< Proverbs 14 >

1 A wijs womman bildith hir hous; and an unwijs womman schal distrie with hondis an hous bildid.
智慧ある婦はその家をたて 愚なる婦はおのれの手をもて之を毀つ
2 A man goynge in riytful weie, and dredinge God, is dispisid of hym, that goith in a weie of yuel fame.
直くあゆむ者はヱホバを畏れ 曲りてあゆむ者はこれを侮る
3 The yerde of pride is in the mouth of a fool; the lippis of wijs men kepen hem.
愚なる者の口にはその傲のために鞭笞あり 智者の口唇はおのれを守る
4 Where oxis ben not, the cratche is void; but where ful many cornes apperen, there the strengthe of oxe is opyn.
5 A feithful witnesse schal not lie; a gileful witnesse bringith forth a leesing.
忠信の證人はいつはらず 虚偽のあかしびとは謊言を吐く
6 A scornere sekith wisdom, and he fyndith not; the teching of prudent men is esy.
嘲笑者は智慧を求むれどもえず 哲者は知識を得ること容易し
7 Go thou ayens a man a fool; and he schal not knowe the lippis of prudence.
汝おろかなる者の前を離れされ つひに知識の彼にあるを見ざるべし
8 The wisdom of a fel man is to vndirstonde his weie; and the vnwarnesse of foolis errith.
賢者の智慧はおのれの道を暁るにあり 愚なる者の痴は欺くにあり
9 A fool scorneth synne; grace schal dwelle among iust men.
おろろかなる者は罪をかろんず されど義者の中には恩恵あり
10 The herte that knowith the bittirnesse of his soule; a straunger schal not be meddlid in the ioie therof.
11 The hous of wickid men schal be don awei; the tabernaclis of iust men schulen buriowne.
惡者の家は亡され 正直き者の幕屋はさかゆ
12 Sotheli a weie is, that semeth iust to a man; but the laste thingis therof leden forth to deth.
13 Leiyyng schal be medlid with sorewe; and morenyng ocupieth the laste thingis of ioye.
笑ふ時にも心に悲あり 歎樂の終に憂あり
14 A fool schal be fillid with hise weies; and a good man schal be aboue hym.
心の悖れる者はおのれの途に飽かん 善人もまた自己に飽かん
15 An innocent man bileueth to eche word; a felle man biholdith hise goyngis.
拙者はすべての言を信ず 賢者はその行を愼む
16 A wijs man dredith, and bowith awei fro yuel; a fool skippith ouer, and tristith.
智慧ある者は怖れて惡をはなれ 愚なる者はたかぶりて怖れず
17 A man vnpacient schal worche foli; and a gileful man is odiouse.
怒り易き者は愚なることを行ひ 惡き謀計を設くる者は惡まる
18 Litle men of wit schulen holde foli; and felle men schulen abide kunnyng.
批者は愚なる事を得て所有となし 賢者は知識をもて冠弁となす
19 Yuel men schulen ligge bifor goode men; and vnpitouse men bifor the yatis of iust men.
惡者は善者の前に俯伏し 罪ある者は義者の門に俯伏す
20 A pore man schal be hateful, yhe, to his neiybore; but many men ben frendis of riche men.
貧者はその鄰にさへも惡まる されど富者を愛ずる者はおほし
21 He that dispisith his neiybore, doith synne; but he that doith merci to a pore man, schal be blessid. He that bileueth in the Lord, loueth merci;
その鄰を藐むる者は罪あり 困苦者を憐むものは幸福あり
22 thei erren that worchen yuel. Merci and treuthe maken redi goodis;
惡を謀る者は自己をあやまるにあらずや 善を謀る者には憐憫と眞實とあり
23 abundaunce `schal be in ech good werk. Sotheli where ful many wordis ben, there nedynesse is ofte.
すべての勤労には利益あり されど口唇のことばは貧乏をきたらするのみなり
24 The coroun of wise men is the richessis of hem; the fooli of foolis is vnwarnesse.
智慧ある者の財寳はその冠弁となる 愚なる者のおろかはただ痴なり
25 A feithful witnesse delyuereth soulis; and a fals man bringith forth leesyngis.
眞實の證人は人のいのちを救ふ 謊言を吐く者は偽人なり
26 In the drede of the Lord is triste of strengthe; and hope schal be to the sones of it.
ヱホバを畏るることは堅き依頼なり その児輩は逃避場をうべし
27 The drede of the Lord is a welle of lijf; that it bowe awei fro the fallyng of deth.
ヱホバを畏るることは生命の泉なり 人を死の罟より脱れしむ
28 The dignite of the king is in the multitude of puple; and the schenschipe of a prince is in the fewnesse of puple.
王の榮は民の多きにあり 牧泊の衰敗は民を失ふにあり
29 He that is pacient, is gouerned bi myche wisdom; but he that is vnpacient, enhaunsith his foli.
怒を遅くする者は大なる知識あり 氣の短き者は愚なることを顕す
30 Helthe of herte is the lijf of fleischis; enuye is rot of boonys.
心の安穏なるは身のいのちなり 娼嫉は誉の腐なり
31 He that falsli chalengith a nedi man, dispisith his maker; but he that hath merci on a pore man, onourith that makere.
貧者を虐ぐる者はその造主を侮るなり 彼をうやまふ者は貧者をあはれむ
32 A wickid man is put out for his malice; but a iust man hopith in his deth.
33 Wisdom restith in the herte of a wijs man; and he schal teche alle vnlerned men.
智慧は哲者の心にとどまり 愚なる者の衷にある事はあらはる
34 Riytfulnesse reisith a folc; synne makith puplis wretchis.
35 A mynystre vndurstondynge is acceptable to a kyng; a mynystre vnprofitable schal suffre the wrathfulnesse of him.
さとき僕は王の恩を蒙ぶり 辱をきたらす者はその震怒にあふ

< Proverbs 14 >