< Proverbs 16 >

1 It perteyneth to man to make redi the soule; and it perteyneth to the Lord to gouerne the tunge.
心に謀るところは人にあり 舌の答はヱホバより出づ
2 Alle the weies of men ben opyn to the iyen of God; the Lord is a weiere of spiritis.
人の途はおのれの目にことごとく潔しと見ゆ 惟ヱホバ霊魂をはかりたまふ
3 Schewe thi werkys to the Lord; and thi thouytis schulen be dressid.
なんぢの作爲をヱホバに託せよ さらば汝の謀るところ必ず成るべし
4 The Lord wrouyte alle thingis for hym silf; and he made redi a wickid man to the yuel dai.
ヱホバはすべての物をおのおのその用のために造り 惡人をも惡き日のために造りたまへり
5 Abhomynacioun of the Lord is ech proude man; yhe, thouy the hond is to the hond, he schal not be innocent. The bigynnyng of good weie is to do riytwisnesse; forsothe it is more acceptable at God, than to offre sacrifices.
すべて心たかぶる者はヱホバに惡まれ 手に手をあはするとも罪をまぬかれじ
6 Wickidnesse is ayen bouyt bi merci and treuthe; and me bowith awei fro yuel bi the drede of the Lord.
憐憫と眞實とによりて愆は贖はる ヱホバを畏るることによりて人惡を離る
7 Whanne the weyes of man plesen the Lord, he schal conuerte, yhe, hise enemyes to pees.
ヱホバもし人の途を喜ばば その人の敵をも之と和がしむべし
8 Betere is a litil with riytfulnesse, than many fruytis with wickidnesse.
9 The herte of a man schal dispose his weie; but it perteyneth to the Lord to dresse hise steppis.
人は心におのれの途を考へはかる されどその歩履を導くものはヱホバなり
10 Dyuynyng is in the lippis of a king; his mouth schal not erre in doom.
王のくちびるには神のさばきあり 審判するときその口あやまる可らず
11 The domes of the Lord ben weiyte and a balaunce; and hise werkis ben alle the stoonys of the world.
公平の權衡と天秤とはヱホバのものなり 嚢にある法馬もことごとく彼の造りしものなり
12 Thei that don wickidli ben abhomynable to the king; for the trone of the rewme is maad stidfast bi riytfulnesse.
惡をおこなふことは王の憎むところなり 是その位は公義によりて堅く立ばなり
13 The wille of kyngis is iust lippis; he that spekith riytful thingis, schal be dressid.
義しき口唇は王によろこばる 彼等は正直をいふものを愛す
14 Indignacioun of the kyng is messangeris of deth; and a wijs man schal plese him.
王の怒は死の使者のごとし 智慧ある人はこれをなだむ
15 Lijf is in the gladnesse of the `cheer of the king; and his merci is as a reyn comynge late.
王の面の光には生命あり その恩寵は春雨の雲のごとし
16 Welde thou wisdom, for it is betere than gold; and gete thou prudence, for it is precyousere than siluer.
智慧を得るは金をうるよりも更に善らずや 聰明をうるは銀を得るよりも望まし
17 The path of iust men bowith awei yuelis; the kepere of his soule kepith his weie.
惡を離るるは直き人の路なり おのれの道を守るは霊魂を守るなり
18 Pride goith bifore sorewe; and the spirit schal be enhaunsid byfor fallyng.
19 It is betere to be maad meke with mylde men, than to departe spuylis with proude men.
20 A lerned man in word schal fynde goodis; and he that hopith in the Lord is blessid.
愼みて御言をおこなふ者は益をうべし ヱホバに倚賴むものは福なり
21 He that is wijs in herte, schal be clepid prudent; and he that is swete in speche, schal fynde grettere thingis.
心に智慧あれば哲者と稱へらる くちびる甘ければ人の知識をます
22 The welle of lijf is the lernyng of him that weldith; the techyng of foolis is foli.
明哲はこれを持つものに生命の泉となる 愚なる者をいましむる者はおのれの痴是なり
23 The herte of a wijs man schal teche his mouth; and schal encreesse grace to hise lippis.
智慧ある者の心はおのれの口ををしへ 又おのれの口唇に知識をます
24 Wordis wel set togidere is a coomb of hony; helthe of boonys is the swetnesse of soule.
こころよき言は蜂蜜のごとくにして 霊魂に甘く骨に良薬となる
25 A weye is that semeth riytful to a man; and the laste thingis therof leden to deth.
人の自から見て正しとする途にして その終はつひに死にいたる途となるものあり
26 The soule of a man trauelinge trauelith to hym silf; for his mouth compellide hym.
勞をるものは飮食のために骨をる 是その口おのれに迫ればなり
27 An vnwijs man diggith yuel; and fier brenneth in hise lippis.
邪曲なる人は惡を掘る その口唇には烈しき火のごときものあり
28 A weiward man reisith stryues; and a man ful of wordis departith princis.
いつはる者はあらそひを起し つけぐちする者は朋友を離れしむ
29 A wickid man flaterith his frend; and ledith hym bi a weie not good.
強暴人はその鄰をいざなひ 之を善らざる途にみちびく
30 He that thenkith schrewid thingis with iyen astonyed, bitith hise lippis, and parformeth yuel.
その目を閉て惡を謀り その口唇を蹙めて惡事を成遂ぐ
31 A coroun of dignyte is eelde, that schal be foundun in the weies of riytfulnesse.
白髮は榮の冠弁なり 義しき途にてこれを見ん
32 A pacient man is betere than a stronge man; and he that `is lord of his soule, is betere than an ouercomere of citees.
怒を遅くする者は勇士に愈り おのれの心を治むる者は城を攻取る者に愈る
33 Lottis ben sent into the bosum; but tho ben temperid of the Lord.
人は籤をひく されど事をさだむるは全くヱホバにあり

< Proverbs 16 >