< Philippians 1 >
1 Poul and Tymothe, seruauntis of Jhesu Crist, to alle the hooli men in Crist Jhesu, that ben at Filippis, with bischopis and dekenes,
paulatImathinAmAnau yIshukhrIShTasya dAsau philipinagarasthAn khrIShTayIshoH sarvvAn pavitralokAn samiteradhyakShAn parichArakAMshcha prati patraM likhataH|
2 grace and pees to you of God oure fadir, and of the Lord Jhesu Crist.
asmAkaM tAta IshvaraH prabhu ryIshukhrIShTashcha yuShmabhyaM prasAdasya shAnteshcha bhogaM deyAstAM|
3 I do thankyngis to my God
ahaM nirantaraM nijasarvvaprArthanAsu yuShmAkaM sarvveShAM kR^ite sAnandaM prArthanAM kurvvan
4 in al mynde of you euere more in alle my preyeris for alle you with ioye, and
yati vArAn yuShmAkaM smarAmi tati vArAn A prathamAd adya yAvad
5 make a bisechyng on youre comynyng in the gospel of Crist, fro the firste day til nowe;
yuShmAkaM susaMvAdabhAgitvakAraNAd IshvaraM dhanyaM vadAmi|
6 tristenynge this ilke thing, that he that bigan in you a good werk, schal perfourme it til in to the dai of Jhesu Crist.
yuShmanmadhye yenottamaM karmma karttum Arambhi tenaiva yIshukhrIShTasya dinaM yAvat tat sAdhayiShyata ityasmin dR^iDhavishvAso mamAste|
7 As it is iust to me to feele this thing for alle you, for that Y haue you in herte, and in my boondis, and in defending and confermyng of the gospel, that alle ye be felowis of my ioye.
yuShmAn sarvvAn adhi mama tAdR^isho bhAvo yathArtho yato. ahaM kArAvasthAyAM pratyuttarakaraNe susaMvAdasya prAmANyakaraNe cha yuShmAn sarvvAn mayA sArddham ekAnugrahasya bhAgino matvA svahR^idaye dhArayAmi|
8 For God is a witnesse to me, hou Y coueyte alle you in the bowelis of Jhesu Crist.
aparam ahaM khrIShTayIshoH snehavat snehena yuShmAn kIdR^ishaM kA NkShAmi tadadhIshvaro mama sAkShI vidyate|
9 And this thing Y preie, that youre charite be plenteuouse more and more in kunnyng, and in al wit;
mayA yat prArthyate tad idaM yuShmAkaM prema nityaM vR^iddhiM gatvA
10 that ye preue the betere thingis, that ye be clene and without offence in the dai of Crist;
j nAnasya vishiShTAnAM parIkShikAyAshcha sarvvavidhabuddhe rbAhulyaM phalatu,
11 fillid with the fruyt of riytwysnesse bi Jhesu Crist, in to the glory and the heriyng of God.
khrIShTasya dinaM yAvad yuShmAkaM sAralyaM nirvighnatva ncha bhavatu, Ishvarasya gauravAya prashaMsAyai cha yIshunA khrIShTena puNyaphalAnAM pUrNatA yuShmabhyaM dIyatAm iti|
12 For, britheren, Y wole that ye wite, that the thingis that ben aboute me han comun more to the profit of the gospel,
he bhrAtaraH, mAM prati yad yad ghaTitaM tena susaMvAdaprachArasya bAdhA nahi kintu vR^iddhireva jAtA tad yuShmAn j nApayituM kAmaye. ahaM|
13 so that my boondis weren maad knowun in Crist, in ech moot halle, and in alle other placis;
aparam ahaM khrIShTasya kR^ite baddho. asmIti rAjapuryyAm anyasthAneShu cha sarvveShAM nikaTe suspaShTam abhavat,
14 that mo of britheren tristinge in the Lord more plenteuously for my boondis, dursten without drede speke the word of God.
prabhusambandhIyA aneke bhrAtarashcha mama bandhanAd AshvAsaM prApya varddhamAnenotsAhena niHkShobhaM kathAM prachArayanti|
15 But summe for enuye and strijf, summe for good wille, prechen Crist;
kechid dveShAd virodhAchchApare kechichcha sadbhAvAt khrIShTaM ghoShayanti;
16 and summe of charite, witinge that Y am put in the defense of the gospel.
ye virodhAt khrIShTaM ghoShayanti te pavitrabhAvAt tanna kurvvanto mama bandhanAni bahutarakloshadAyIni karttum ichChanti|
17 But summe of strijf schewen Crist not cleneli, gessynge hem to reise tribulacioun to my boondis.
ye cha premnA ghoShayanti te susaMvAdasya prAmANyakaraNe. ahaM niyukto. asmIti j nAtvA tat kurvvanti|
18 But what? the while on al maner, ethir bi occasioun, ethir bi treuthe, Crist is schewid; and in this thing Y haue ioye, but also Y schal haue ioye.
kiM bahunA? kApaTyAt saralabhAvAd vA bhavet, yena kenachit prakAreNa khrIShTasya ghoShaNA bhavatItyasmin aham AnandAmyAnandiShyAmi cha|
19 And Y woot, that this thing schal come to me in to heelthe bi youre preyer, and the vndurmynystring of the spirit of `Jhesu Crist, bi myn abidyng and hope.
yuShmAkaM prArthanayA yIshukhrIShTasyAtmanashchopakAreNa tat mannistArajanakaM bhaviShyatIti jAnAmi|
20 For in no thing Y schal be schamed, but in al trist as euere more and now, Crist schal be magnefied in my bodi, ether bi lijf, ether bi deth.
tatra cha mamAkA NkShA pratyAshA cha siddhiM gamiShyati phalato. ahaM kenApi prakAreNa na lajjiShye kintu gate sarvvasmin kAle yadvat tadvad idAnImapi sampUrNotsAhadvArA mama sharIreNa khrIShTasya mahimA jIvane maraNe vA prakAshiShyate|
21 For me to lyue is Crist, and to die is wynnyng.
yato mama jIvanaM khrIShTAya maraNa ncha lAbhAya|
22 That if to lyue in fleisch, is fruyt of werk to me, lo! what Y schal chese, Y knowe not.
kintu yadi sharIre mayA jIvitavyaM tarhi tat karmmaphalaM phaliShyati tasmAt kiM varitavyaM tanmayA na j nAyate|
23 But Y am constreyned of twei thingis, Y haue desire to be dissolued, and to be with Crist, it is myche more betere; but to dwelle in fleisch,
dvAbhyAm ahaM sampIDye, dehavAsatyajanAya khrIShTena sahavAsAya cha mamAbhilASho bhavati yatastat sarvvottamaM|
kintu dehe mamAvasthityA yuShmAkam adhikaprayojanaM|
25 And Y tristinge this thing, woot that Y schal dwelle, and perfitli dwelle to alle you, to youre profit and ioye of feith,
aham avasthAsye yuShmAbhiH sarvvaiH sArddham avasthitiM kariShye cha tayA cha vishvAse yuShmAkaM vR^iddhyAnandau janiShyete tadahaM nishchitaM jAnAmi|
26 that youre thanking abounde in Crist Jhesu in me, bi my comyng eftsoone to you.
tena cha matto. arthato yuShmatsamIpe mama punarupasthitatvAt yUyaM khrIShTena yIshunA bahutaram AhlAdaM lapsyadhve|
27 Oneli lyue ye worthili to the gospel of Crist, that whether whanne Y come and se you, ethir absent Y here of you, that ye stonden in o spirit of o wille, trauelinge togidere to the feith of the gospel.
yUyaM sAvadhAnA bhUtvA khrIShTasya susaMvAdasyopayuktam AchAraM kurudhvaM yato. ahaM yuShmAn upAgatya sAkShAt kurvvan kiM vA dUre tiShThan yuShmAkaM yAM vArttAM shrotum ichChAmi seyaM yUyam ekAtmAnastiShThatha, ekamanasA susaMvAdasambandhIyavishvAsasya pakShe yatadhve, vipakShaishcha kenApi prakAreNa na vyAkulIkriyadhva iti|
28 And in no thing be ye aferd of aduersaries, which is to hem cause of perdicioun,
tat teShAM vinAshasya lakShaNaM yuShmAka ncheshvaradattaM paritrANasya lakShaNaM bhaviShyati|
29 but to you cause of heelthe. And this thing is of God. For it is youun to you for Crist, that not oneli ye bileuen in hym, but also that ye suffren for hym;
yato yena yuShmAbhiH khrIShTe kevalavishvAsaH kriyate tannahi kintu tasya kR^ite klesho. api sahyate tAdR^isho varaH khrIShTasyAnurodhAd yuShmAbhiH prApi,
30 hauynge the same strijf, which ye saien in me, and now ye han herd of me.
tasmAt mama yAdR^ishaM yuddhaM yuShmAbhiradarshi sAmprataM shrUyate cha tAdR^ishaM yuddhaM yuShmAkam api bhavati|