< Numbers 20 >

1 And the sones of Israel and al the multitude camen in to the deseert of Syn, in the firste monethe. And the puple dwellide in Cades; and Marie was deed there, and biried in the same place.
Potem so prišli Izraelovi otroci, torej celotna skupnost, v puščavo Cin, v prvem mesecu, in ljudstvo je ostalo v Kadešu in Mirjam je tam umrla in bila tam pokopana.
2 And whanne the puple hadde nede to watir, thei yeden togidere ayens Moises and Aaron; and thei weren turned in to dissensioun,
Tam pa ni bilo nobene vode za skupnost in skupaj so se zbrali zoper Mojzesa in zoper Arona.
3 and seiden, We wolden that we hadden perischid among oure britheren bifor the Lord.
Ljudje so se pričkali z Mojzesom in govorili, rekoč: »Da bi Bog dal, da bi umrli, ko so naši bratje umrli pred Gospodom!
4 Whi han ye led out the chirche of the Lord in to wildirnesse, that bothe we and oure beestis die?
In zakaj sta Gospodovo skupnost privedla gor v to divjino, da bi mi in naša živina v njej umrli?
5 Whi han ye maad vs to stie from Egipt, and han brouyt vs in to this werste place, which may not be sowun, which nether bryngith forth fige tre, nether vineris, nether pumgranatis, ferthermore and hath not watir to drynke?
In zakaj sta nas pripravila, da pridemo gor iz Egipta, da nas privedeta na ta zlobni kraj? To ni kraj semen ali fig ali vinskih trt ali granatnih jabolk niti ni tukaj nobene vode za pitje.«
6 And whanne the multitude was left, Moises and Aaron entriden in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, and felden lowe to erthe, and crieden to God, and seiden, Lord God, here the cry of this puple, and opene to hem thi tresour, a welle of quyk watir, that whanne thei ben fillid, the grutchyng of hem ceesse. And the glorie of the Lord apperide on hem;
Mojzes in Aron sta od prisotnosti zbora odšla k vratom šotorskega svetišča skupnosti ter padla na svoja obraza in prikazala se jima je Gospodova slava.
7 and the Lord spak to Moises,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
8 and seide, Take the yerde, and gadere the puple, thou, and Aaron thi brother; and speke ye to the stoon bifore hem, and it schal yyue watris. And whanne thou hast led watir out of the stoon, al the multitude schal drynke, and the beestis therof `schulden drynke.
»Vzemi palico in ti in tvoj brat Aron zberita skupaj skupnost in pred njihovimi očmi spregovorita skali in ta bo dala svojo vodo in ti jim boš prinesel vodo iz skale. Tako boš dal piti zboru in njihovim živalim.«
9 Therfor Moises took the yerde that was in the `siyt of the Lord, as the Lord comaundide to hym,
Mojzes je vzel palico izpred Gospoda, kakor mu je zapovedal.
10 whanne the multitude was gaderid bifor the stoon; and he seide to hem, Here ye, rebel and vnbileueful; whether we moun brynge out of this stoon watir to you?
Mojzes in Aron sta pred skalo zbrala skupnost in jim rekla: »Poslušajte sedaj, vi uporniki, ali vam moreva iz te skale izpeljati vodo?«
11 And whanne Moises hadde reisid the hond, and hadde smyte the flynt twies with the yerde, largeste watris yeden out, so that the puple drank, and the beestis drunken.
Mojzes je dvignil svojo roko in s svojo palico dvakrat udaril skalo in voda se je obilno prikazala in skupnost je pila in tudi njihove živali.
12 And the Lord seide to Moises and to Aaron, For ye bileueden not to me, that ye schulden halewe me bifor the sones of Israel, ye schulen not lede these puples in to the lond which Y schal yyue to hem.
Gospod pa je spregovoril Mojzesu in Aronu: »Ker mi nista verovala, da bi me izkazala svetega v očeh Izraelovih otrok, zato te skupnosti ne bosta privedla v deželo, ki sem jim jo dal.«
13 This is the watir of ayenseiyng; there the sones of Israel stryueden ayens the Lord, and he was halewid in hem.
To je voda iz Meríbe; ker so se Izraelovi otroci prepirali z Gospodom in je bil on posvečen v njih.
14 In the meene tyme Moises sente messangeres fro Cades to the kyng of Edom, whiche seiden, Israel thi brother sendith these thinges. Thou knowist al the trauel that took vs,
Mojzes je k edómskemu kralju poslal poslance iz Kadeša: »Tako govori tvoj brat Izrael: ›Ti poznaš vse muke, ki so nas doletele.
15 hou oure fadris yeden doun in to Egipt, and we dwelliden there myche tyme, and Egipcians turmentiden vs and oure fadris; and hou we crieden to the Lord,
Kako so naši očetje odšli dol v Egipt in smo dolgo časa prebivali v Egiptu; Egipčani pa so dražili nas in naše očete.
16 and he herde vs, and sente an aungel that ledde vs out of Egipt. And lo! we ben set in the citee of Cades, which is in thi laste coostis,
In ko smo klicali h Gospodu, je slišal naš glas in poslal angela in nas privedel iz egiptovske dežele. In glej, mi smo v Kadešu, v mestu na tvoji najbolj oddaljeni meji.
17 and we bisechen that it be leueful to vs to passe thorou thi lond; we schulen not go bi feeldis, nether bi vyneris, nether we schulen drynke watris of thi pittis; but we schulen go in the comyn weie, and we schulen not bowe to the riyt side, nether to the left side, til we passen thi termes.
Naj prečkamo, prosim te, skozi tvojo deželo. Ne bomo šli skozi polja ali skozi vinograde niti ne bomo pili vode iz vodnjakov. Šli bomo po kraljevi visoki poti, ne bomo se obrnili k desni roki niti ne k levi, dokler ne prečkamo tvojih meja.‹«
18 To whom Edom answeride, Ye schulen not passe bi me, ellis Y schal be armed, and come ayens thee.
Edóm pa mu je rekel: »Ne boš prečkal poleg mene, da ne bi jaz z mečem prišel zoper tebe.«
19 And the sones of Israel seiden, We schulen go bi the weie comynli vsid, and if we and oure beestis drynken thi watris, we schulen yyue that that is iust; noon hardnesse schal be in prijs, onely passe we swiftli.
Izraelovi otroci so mu rekli: »Šli bomo po visoki poti. In če jaz in moja živina pije od tvoje vode, potem bom plačal zanjo. Samo šel bom, ne da bi počel karkoli drugega bom šel skozi po svojih stopalih.«
20 And he answeride, Ye schulen not passe. And anoon he yede out ayens Israel, with a multitude without noumbre, and `strong hond,
Rekel je: »Ne boš šel skozi.« In Edóm je prišel ven zoper njega, z mnogo ljudstva in z močno roko.
21 nether he wolde assente to Israel bisechynge, that he schulde graunte passage bi hise coostis. Wherfor Israel turnede awey fro hym.
Tako je Edóm odklonil dati Izraelu prehod skozi njegovo mejo, zato se je Izrael obrnil proč od njega.
22 And whanne thei hadden moued tentis fro Cades, thei camen in to the hil of Hor, which is in the endis of the lond of Edom;
Izraelovi otroci, torej celotna skupnost, so potovali od Kadeša in prišli na goro Hor.
23 where the Lord spak to Moyses and seide, Aaron go to his puples;
Gospod je govoril Mojzesu in Aronu na gori Hor, ob meji dežele Edóm, rekoč:
24 for he schal not entre in to the lond which Y yaf to the sones of Israel, for he was vnbileueful to my mouth, at the watris of ayenseiyng.
»Aron bo zbran k svojemu ljudstvu, kajti ne bo vstopil v deželo, ki sem jo dal Izraelovim otrokom, ker sta se uprla zoper mojo besedo pri vodi Meríbe.
25 Take thou Aaron, and his sone with hym, and thou schalt lede hem in to the hil of Hor;
Vzemi Arona in njegovega sina Eleazarja ter ju privedi gor na goro Hor
26 and whanne thou hast maad nakid the fadir of his cloth, thou schalt clothe `with it Eleazar, his sone, and Aaron schal be gederid, and schal die there.
in sleci Arona iz njegovih oblačil in jih nadeni na njegovega sina Eleazarja. Aron pa bo zbran k svojim ljudem in bo tam umrl.«
27 Moises dide as the Lord comaundide; and thei stieden in to the hil of Hor, bifor al the multitude.
Mojzes je storil kakor je Gospod zapovedal in odšli so na goro Hor pred očmi vse skupnosti.
28 And whanne he hadde maad nakid Aaron of hise clothis, he clothide with tho Eleazar, his sone. Sotheli whanne Aaron was deed in the `cop of the hil, Moises cam doun with Eleazar.
Mojzes je slekel Arona iz njegovih oblačil in jih nadel na njegovega sina Eleazarja in Aron je tam umrl, na vrhu gore, in Mojzes in Eleazar sta prišla dol z gore.
29 Sotheli al the multitude siy that Aaron was deed, and wepte on hym thretti daies, bi alle her meyness.
Ko je vsa skupnost videla, da je bil Aron mrtev, so trideset dni žalovali za Aronom, celó vsa Izraelova hiša.

< Numbers 20 >