< Proverbs 19 >

1 Betere is a pore man, that goith in his simplenesse, than a riche man bitynge hise lippis, and vnwijs.
ただしく歩むまづしき者は くちびるの悖れる愚なる者に愈る
2 Where is not kunnyng of the soule, is not good; and he that is hasti, in feet hirtith.
心に思慮なければ善らず 足にて急ぐものは道にまよふ
3 The foli of a man disseyueth hise steppis; and he brenneth in his soule ayens God.
人はおのれの痴によりて道につまづき 反て心にヱホバを怨む
4 Richessis encreessen ful many freendis; forsothe also thei ben departid fro a pore man, whiche he hadde.
資財はおほくの友をあつむ されど貧者はその友に疎まる
5 A fals witnesse schal not be vnpunyschid; and he that spekith leesingis, schal not ascape.
虚偽の證人は罰をまぬかれず 謊言をはくものは避るることをえず
6 Many men onouren the persoone of a myyti man; and ben frendis of hym that deelith yiftis.
君に媚る者はおほし 凡そ人は贈物を與ふる者の友となるなり
7 The britheren of a pore man haten hym; ferthermore and the freendis yeden awei fer fro hym. He that sueth wordis oonli, schal haue no thing;
貧者はその兄弟すらも皆これをにくむ 況てその友これに遠ざからざらんや 言をはなちてこれを呼とも去てかへらざるなり
8 but he that holdith stabli the mynde, loueth his soule, and the kepere of prudence schal fynde goodis.
智慧を得る者はおのれの霊魂を愛す 聡明をたもつ者は善福を得ん
9 A fals witnesse schal not be vnpunyschid; and he that spekith leesyngis, schal perische.
虚偽の證人は罰をまぬかれず 謊言をはく者はほろぶべし
10 Delices bicomen not a fool; nether `it bicometh a seruaunt to be lord of princes.
愚なる者の驕奢に居るは適当からず 況て僕にして上に在る者を治むることをや
11 The teching of a man is knowun bi pacience; and his glorie is to passe ouere wickid thingis.
聡明は人に怒をしのばしむ 過失を宥すは人の榮誉なり
12 As the gnasting of a lioun, so and the ire of the king; and as deewe on eerbe, so and the gladnesse of the kyng.
王の怒は獅の吼るが如く その恩典は草の上におく露のごとし
13 The sorewe of the fadir is a fonned sone; and roofes droppynge contynueli is a womman ful of chiding.
愚なる子はその父の災禍なり 妻の相争そふは雨漏のたえぬにひとし
14 Housis and richessis ben youun of fadir and modir; but a prudent wijf is youun propirli of the Lord.
家と資財とは先組より承嗣ぐもの 賢き妻はヱホバより賜ふものなり
15 Slouth bringith in sleep; and a negligent soule schal haue hungur.
懶惰は人を酣寐せしむ 懈怠人は飢べし
16 He that kepith the comaundement of God, kepith his soule; but he that chargith not his weie, schal be slayn.
誠命を守るものは自己の霊魂を守るなり その道をかろむるものは死ぬべし
17 He that hath mercy on a pore man, leeneth to the Lord; and he schal yelde his while to hym.
貧者をあはれむ者はヱホバに貸すなり その施濟はヱホバ償ひたまはん
18 Teche thi sone, and dispeire thou not; but sette thou not thi soule to the sleyng of hym.
望ある間に汝の子を打て これを殺すこころを起すなかれ
19 Forsothe he that is vnpacient, schal suffre harm; and whanne he hath rauyschid, he schal leie to anothir thing.
然ることの烈しき者は罰をうく 汝もしこれを救ふともしばしば然せざるを得じ
20 Here thou counsel, and take thou doctryn; that thou be wijs in thi laste thingis.
なんぢ勧をきき訓をうけよ 然ばなんぢの終に智慧あらん
21 Many thouytis ben in the herte of a man; but the wille of the Lord schal dwelle.
人の心には多くの計畫あり されど惟ヱホバの旨のみ立べし
22 A nedi man is merciful; and betere is a pore iust man, than a man liere.
人のよろこびは施濟をするにあり 貧者は謊人に愈る
23 The drede of the Lord ledith to lijf `of blis; and he `that dredith God schal dwelle in plentee, with outen visityng `of the worste.
ヱホバを畏るることは人をして生命にいたらしめ かつ恒に飽足りて災禍に遇ざらしむ
24 A slow man hidith his hond vndur the armpit; and putteth it not to his mouth.
25 Whanne a man ful of pestilence is betun, a fool schal be wisere. If thou blamist a wijs man, he schal vndurstonde techyng.
嘲笑者を打て さらば拙者も愼まん 哲者を譴めよ さらばかれ知識を得ん
26 He that turmentith the fadir, and fleeth fro the modir, schal be ful of yuel fame, and schal be cursid.
27 Sone, ceesse thou not to here techyng; and knowe thou the wordis of kunnyng.
28 A wickid witnesse scorneth doom; and the mouth of vnpitouse men deuourith wickidnesse.
惡き證人は審判を嘲り 惡者の口は惡を呑む
29 Domes ben maad redi to scorneris; and hameris smytynge ben maad redi to the bodies of foolis.
審判は嘲笑者のために備へられ 鞭は愚なる者の背のために備へらる

< Proverbs 19 >