< Proverbs 18 >

1 He that wole go a wei fro a frend, sekith occasiouns; in al tyme he schal be dispisable.
Munhu asina ukama navamwe anongozvitsvakira zvake; anozvidza kutonga kwakanaka kwose.
2 A fool resseyueth not the wordis of prudence; `no but thou seie tho thingis, that ben turned in his herte.
Benzi harifariri kunzwisisa, asi rinofarira kungotaura zvarinofunga chete.
3 A wickid man, whanne he cometh in to depthe of synnes, dispisith; but sclaundre and schenschipe sueth hym.
Panosvika chakaipa, kuzvidzwa kunouyawo, uye kana nyadzi dzichisvika kusakudzwa kwasvikawo.
4 Deep watir is the wordis of the mouth of a man; and a stronde fletinge ouer is the welle of wisdom.
Mashoko omuromo womunhu imvura yakadzika, asi tsime rouchenjeri chitubu chinoyerera.
5 It is not good to take the persoone of a wickid man in doom, that thou bowe awei fro the treuthe of dom.
Hazvina kunaka kutsaura akaipa kana kusaruramisira asina mhosva.
6 The lippis of a fool medlen hem silf with chidyngis; and his mouth excitith stryues.
Miromo yebenzi inoriunzira kukakavara, uye muromo wake unomukokera kurohwa.
7 The mouth of a fool is defoulyng of hym; and hise lippis ben the fallynge of his soule.
Muromo webenzi ndiwo kuparadzwa kwaro, uye miromo yaro ndiwo musungo kumweya waro.
8 The wordis of a double tungid man ben as symple; and tho comen `til to the ynnere thingis of the wombe. Drede castith doun a slowe man; forsothe the soulis of men turned in to wymmens condicioun schulen haue hungur.
Mashoko amakuhwa akaita semisuva yakanakisisa; anoenda pakadzikadzika mukati momunhu.
9 He that is neisch, and vnstidfast in his werk, is the brother of a man distriynge hise werkis.
Uyo ano usimbe pakubata kwake ihama youyo anoparadza.
10 A strongeste tour is the name of the Lord; a iust man renneth to hym, and schal be enhaunsid.
Zita raJehovha inhare yakasimba; vakarurama vanomhanyira kwariri vagochengetedzwa.
11 The catel of a riche man is the citee of his strengthe; and as a stronge wal cumpassinge hym.
Pfuma yavapfumi ndiro guta ravo rina masvingo; vanoriona sorusvingo rurefu pakufunga kwavo.
12 The herte of man is enhaunsid, bifor that it be brokun; and it is maad meke, bifore that it be glorified.
Kuparadzwa kusati kwasvika, mwoyo womunhu unozvikudza, asi kuzvininipisa kunotangira kukudzwa.
13 He that answerith bifore that he herith, shewith hym silf to be a fool; and worthi of schenschipe.
Uyo anopindura asati anzwa, ndihwo upenzi hwake nokunyadziswa kwake.
14 The spirit of a man susteyneth his feblenesse; but who may susteyne a spirit liyt to be wrooth?
Mweya womunhu unomusimbisa panguva yokurwara, asi mweya wakapwanyika ndiani angautakura?
15 The herte of a prudent man schal holde stidfastli kunnyng; and the eere of wise men sekith techyng.
Mwoyo woune njere unowana ruzivo, nzeve dzowakachenjera dzinorutsvaka.
16 The yift of a man alargith his weie; and makith space to hym bifore princes.
Chipo chinozarurira nzira kune achipa, uye chinomusvitsa pamberi pavakuru.
17 A iust man is the first accusere of hym silf; his frend cometh, and schal serche hym.
Anotanga kusvitsa nyaya yake anoita seakanaka, kusvikira mumwe auya mberi kuzomubvunza.
18 Lot ceessith ayenseiyngis; and demeth also among miyti men.
Kukanda mijenya kunopedza gakava, uye kunotonga pakati pavaviri vanopikisana zvikuru.
19 A brother that is helpid of a brothir, is as a stidfast citee; and domes ben as the barris of citees.
Hama yatadzirwa yakavangarara kupfuura guta rakakomberedzwa namasvingo, uye kukakavara kwakafanana namazariro amasuo omuzinda wamambo.
20 A mannus wombe schal be fillid of the fruit of his mouth; and the seedis of hise lippis schulen fille hym.
Kubva pazvibereko zvomuromo wake dumbu romunhu rinogutiswa; nezvinobva pamiromo yake achagutiswa.
21 Deth and lijf ben in the werkis of tunge; thei that louen it, schulen ete the fruytis therof.
Rurimi rune simba roupenyu norufu, uye vaya vanoruda vachadya chibereko charwo.
22 He that fyndith a good womman, fyndith a good thing; and of the Lord he schal drawe vp myrthe. He that puttith a wey a good womman, puttith awei a good thing; but he that holdith auowtresse, is a fool and vnwijs.
Uyo anowana mudzimai anowana chinhu chakanaka, uye anogamuchira nyasha kubva kuna Jehovha.
23 A pore man schal speke with bisechingis; and a riche man schal speke sterneli.
Murombo anokumbira kuitirwa tsitsi, asi mupfumi anopindura nehasha.
24 A man freendli to felouschipe schal more be a frend, than a brothir.
Munhu ane shamwari dzakawanda angangoparadzwa, asi kune shamwari inonamatira kupfuura hama.

< Proverbs 18 >