhu akatuka baba vake kana mai vake, mwenje wake uchadzimwa parima guru.
21 Eritage to which me haastith in the bigynnyng, schal wante blessing in the laste tyme.
Nhaka yakakurumidza kuwanikwa pakutanga haingaropafadzwi pamagumo ayo.
22 Seie thou not, Y schal yelde yuel for yuel; abide thou the Lord, and he schal delyuere thee.
Usati, “Ndichatsiva zvawanditadzira izvi!” Mirira Jehovha, uye iye achakubatsira.
23 Abhomynacioun at God is weiyte and weiyte; a gileful balaunce is not good.
Jehovha anovenga zviereso zvinosiyana, uye zviero zvinonyengera hazvimufadzi.
24 The steppis of man ben dressid of the Lord; who forsothe of men mai vndurstonde his weie?
Kufamba kwomunhu kunotungamirirwa naJehovha. Zvino munhu anganzwisisa sei nzira yake?
25 Falling of man is to make auow to seyntis, and aftirward to withdrawe the vowis.
Musungo kumunhu kuti akumikidze chimwe chinhu nokukurumidza uye ozorangarira mhiko dzake pava paya.
26 A wijs kyng scaterith wickid men; and bowith a bouwe of victorie ouer hem.
Mambo akachenjera anopepeta zvakaipa; anofambisa vhiri rokupura pamusoro pavo.
27 The lanterne of the Lord is the spirit of man, that sekith out alle the priuetees of the wombe.
Mwenje waJehovha unonzvera mweya womunhu; unonzvera zviri mukatikati make.
28 Merci and treuthe kepen a kyng; and his trone is maad strong bi mekenesse.
Rudo nokutendeka zvinochengetedza mambo; kubudikidza norudo chigaro chake chinosimbiswa.
29 The ful out ioiyng of yonge men is the strengthe of hem; and the dignyte of elde men is hoornesse.
Kukudzwa kwamajaya ndiro simba ravo, bvudzi jena kubwinya kwavakwegura.
30 The wannesse of wounde schal wipe aweie yuels, and woundis in the priuyere thingis of the wombe.
Kurohwa nokukuvadzwa zvinobvisa zvakaipa, uye kurohwa neshamhu kunovaka munhu womukati.

< Proverbs 20 >