< Nehemiah 5 >

1 And greet cry of the puple and of her wyues was maad ayens her britheren Jewis.
Zvino kwakava nokuchema kukuru kwavarume navakadzi vavo pamusoro pehama dzavo vaJudha.
2 And there weren that seiden, Oure sones and oure douytris ben ful manye; take we wheete for the prijs of hem, and ete we, and lyue.
Nokuti vamwe vakati, “Isu navanakomana navanasikana vedu tiri vazhinji; kuti tidye uye kuti tigorarama, tinofanira kuwana zviyo.”
3 And there weren that seiden, Sette we forth oure feeldis, and vyneris, and oure howsis, and take we wheete in hungur.
Vamwe vaiti, “Isu takaita minda yedu neminda yedu yemizambiringa uye nemisha yedu kuti zvive rubatso kuti tiwane zviyo panguva yenzara.”
4 And othere men seiden, Take we money bi borewyng in to the tributis of the kyng, and yyue oure feeldis and vyneris.
Vamwezve vakati, “Takatozokwereta mari kuti tiripe mutero wamambo weminda yedu neminda yemizambiringa.
5 And now as the fleischis of oure britheren ben, so and oure fleischis ben; and as ben the sones of hem, so and oure sones ben; lo! we han maad suget oure sones and oure douytris in to seruage, and seruauntissis ben of oure douytris, and we han not wherof thei moun be ayenbouyt; and othere men han in possessioun oure feeldis, and oure vyneris.
Kunyange tiri venyama imwe uye tiri veropa rimwe savanhu venyika yedu, uye kunyange vanakomana vedu vakangofanana nevavo, takaguma taisa vanakomana vedu navanasikana vedu kuutapwa. Vamwe vavanasikana vedu vakatotapwa kare, asi isu hatina simba, nokuti minda yedu neminda yemizambiringa yava yavamwe.”
6 And Y was ful wrooth, whanne Y hadde herde the cry of hem bi these wordis.
Pandakanzwa kuchema kwavo kukuru nezvairehwa izvi, ndakatsamwa kwazvo.
7 And myn herte thouyte with me, and Y blamede the principal men and magistratis; and Y seide to hem, Axe ye not vsuris, `ech man of youre britheren. And Y gaderide togidire a greet cumpeny ayens hem,
Zvino ndakazvirangarira mupfungwa dzangu ipapo ndikatsiura vakuru navabati ndikati kwavari, “Imi muri kureva mhindu kuvanhu venyika yenyu!” Saka ndakavakoka kumusangano mukuru kuti ndivarayire
8 and Y seide to hem, As ye witen, we bi oure power ayenbouyten oure britheren Jewis, that weren seeld to hethene men; and ye therfor sillen youre britheren, and schulen we ayenbie hem? And thei holden silence, and founden not what thei schulen answere.
uye ndikati, “Napataigona napo takadzikinura hama dzedu dzechiJudha avo vakanga vatengeswa kune vedzimwe ndudzi. Zvino imi mava kutengesa hama dzenyu, kuti dzigotengeswazve kwatiri here?” Vakanyarara nokuti vakashayiwa chokutaura.
9 And Y seide to hem, It is not good thing, which ye doon; whi goen ye not in the drede of oure God, and repreef be not seid to vs of hethene men, oure enemyes?
Saka ndakaenderera mberi ndikati, “Zvamunoita hazvina kunaka. Ko, hamaifanira kufamba mukutya Mwari wedu here kuti vavengi vedu vechihedheni varege kutishora.
10 Bothe Y and my britheren, and my children, han lent to ful many men monei and wheete; in comyn axe we not this ayen; foryyue we alien money, which is due to vs.
Ini nehama dzangu uye navaranda vangu tiri kukweretesa vanhu mari nezviyo. Asi izvo zvokureva mhindu ngazvigume!
11 Yelde ye to hem to dai her feeldis, and her vyneris, her olyue places, and her housis; but rather yyue ye for hem bothe the hundrid part `of money of wheete, of wyn, and of oile, which we weren wont to take of hem.
Vadzorerei minda yavo nokukurumidza, neminda yavo yemizambiringa, neyemiorivhi, nedzimba dzavo uyewo nemhindu yamunoripisa, chikamu chimwe chete muzana chemari, zviyo, newaini itsva uye namafuta.”
12 And thei seiden, We schulen yelde, and we schulen axe no thing of hem; and we schulen do so as thou spekist. And Y clepide the preestis, and Y made hem to swere, that thei schulden do aftir that, that Y hadde seid.
Ivo vakati, “Tichavadzorera. Uye hatichazorevi chimwe chinhuzve kubva kwavari. Tichaita sezvamareva.” Ipapo ndakadana vaprista ndikaita kuti vakuru navabati vaite mhiko kuti vagoita sezvavakanga vavimbisa.
13 Ferthermore Y schook my bosum, and Y seide, So God schake awei ech man, `that fillith not this word fro his hows, and hise trauels; and be he schakun awei, and be he maad voide. And al the multitude seide, Amen; and thei herieden God. Therfor the puple dide, as it was seid.
Ndakazunzawo mikombero yenguo yangu ndikati, “Mwari ngaazunze saizvozvi kubva muimba yake nemidziyo yake, mumwe nomumwe asingachengeti vimbiso iyi. Naizvozvo, munhu akadai ngaazunzwe asare asina chinhu.” Ipapo ungano yose yakati, “Ameni,” uye vakarumbidza Jehovha. Uye vanhu vakaita sezvavakanga vavimbisa.
14 Forsothe fro that dai in which the kyng hadde comaundid to me, that Y schulde be duyk in the lond of Juda, fro the twentithe yeer `til to the two and threttithe yeer of Artaxerses kyng, bi twelue yeer, Y and my britheren eeten not sustenauncis, that weren due to duykis.
Pamusoro pezvo, kubva pagore ramakumi maviri raMambo Atazekisesi, pandakagadzwa somubati wavo munyika yaJudha, kusvikira pagore rake ramakore makumi matatu namaviri, makore gumi namaviri, ini nehama dzangu hatina kudya zvokudya zvaipiwa kumubati.
15 But the firste duykis, that weren bifor me, greuyden the puple, and token of hem in breed, and in wiyn, and in monei, ech dai fourti siclis; but also her mynistris oppressiden the puple. Forsothe Y dide not so, for the drede of God;
Asi vabati vokutanga, avo vakanditangira, vairemedza vanhu uye vaitora kubva kwavari mashekeri makumi mana esirivha, pamusoro pezvo vachitorazve zvokudya newaini. Kunyange vabatsiri vavo vairemedzawo vanhu. Asi ini handina kuita izvozvo nokuti ndaitya Mwari.
16 but rather Y bildide in the werk of the wal, and Y bouyte no feeld, and alle my children weren gaderid to the werk.
Panzvimbo yaizvozvo, ndakazvipira kuita basa iri rorusvingo. Varanda vangu vose vakanga vakaungana pabasa ipapo; hatina kutombotora minda ipi zvayo.
17 Also `Jewis and the magistratis of hem, an hundrid and fifti men; and thei that camen to me fro hethene men, that ben in oure cumpas, weren in my table.
Pamusoro paizvozvo, vaJudha zana namakumi mashanu navabati, pamwe chete navaHeti vaibva kundudzi dzakatikomberedza, vaidya patafura yangu.
18 Forsothe bi ech dai oon oxe was maad redi to me, sixe chosun wetheris, outakun volatils, and withynne ten daies dyuerse wynes; and Y yaf many othere thingis; ferthermore and Y axide not the sustenauncis of my duchee; for the puple was maad ful pore.
Zuva rimwe nerimwe ndaigadzirirwa nzombe imwe, makwai akaisvonaka matanhatu nehuku, uye pagumi roga ramazuva ndaipiwa waini zhinji dzemhando dzose. Kunyange zvakadaro hazvo, handina kumbokumbira zvokudya zvomubati, nokuti mitoro yakanga yakatakudzwa vanhu ava yairema kwazvo.
19 My God, haue thou mynde of me in to good, bi alle thingis whiche Y dide to this puple.
Haiwa Mwari wangu, ndirangarirei henyu nenyasha, nokuda kwezvose zvandakaitira vanhu ava.

< Nehemiah 5 >