< Numbers 26 >

1 Aftir that the blood of gilti men was sched out, the Lord seide to Moises and to Eleasar,
Postquam noxiorum sanguis effusus est, dixit Dominus ad Moysen et Eleazarum filium Aaron sacerdotem:
2 preest, sone of Aaron, Noumbre ye al the summe of the sones of Israel, fro twenti yeer and aboue, bi her housis, and kynredis, alle men that mowen go forth to batels.
Numerate omnem summam filiorum Israel a viginti annis et supra, per domos et cognationes suas, cunctos, qui possunt ad bella procedere.
3 And so Moises and Eleasar, preest, spaken in the feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, ayens Jerico, to hem that weren of twenti yeer and aboue,
Locuti sunt itaque Moyses et Eleazar sacerdos, in campestribus Moab super Iordanem contra Iericho, ad eos, qui erant
4 as the Lord comaundide; of whiche this is the noumbre.
a viginti annis et supra, sicut Dominus imperaverat, quorum iste est numerus:
5 Ruben, the firste gendrid of Israel; the sone of hym was Enoch, of whom was the meynee of Enochitis; and Phallu, of whom the meynee of Phalluytis; and Esrom,
Ruben primogenitus Israel. huius filius, Henoch, a quo familia Henochitarum: et Phallu, a quo familia Phalluitarum:
6 of whom the meynee of Esromytis; and Charmy, of whom the meynee of Charmytis.
et Hesron, a quo familia Hesronitarum: et Charmi, a quo familia Charmitarum.
7 Thes weren the meynees of the generacioun of Ruben, of whiche meynees the noumbre was foundun thre and fourti thousand seuene hundrid and thretti.
hae sunt familiae de stirpe Ruben: quarum numerus inventus est quadraginta tria millia, et septingenti triginta.
8 The sone of Phallu was Heliab;
Filius Phallu, Eliab.
9 the sones of hym weren Namuel, and Dathan and Abiron. `These weren Dathan and Abiron, prynces of the puple, that riseden ayens Moises and Aaron, in the rebelte of Chore, whanne thei rebelliden ayens the Lord;
huius filii, Namuel et Dathan et Abiron. isti sunt Dathan et Abiron principes populi, qui surrexerunt contra Moysen et Aaron in seditione Core, quando adversus Dominum rebellaverunt:
10 and the erthe openyde his mouth, and deuouride Chore, while ful many men dieden, whanne the fier brente two hundrid men and fifti; and a greet myracle was maad,
et aperiens terra os suum devoravit Core, morientibus plurimis, quando combussit ignis ducentos quinquaginta viros. Et factum est grande miraculum,
11 that whanne Chore perischide, hise sones perischiden not.
ut, Core pereunte, filii illius non perirent.
12 The sones of Symeon bi her kynredis; Namuel, of hym was the meynee of Namuelitis; Jamyn, of hym was the meynee of Jamynytis; Jachin, of hym was the meynee of Jachynytis;
Filii Simeon per cognationes suas: Namuel, ab hoc familia Namuelitarum: et Iamin, ab hoc familia Iaminitarum: Iachin, ab hoc familia Iachinitarum:
13 Zare, of hym the meynee of Zarenytis; Saul, of hym the meynee of Saulitis.
Zare, ab hoc familia Zareitarum: Saul, ab hoc familia Saulitarum.
14 These weren the meynees of Symeon, of whiche all the noumbre was two and twenti thousynde and two hundrid.
hae sunt familiae de stirpe Simeon, quarum omnis numerus fuit viginti duo millia ducenti.
15 The sones of Gad bi her kynredis; Sephon, of hym the meynee of Sephonytis; Aggi, of hym the meynee of Aggitis; Sumy, of hym the meynee of Sumytis;
Filii Gad per cognationes suas: Sephon, ab hoc familia Sephonitarum: Aggi, ab hoc familia Aggitarum: Suni, ab hoc familia Sunitarum:
16 Ozny, of hym the meynee of Oznytis; Heri, of hym the meynee of Hereytis;
Ozni, ab hoc familia Oznitarum: Her, ab hoc familia Heritarum:
17 Arod, of hym the meynee of Aroditis; Ariel, of hym the meynee of Arielitis.
Arod, ab hoc familia Aroditarum: Ariel, ab hoc familia Arielitarum.
18 These weren the meynees of Gad, of whiche al the noumbre was fourti thousynde and fyue hundrid.
istae sunt familiae Gad, quarum omnis numerus fuit quadraginta millia quingenti.
19 The sones of Juda weren Her and Onan, whiche bothe weren deed in the lond of Canaan.
Filii Iuda, Her et Onan, qui ambo mortui sunt in Terra Chanaan.
20 And the sones of Juda weren bi her kynredis; Sela, of whom the meynee of Selaitis; Phares, of whom the meynee of Pharesitis; Zare, of whom the meynee of Zareitis.
Fueruntque filii Iuda, per cognationes suas: Sela, a quo familia Selaitarum: Phares, a quo familia Pharesitarum: Zare, a quo familia Zareitarum.
21 Sotheli the sones of Phares weren Esrom, of whom the meynee of Esromytis; and Amul, of whom the meynee of Amulitis.
Porro filii Phares: Hesron, a quo familia Hesronitarum: et Hamul, a quo familia Hamulitarum.
22 These weren the meynees of Juda, of whiche al the noumbre was seuenty thousynde and fyue hundrid.
Istae sunt familiae Iuda, quarum omnis numerus fuit septuaginta sex millia quingenti.
23 The sones of Isachar bi her kynredis; Thola, of whom the meynee of Tholaitis; Phua, of whom the meynee of Phuitis;
Filii Issachar, per cognationes suas: Thola, a quo familia Tholaitarum: Phua, a quo familia Phuaitarum:
24 Jasub, of whom the meynee of Jasubitis; Semran, of whom the meynee of Semranytis.
Iasub, a quo familia Iasubitarum: Semran, a quo familia Semranitarum.
25 These weren the kynredis of Isachar, of whiche the noumbre was foure and sixti thousynd and three hundrid.
hae sunt cognationes Issachar, quarum numerus fuit sexaginta quattuor millia trecenti.
26 The sones of Zabulon bi her kinredis; Sarad, of whom the meynee of Sareditis; Helon, of whom the meynee of Helonytis; Jalel, of whom the meynee of Jalelitis.
Filii Zabulon per cognationes suas: Sared, a quo familia Sareditarum: Elon, a quo familia Elonitarum: Ialel, a quo familia Ialelitarum.
27 These weren the kynredis of Zabulon, of whiche the noumbre was sixti thousynde and fyue hundrid.
hae sunt cognationes Zabulon, quarum numerus fuit sexaginta millia quingenti.
28 The sones of Joseph bi her kynredis weren Manasses and Effraym.
Filii Ioseph per cognationes suas, Manasse et Ephraim.
29 Of Manasses was borun Machir, of whom the meynee of Machiritis. Machir gendride Galaad, of whom the meynee of Galaditis.
De Manasse ortus est Machir, a quo familia Machiritarum. Machir genuit Galaad, a quo familia Galaaditarum.
30 Galaad hadde sones; Hizezer, of whom the meynee of Hizezeritis; and Helech, of whom the meynee of Helechitis;
Galaad habuit filios: Iezer, a quo familia Iezeritarum: et Helec, a quo familia Helecitarum:
31 and Ariel, of whom the meynee of Arielitis; and Sechem, of whom the meynee of Sechemytis;
et Asriel, a quo familia Asrielitarum: et Sechem, a quo familia Sechemitarum:
32 and Semyda, of whom the meynee of Semydaitis; and Epher, of whom the meynee of Epheritis.
et Semida, a quo familia Semidaitarum: et Hepher, a quo familia Hepheritarum.
33 Forsothe Epher was the fadir of Salphath, that hadde not sones, but oneli douytris; of whiche these weren the names; Maala, and Noha, and Egla, and Melcha, and Thersa.
Fuit autem Hepher pater Salphaad, qui filios non habebat, sed tantum filias, quarum ista sunt nomina: Maala, et Noa, et Hegla, et Melcha, et Thersa.
34 These weren the meynees of Manasse, and the noumbre of hem was two and fifty thousynde and seuene hundrid.
hae sunt familiae Manasse, et numerus earum, quinquaginta duo millia septingenti.
35 Forsothe the sones of Effraym bi her kynredis weren these; Suthala, of whom the meynee of Suthalaitis; Bether, of whom the meynee of Betherytis; Tehen, of whom the meynee of Thehenytis.
Filii autem Ephraim per cognationes suas fuerunt hi: Suthala, a quo familia Suthalaitarum: Becher, a quo familia Becheritarum: Thehen, a quo familia Thehenitarum.
36 Forsothe the sone of Suthala was Heram, of whom the meynee of Heramytis.
porro filius Suthala fuit Heran, a quo familia Heranitarum.
37 These weren the kynredis `of the sones of Effraym, of whiche the noumbre was two and thretti thousynde and fyue hundrid.
hae sunt cognationes filiorum Ephraim, quarum numerus fuit triginta duo millia quingenti.
38 These weren the sones of Joseph, bi her meynees. The sones of Beniamyn in her kynredis; Bale, of whom the meynee of Baleytis; Azbel, of whom the meynee of Azbelitis; Ahiram, of whom the meynee of Ahiramitis;
Isti sunt filii Ioseph per familias suas. Filii Beniamin in cognationibus suis: Bela, a quo familia Belaitarum: Asbel, a quo familia Asbelitarum: Ahiram, a quo familia Ahiramitarum:
39 Suphan, of whom the meynee of Suphanitis; Huphan, of whom the meynee of Huphanitis.
Supham, a quo familia Suphamitarum: Hupham, a quo familia Huphamitarum.
40 The sones of Bale, Hered and Noeman; of Hered, the meyne of Hereditis; of Noeman, the meynee of Noemanitis.
Filii Bela: Hered, et Noeman. De Hered, familia Hereditarum: de Noeman, familia Noemanitarum.
41 Thes weren the sones of Beniamyn bi her kynredis, of whiche the noumbre was fyue and fourti thousynde and sixe hundrid.
hi sunt filii Beniamin per cognationes suas, quorum numerus fuit quadragintaquinque millia sexcenti.
42 The sones of Dan bi her kynredis; Suphan, of whom the meynee of Suphanytis. These weren the kynredis of Dan bi her meynees;
Filii Dan per cognationes suas: Suham, a quo familia Suhamitarum. hae sunt cognationes Dan per familias suas.
43 alle weren Suphanytis, of whiche the noumbre was foure and sixti thousynde and foure hundrid.
omnes fuere Suhamitae, quorum numerus erat sexaginta quattuor millia quadringenti.
44 The sones of Aser bi her kynredis; Jemma, of whom the meynee of Jemmaytis; Jesuy, of whom the meynee of Jesuytis; Brie, of whom the meynee of Brieitis.
Filii Aser per cognationes suas: Iemna, a quo familia Iemnaitarum: Iessui, a quo familia Iessuitarum: Brie, a quo familia Brieitarum.
45 The sones of Brie; Haber, of whom the meynee of Haberitis; and Melchiel, of whom the meynee of Melchielitis.
Filii Brie: Heber, a quo familia Heberitarum: et Melchiel, a quo familia Melchielitarum.
46 Sotheli the name of `the douytir of Azer was Zara.
Nomen autem filiae Aser, fuit Sara.
47 These weren the kynredis of the sones of Aser, and the noumbre of hem was foure and fifti thousynde and foure hundrid.
hae cognationes filiorum Aser, et numerus eorum quinquaginta tria millia quadringenti.
48 The sones of Neptalym bi her kynredis; Jesehel, of whom the meynee of Jeselitis; Guny, of whom the meynee of Gunytis;
Filii Nephthali per cognationes suas: Iesiel, a quo familia Iesielitarum: Guni, a quo familia Gunitarum:
49 Jeser, of whom the meynee of Jeserytis; Sellem, of whom the meynee of Sellemytis.
Ieser, a quo familia Ieseritarum: Sellem, a quo familia Sellemitarum.
50 Thes weren the kynredis of the sones of Neptalym bi her meynees, of whiche the noumbre was fyue and fourti thousynde and foure hundrid.
hae sunt cognationes filiorum Nephthali per familias suas: quorum numerus quadraginta quinque millia quadringenti.
51 This is the summe of the sones of Israel, that weren noumbrid, sixe hundrid thousynde and a thousynde seuene hundrid and thretti.
Ista est summa filiorum Israel, qui recensiti sunt, sexcenta millia, et mille septingenti triginta.
52 And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide,
Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
53 The lond schal be departid to these, bi the noumbre of names in to her possessiouns;
Istis dividetur terra iuxta numerum vocabulorum in possessiones suas.
54 thou schalt yyue the grettere part to mo men, and the lesse part to fewere men; possessioun schal be youun to alle bi hem silf, as thei ben noumbrid now;
Pluribus maiorem partem dabis, et paucioribus minorem: singulis, sicut nunc recensiti sunt, tradetur possessio:
55 so oneli that lot departe the lond to lynagis and meynees.
ita dumtaxat ut sors Terram tribubus dividat et familiis.
56 What euer thing bifallith bi lot, ethir mo ether fewere men take this.
Quidquid sorte contigerit, hoc vel plures accipiant, vel pauciores.
57 Also this is the noumbre of the sones of Leuy bi her meynees; Gerson, of whom the meynee of Gersonytis; Caath, of whom the meynee of Caathitis; Merary, of whom the meynee of Meraritis.
Hic quoque est numerus filiorum Levi per familias suas: Gerson, a quo familia Gersonitarum: Caath, a quo familia Caathitarum: Merari, a quo familia Meraritarum.
58 These weren the meynees of Leuy; the meynee of Lobny, the meynee of Ebron, the meynee of Mooli, the meynee of Musi, the meynee of Chori. And sotheli Caath gendride Amram,
hae sunt familiae Levi: Familia Lobni, familia Hebroni, familia Moholi, familia Musi, familia Core. At vero Caath genuit Amram:
59 which hadde a wijf, Jocabeth, douyter of Leuy, which douyter was borun to hym in Egipt. This Jocabeth gendride to hir hosebonde `Amram sones, Aaron, and Moyses, and Marie, `the sister of hem.
qui habuit uxorem Iochabed filiam Levi, quae nata est ei in Aegypto. haec genuit Amram viro suo filios, Aaron et Moysen, et Mariam sororem eorum:
60 Nadab, and Abyu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar weren bigetun of Aaron;
De Aaron orti sunt Nadab et Abiu, et Eleazar et Ithamar:
61 of whiche Nadab and Abyu weren deed, whanne thei hadden offrid alien fier bifor the Lord.
quorum Nadab et Abiu mortui sunt, cum obtulissent ignem alienum coram Domino.
62 And alle that weren noumbrid weren thre and twenti thousynde of male kynde, fro o monethe and aboue, whiche weren not noumbrid among the sones of Israel, nether possessioun was youun to hem with othir men.
Fueruntque omnes, qui numerati sunt, viginti tria millia generis masculini ab uno mense et supra: qui non sunt recensiti inter filios Israel, nec eis cum ceteris data possessio est.
63 This is the noumbre of the sones of Israel, that weren discryued of Moises and Eleasar, preest, in the feeldi places of Moab, ouer Jordan, ayen Jerico;
Hic est numerus filiorum Israel, qui descripti sunt a Moyse et Eleazaro sacerdote, in campestribus Moab supra Iordanem contra Iericho.
64 among whiche noon of hem was that weren noumbrid bifor of Moises and Aaron, in the deseert of Synay;
inter quos nullus fuit eorum, qui ante numerati sunt a Moyse et Aaron in deserto Sinai:
65 for the Lord bifore seide, that alle schulden die in `the wildirnesse; and noon of hem dwellide, no but Caleph, `the sone of Jephone, and Josue, the sone of Nun.
Praedixerat enim Dominus quod omnes morerentur in solitudine. Nullusque remansit ex eis, nisi Caleb filius Iephone, et Iosue filius Nun.

< Numbers 26 >