< Numbers 25 >

1 Forsothe in that tyme Israel dwellide in Sechym; and the puple dide fornycacioun with the douytris of Moab;
morabatur autem eo tempore Israhel in Setthim et fornicatus est populus cum filiabus Moab
2 whiche douytris clepiden hem to her sacrifices, and thei eten, and worschipiden the goddis of tho douytris;
quae vocaverunt eos ad sacrificia sua at illi comederunt et adoraverunt deos earum
3 and Israel made sacrifice to Belphegor. And the Lord was wrooth,
initiatusque est Israhel Beelphegor et iratus Dominus
4 and seide to Moises, Take thou alle the princes of the puple, and hange hem ayens the sunne in iebatis, that my wodnesse, `that is stronge veniaunce, be turned awai fro Israel.
ait ad Mosen tolle cunctos principes populi et suspende eos contra solem in patibulis ut avertatur furor meus ab Israhel
5 And Moises seide to the iugis of Israel, Ech man sle his neiyboris, that maden sacrifice to Belphagor.
dixitque Moses ad iudices Israhel occidat unusquisque proximos suos qui initiati sunt Beelphegor
6 And, lo! oon of the sones of Israel entride bifor his britheren to `an hoore of Madian, in the siyt of Moises, and al the cumpeny of the sones of Israel, whiche wepten bifor the yatis of the tabernacle.
et ecce unus de filiis Israhel intravit coram fratribus suis ad scortum madianitin vidente Mose et omni turba filiorum Israhel qui flebant ante fores tabernaculi
7 And whanne Phynees, the sone of Eleazar, sone of Aaron, preest, hadde seyn this, he roos fro the myddis of the multitude; and whanne he hadde take a swerd,
quod cum vidisset Finees filius Eleazari filii Aaron sacerdotis surrexit de medio multitudinis et arrepto pugione
8 he entride aftir the man of Israel in to the `hoore hows, and stikide thorou both togidere, that is, the man and the womman, in the places of gendryng. And the veniaunce ceesside fro the sones of Israel,
ingressus est post virum israhelitem in lupanar et perfodit ambos simul virum scilicet et mulierem in locis genitalibus cessavitque plaga a filiis Israhel
9 and foure and twenti thousand of men weren slayn.
et occisi sunt viginti quattuor milia homines
10 And the Lord seide to Moises,
dixitque Dominus ad Mosen
11 Fynees, the sone of Eleazar, sone of Aaron, preest, turnede away myn yre fro the sones of Israel; for he was stirid ayens hem bi my feruent loue, that Y my silf schulde not do awai the sones of Israel in my greet hete, `ether strong veniaunce.
Finees filius Eleazari filii Aaron sacerdotis avertit iram meam a filiis Israhel quia zelo meo commotus est contra eos ut non ipse delerem filios Israhel in zelo meo
12 Therfor speke thou to hym, Lo! Y yyue to hym the pees of my couenaunt,
idcirco loquere ad eos ecce do ei pacem foederis mei
13 and it schal be an euerlastynge couenaunt of preesthod, as wel to hym silf as to his seed; for he louyde feruentli for his God, and he clenside the greet trespas of the sones of Israel.
et erit tam ipsi quam semini illius pactum sacerdotii sempiternum quia zelatus est pro Deo suo et expiavit scelus filiorum Israhel
14 Forsothe the name of the man of Israel, that was slayn with the womman of Madian, was Zambri, the sone of Salu, duyk of the kynrede and lynage of Symeon.
erat autem nomen viri israhelitae qui occisus est cum Madianitide Zambri filius Salu dux de cognatione et tribu Symeonis
15 Forsothe the womman of Madian that was slayn togidere, was clepid Cobri, the douyter of Sur, the nobleste prince of Madianytis.
porro mulier madianitis quae pariter interfecta est vocabatur Chozbi filia Sur principis nobilissimi Madianitarum
16 And the Lord spak to Moises and seide,
locutusque est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
17 `Madianytis feele you enemyes, and smyte ye hem;
hostes vos sentiant Madianitae et percutite eos
18 for also thei diden enemyliche ayens you, and disseyueden thorow tresouns, bi the idol of Phegor, and bi `the douyter of Corbri, duyk of Madian, her sister, which douyter was sleyn in the dai of veniaunce, for the sacrilege of Phegor.
quia et ipsi hostiliter egerunt contra vos et decepere insidiis per idolum Phogor et Chozbi filiam ducis Madian sororem suam quae percussa est in die plagae pro sacrilegio Phogor

< Numbers 25 >