< Proverbs 10 >

1 The parablis of Salomon. A wijs sone makith glad the fadir; but a fonned sone is the sorewe of his modir.
Zvirevo zvaSoromoni: Mwanakomana akachenjera anofadza baba vake, asi mwanakomana benzi anosuwisa mai vake.
2 Tresouris of wickidnesse schulen not profite; but riytfulnesse schal delyuere fro deth.
Pfuma yakawanikwa zvakaipa haibatsiri chinhu, asi kururama kunorwira parufu.
3 The Lord schal not turmente the soule of a iust man with hungur; and he schal distrie the tresouns of vnpitouse men.
Jehovha haatenderi akarurama kuti anzwe nzara, asi kupanga kwowakaipa anokusundira kure.
4 A slow hond hath wrouyt nedynesse; but the hond of stronge men makith redi richessis. Forsothe he that enforsith to gete `ony thing bi leesyngis, fedith the wyndis; sotheli the same man sueth briddis fleynge.
Maoko ane usimbe anoita kuti munhu ave murombo, asi maoko anoshingaira anopfumisa.
5 He that gaderith togidere in heruest, is a wijs sone; but he that slepith in sommer, is a sone of confusioun.
Anounganidza zvirimwa muzhizha, mwanakomana akachenjera, asi anorara munguva yokukohwa, mwanakomana anonyadzisa.
6 The blessing of God is ouer the heed of a iust man; but wickidnesse hilith the mouth of wickid men.
Maropafadzo ndiwo korona yomusoro woakarurama, asi kuita nechisimba kuzere mumuromo womunhu akaipa.
7 The mynde of a iust man schal be with preisingis; and the name of wickid men schal wexe rotun.
Kuyeukwa kwowakarurama kuchava chikomborero, asi zita rowakaipa richaora.
8 A wijs man schal resseyue comaundementis with herte; a fool is betun with lippis.
Akachenjera pamwoyo anogamuchira mirayiro, asi benzi rinotaura zvisina maturo richaparara.
9 He that goith simpli, goith tristili; but he that makith schrewid hise weies, schal be opyn.
Munhu akarurama anofamba akachengetedzeka, asi uyo anofamba nenzira dzakaminama achabatwa.
10 He that bekeneth with the iye, schal yyue sorewe; a fool schal be betun with lippis.
Uyo anochonya neziso roruvengo anouyisa kusuwa, asi benzi rinotaura zvisina maturo richaparara.
11 The veyne of lijf is the mouth of a iust man; but the mouth of wickid men hilith wickidnesse.
Muromo womunhu akarurama chitubu choupenyu, asi kuita nechisimba kuzere mumuromo womunhu akaipa.
12 Hatrede reisith chidingis; and charite hilith alle synnes.
Ruvengo runomutsa kupesana, asi rudo runofukidzira zvakaipa zvose.
13 Wisdom is foundun in the lippis of a wise man; and a yerd in the bak of him that is nedi of herte.
Uchenjeri hunowanikwa pamiromo yavane njere, asi shamhu yakafanira musana wouyo asina njere.
14 Wise men hiden kunnyng; but the mouth of a fool is nexte to confusioun.
Vanhu vakachenjera vanochengeta zivo, asi muromo webenzi unotsvaka kuparara.
15 The catel of a riche man is the citee of his strengthe; the drede of pore men is the nedynesse of hem.
Upfumi hwavakapfuma ndiro guta ravo rina masvingo, asi urombo ndiko kuparadzwa kwavarombo.
16 The werk of a iust man is to lijf; but the fruyt of a wickid man is to synne.
Mubayiro wavakarurama ndihwo upenyu, asi zvinowanikwa nowakaipa ndiko kurangwa.
17 The weie of lijf is to him that kepith chastising; but he that forsakith blamyngis, errith.
Uyo anoteerera kurayira anoratidza nzira youpenyu, asi ani naani anozvidza kudzorwa anotsausa vamwe.
18 False lippis hiden hatrede; he that bringith forth dispisinge is vnwijs.
Uyo anovanza ruvengo rwake ane miromo inoreva nhema, uye ani naani anoparadzira guhwa ibenzi.
19 Synne schal not faile in myche spekyng; but he that mesurith hise lippis, is moost prudent.
Kana mashoko ari mazhinji, chivi hachingashayikwi, asi uyo anodzora rurimi rwake akachenjera.
20 Chosun siluer is the tunge of a iust man; the herte of wickid men is for nouyt.
Rurimi rwakarurama isirivha yakaisvonaka, asi mwoyo wowakaipa haubatsiri chinhu.
21 The lippis of a iust man techen ful manye men; but thei that ben vnlerned, schulen die in nedinesse of herte.
Miromo yemunhu akarurama inosimbisa vazhinji, asi mapenzi anofa nokuda kwokushayiwa zivo.
22 The blessing of the Lord makith riche men; and turment schal not be felowschipid to hem.
Kuropafadza kwaJehovha kunowanisa upfumi, uye haawedzeri matambudziko kwahuri.
23 A fool worchith wickidnesse as bi leiyyng; but `wisdom is prudence to a man.
Benzi rinofadzwa nokuita zvakaipa, asi munhu anonzwisisa anofarira uchenjeri.
24 That that a wickid man dredith, schal come on hym; the desire of iust men schalbe youun to hem.
Zvinotyiwa nowakaipa ndizvo zvichaitika kwaari; zvinoshuviwa nowakarurama zvichapiwa kwaari.
25 As a tempeste passynge, a wickid man schal not be; but a iust man schal be as an euerlastynge foundement.
Kana dutu rapfuura napo, vakaipa havazowanikwi, asi vakarurama vachamira vakasimba nokusingaperi.
26 As vynegre noieth the teeth, and smoke noieth the iyen; so a slow man noieth hem that senten hym in the weie.
Sevhiniga kumazino noutsi kumaziso, ndizvo zvakaita simbe kuna avo vachamutuma.
27 The drede of the Lord encreesith daies; and the yeeris of wickid men schulen be maad schort.
Kutya Jehovha kunowedzera mazuva kuupenyu, asi makore owakaipa achatapudzwa.
28 Abiding of iust men is gladnesse; but the hope of wickid men schal perische.
Tarisiro yowakarurama mufaro, asi tariro dzowakaipa dzichaparadzwa.
29 The strengthe of a symple man is the weie of the Lord; and drede to hem that worchen yuel.
Nzira yaJehovha ndiyo utiziro hwavakarurama, asi ndiko kuparadzwa kwaavo vanoita zvakaipa.
30 A iust man schal not be moued with outen ende; but wickid men schulen not dwelle on the erthe.
Akarurama haangatongodzurwi, asi vakaipa havangarambi vari munyika.
31 The mouth of a iust man schal bringe forth wisdom; the tunge of schrewis schal perische.
Muromo womunhu akarurama unobudisa uchenjeri, asi rurimi rwakaipa ruchabviswa.
32 The lippis of a iust man biholden pleasaunt thingis; and the mouth of wickid men byholdith weiward thingis.
Miromo yomunhu akarurama inoziva zvakafanira, asi muromo womunhu akaipa, zvakaipa chete.

< Proverbs 10 >