< Proverbs 14 >

1 A wijs womman bildith hir hous; and an unwijs womman schal distrie with hondis an hous bildid.
wise woman to build house: home her and folly in/on/with hand her to overthrow him
2 A man goynge in riytful weie, and dredinge God, is dispisid of hym, that goith in a weie of yuel fame.
to go: walk in/on/with uprightness his afraid LORD and be devious way: conduct his to despise him
3 The yerde of pride is in the mouth of a fool; the lippis of wijs men kepen hem.
in/on/with lip fool(ish) branch pride and lips wise to keep: guard them
4 Where oxis ben not, the cratche is void; but where ful many cornes apperen, there the strengthe of oxe is opyn.
in/on/with nothing cattle crib pure and abundance produce in/on/with strength cattle
5 A feithful witnesse schal not lie; a gileful witnesse bringith forth a leesing.
witness faithful not to lie and to breathe lie witness deception
6 A scornere sekith wisdom, and he fyndith not; the teching of prudent men is esy.
to seek to mock wisdom and nothing and knowledge to/for to understand to lighten
7 Go thou ayens a man a fool; and he schal not knowe the lippis of prudence.
to go: went from before to/for man fool and not to know lip: words knowledge
8 The wisdom of a fel man is to vndirstonde his weie; and the vnwarnesse of foolis errith.
wisdom prudent to understand way: conduct his and folly fool deceit
9 A fool scorneth synne; grace schal dwelle among iust men.
fool(ish) to mock guilt (offering) and between upright acceptance
10 The herte that knowith the bittirnesse of his soule; a straunger schal not be meddlid in the ioie therof.
heart to know bitterness soul: myself his and in/on/with joy his not to pledge be a stranger
11 The hous of wickid men schal be don awei; the tabernaclis of iust men schulen buriowne.
house: household wicked to destroy and tent upright to sprout
12 Sotheli a weie is, that semeth iust to a man; but the laste thingis therof leden forth to deth.
there way: conduct upright to/for face of man and end her way: conduct death
13 Leiyyng schal be medlid with sorewe; and morenyng ocupieth the laste thingis of ioye.
also in/on/with laughter to pain heart and end her joy grief
14 A fool schal be fillid with hise weies; and a good man schal be aboue hym.
from way: conduct his to satisfy to turn heart and from upon him man pleasant
15 An innocent man bileueth to eche word; a felle man biholdith hise goyngis.
simple be faithful to/for all word: thing and prudent to understand to/for step his
16 A wijs man dredith, and bowith awei fro yuel; a fool skippith ouer, and tristith.
wise afraid and to turn aside: depart from bad: evil and fool be arrogant and to trust
17 A man vnpacient schal worche foli; and a gileful man is odiouse.
short face: anger to make: do folly and man plot to hate
18 Litle men of wit schulen holde foli; and felle men schulen abide kunnyng.
to inherit simple folly and prudent to surround knowledge
19 Yuel men schulen ligge bifor goode men; and vnpitouse men bifor the yatis of iust men.
to bow bad: evil to/for face: before pleasant and wicked upon gate righteous
20 A pore man schal be hateful, yhe, to his neiybore; but many men ben frendis of riche men.
also to/for neighbor his to hate be poor and to love: friend rich many
21 He that dispisith his neiybore, doith synne; but he that doith merci to a pore man, schal be blessid. He that bileueth in the Lord, loueth merci;
to despise to/for neighbor his to sin and be gracious (poor *Q(K)*) blessed he
22 thei erren that worchen yuel. Merci and treuthe maken redi goodis;
not to go astray to plow/plot bad: evil and kindness and truth: faithful to plow/plot good
23 abundaunce `schal be in ech good werk. Sotheli where ful many wordis ben, there nedynesse is ofte.
in/on/with all toil to be advantage and word: because lip: words surely to/for need
24 The coroun of wise men is the richessis of hem; the fooli of foolis is vnwarnesse.
crown wise riches their folly fool folly
25 A feithful witnesse delyuereth soulis; and a fals man bringith forth leesyngis.
to rescue soul: life witness truth: true and to breathe lie deceit
26 In the drede of the Lord is triste of strengthe; and hope schal be to the sones of it.
in/on/with fear LORD confidence strength and to/for son: child his to be refuge
27 The drede of the Lord is a welle of lijf; that it bowe awei fro the fallyng of deth.
fear LORD fountain life to/for to turn aside: depart from snare death
28 The dignite of the king is in the multitude of puple; and the schenschipe of a prince is in the fewnesse of puple.
in/on/with abundance people adornment king and in/on/with end people terror prince
29 He that is pacient, is gouerned bi myche wisdom; but he that is vnpacient, enhaunsith his foli.
slow face: anger many understanding and short spirit: temper to exalt folly
30 Helthe of herte is the lijf of fleischis; enuye is rot of boonys.
life flesh heart healing and rottenness bone jealousy
31 He that falsli chalengith a nedi man, dispisith his maker; but he that hath merci on a pore man, onourith that makere.
to oppress poor to taunt to make him and to honor: honour him be gracious needy
32 A wickid man is put out for his malice; but a iust man hopith in his deth.
in/on/with distress: evil his to thrust wicked and to seek refuge in/on/with death his righteous
33 Wisdom restith in the herte of a wijs man; and he schal teche alle vnlerned men.
in/on/with heart to understand to rest wisdom and in/on/with entrails: among fool to know
34 Riytfulnesse reisith a folc; synne makith puplis wretchis.
righteousness to exalt nation and shame people sin
35 A mynystre vndurstondynge is acceptable to a kyng; a mynystre vnprofitable schal suffre the wrathfulnesse of him.
acceptance king to/for servant/slave be prudent and fury his to be be ashamed

< Proverbs 14 >