< Philippians 3 >

1 Hennus forward, my britheren, haue ye ioye in the Lord. To write to you the same thingis, to me it is not slow, and to you it is necessarie.
A tloihsoi ah ka manuca rhoek, Boeipa ah omngaih uh. Amah la nangmih taengah kan daek ham he ka yaikat ngawn moenih tedae nangmih te pangkha ham ni.
2 Se ye houndis, se ye yuele werk men, se ye dyuysioun.
Ui rhoek te dawn uh, bibikung thae rhoek te dawn uh, maehsah rhoek te dawn uh.
3 For we ben circumcisioun, which bi spirit seruen to God, and glorien in Crist Jhesu, and han not trist in the fleisch,
Mamih tah yahvinrhetnah neh n'om uh. Pathen kah Mueihla neh tho aka thueng uh tih Khrih Jesuh ah aka pomsang uh neh pumsa ah aka pangtung pawt rhoek ni.
4 thouy Y haue trust, yhe, in the fleisch. If ony othere man is seyn to triste in the fleisch,
Kai khaw pumsa ah pangtungnah ka khueh van. Khat khat loh pumsa ah pangtung ham a tloe la a poek atah kai loh taoe ka poek ham om.
5 Y more, that was circumcidid in the eiytthe dai, of the kyn of Israel, of the lynage of Beniamyn, an Ebrew of Ebrewis, bi the lawe a Farisee,
A hnin rhet dongkah yahvinrhetnah neh Israel namtu khuiah Benjamin koca ni he. Hebrew rhoek khuikah Hebrew, olkhueng dongah ka Pharisee coeng.
6 bi loue pursuynge the chirche of God, bi riytwisnesse that is in the lawe lyuynge with out playnt.
Kohlopnah neh hlangboel te ka hnaemtaek. Olkhueng dongkah duengnah neh cuemthuek la ka om.
7 But whiche thingis weren to me wynnyngis, Y haue demed these apeyryngis for Crist.
Tedae kai ham hoeikhangnah balae aka om. He kah sungdaehnah he Khrih ham ni tila ka poek.
8 Netheles Y gesse alle thingis to be peirement for the cleer science of Jhesu Crist my Lord. For whom Y made alle thingis peyrement, and Y deme as drit,
Te lakah ka Boeipa Jesuh Khrih mingnah tanglue kongah a cungkuem te sungdaehnah la om ham ni ka poek bal. Amah ham ka ti ah a cungkuem te ka hlong. Tedae te te aek bangla ka poek daengah ni Khrih te ka dang vetih amah dongah m'hmuh eh.
9 that Y wynne Crist, and that Y be foundun in hym, not hauynge my riytwisnesse that is of the lawe, but that that is of the feith of Crist Jhesu, that is of God the riytwisnesse in feith,
Ka duengnah he olkhueng lamlong pawt tih Khrih tangnah lamlong ni n'dang. Tekah tangnah te Pathen kah duengnah soah a kungsut.
10 to knowe hym, and the vertu of his risyng ayen, and the felouschipe of his passioun, and be maad lijk to his deeth,
Te tah amah neh amah thohkoepnah dongkah thaomnah aka ming sak tih a patangnah dongah rhoinaengnah neh a dueknah aka rhoii sak la om.
11 if on ony maner Y come to the resurreccioun that is fro deth.
Duek khui lamloh thohkoepnah dongah ka pha mak atah ka ti.
12 Not that now Y haue takun, or now am parfit; but Y sue, if in ony maner Y comprehende, in which thing also Y am comprehendid of Crist Jhesu.
Ka dang tangtae tih ka rhuemtuet tangtae ngawn moenih. Tedae ka hnuktlak van atah ka pom van ni. Te ham te Khrih Jesuh rhangneh ka pom van coeng.
13 Bretheren, Y deme me not that Y haue comprehendid; but o thing, Y foryete tho thingis that ben bihyndis, and stretche forth my silf to tho thingis that ben bifore,
Manuca rhoek, kai kamah loh pom ham ka poek pawt dae pakhat ah hnuksul te ka hmaai tih a hmaila ka kan.
14 and pursue to the ordeyned mede of the hiy clepyng of God in Crist Jhesu.
Khrih Jesuh dongah Pathen kah khuenah, soben kah kutdoe ham ni paelkinah te ka hnuktlak.
15 Therfor who euere we ben perfit, feele we this thing. And if ye vndurstonden in othere manere ony thing, this thing God schal schewe to you.
Te dongah lungcuei rhoek boeih long tah he tlam he poek uh sih. Pakhat khaw a hlinghlang la na poek uh koinih, te pataeng Pathen loh nangmih taengah a pumphoe sak ni.
16 Netheles to what thing we han comun, that we vndurstonden the same thing, and that we perfitli dwelle in the same reule.
Tedae m'pha uh hil te tah amah la m'vai uh.
17 Britheren, be ye my foleweris, and weyte ye hem that walken so, as ye han oure fourme.
Manuca rhoek, kai kah omih aka awt la om uh. Te dongah kaimih kah mueimae na dang uh bangla aka cet rhoek te paelki uh van.
18 For many walken, whiche Y haue seid ofte to you, but now Y wepinge seie, the enemyes of Cristis cros,
Amih kah khokan te nangmih taengah muep ka thui taitu. Tahae ah khaw rhah doeah ka thui dae Khrih thinglam kah rhal la om uh.
19 who ende is deth, whos god is the wombe, and the glorie in confusioun of hem, that saueren ertheli thingis.
Amih kah a bawtnah tah pocinah ni. Amih kah pathen tah bungpuei la poeh tih thangpomnah tah amih kah yahkoi dongah a om pah. Te rhoek loh diklai koe te a poek uh.
20 But oure lyuyng is in heuenes; fro whennus also we abiden the sauyour oure Lord Jhesu Crist,
Tedae mamih kah pilnam tah vaan ah ni a om. Te lamkah khangkung Boeipa Jesuh Khrih te n'lamtawn uh bal.
21 which schal reforme the bodi of oure mekenesse, that is maad lijk to the bodi of his clerenesse, bi the worching bi which he mai `also make alle thingis suget to hym.
Amah loh mamih kah mathoe pum he amah kah thangpomnah pum phek la a tho ni. Bibi a noeng van bangla a cungkuem te amah taengah boe a ngai sak pataeng.

< Philippians 3 >