< Nehemiah 3 >

1 And Eliasiph, the greet preest, roos, and hise britheren, and prestis, and thei bildiden the yate of the floc; thei maden it stidfast; and settiden the yatis therof, and `til to the tour of an hundrid cubitis, thei maden it stidfast, `til to the tour of Ananehel.
Katahi ka whakatika a Eriahipi, tino tohunga, ratou ko ona teina ko nga tohunga, kei te hanga i te kuwaha hipi; whakatapua ana e ratou, whakaturia ana e ratou ona tatau tae noa ki te pourewa o Meaha, whakatapua ana e ratou tae noa ki te pourewa o Hananeere.
2 And bisidis hym the men of Jerico bildiden; and bisidis hem Zaccur, the sone of Amry, bildide.
I tona taha ko nga tangata o Heriko e hanga ana; a i te taha o era ko Takuru tama a Imiri.
3 Forsothe the sones of Asamaa bildiden the yatis of fischis; thei hiliden it, and settiden the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris. And Marymuth, sone of Vrye, the sone of Accus, bildide bisidis hem.
Na, ko te kuwaha ika, na nga tama a Hahenaa i hanga; na ratou i whakanoho ona rakau, i whakatu hoki ona tatau, ona raka, me ona tutaki.
4 And Mosolla, sone of Barachie, the sone of Meseze, bildide bisidis hym. And Sadoch, the sone of Baana, bildide bisidis him.
I ko atu i a ratou ko Meremoto tama a Uria, tama a Koto ki te hanga. A i ko atu i a ratou ko Mehurama tama a Perekia, tama a Mehetapeere ki te hanga. A i ko atu i ena ko Haroko tama a Paana ki te hanga.
5 And men of Thecue bildiden bisidis hym; but the principal men of hem puttiden not her neckis vndur in the werk of her Lord God.
I to ratou taha ko nga Tekoi ki te hanga; otira kihai o ratou tangata nunui i tuku i o ratou kaki ki te mahi a to ratou Ariki.
6 And Joiada, the sone of Phasea, and Mosollam, the sone of Besoyda, bildiden the elde yate; thei hiliden it, and settiden the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris.
Na ko te kuwaha tawhito i hanga e Ioiara tama a Pahea, raua ko Mehurama tama a Pehoreia: na raua ona rakau i whakanoho, na raua ano i whakatu ona tatau, me ona raka, me ona tutaki.
7 And Melchie Gabaonyte, and Jaddon Methonatite, men of Gabaon and of Maspha, bildiden bisidis hem, for the duyk that was in the cuntrei biyende the flood.
I to raua taha e hanga ana a Meratia Kipeoni, a Tarono Meronoti, me nga tangata o Kipeono, o Mihipa, he wahi era no te torona o te kawana o tera taha o te awa.
8 And Eziel, goldsmyyt, the sone of Araie, bildide bisidis hym; and Annany, the sone of `a makere of oynement, bildide bisidis him; and thei leften Jerusalem `til to the wal of the largere street.
I tona taha e hanga ana a Utiere tama a Harahaia, no nga kaimahi koura. I tona taha e hanga ana a Hanania tama a tetahi kaiwhakaranu. Na oti ake i a ratou a Hiruharama, tae noa ki te taiepa nui.
9 And Raphaie, the sone of Hahul, prince of a street of Jerusalem, bildide bisidis him.
I to ratou taha e hanga ana a Repaia tama a Huru, rangatira o te hawhe o nga wahi o Hiruharama.
10 And Jeieda, the sone of Aramath, bildide bisidis him ayens his owne hous; and Accus, the sone of Asebonye, bildide bisidis hym.
I to ratou taha e hanga ana a Ieraia tama a Harumapa, ki te ritenga atu ano o tona whare. I tona taha e hanga ana a Hatuhu tama a Hahapania.
11 Forsothe Melchie, the sone of Herem, and Asub, the sone of Phet Moab, bildiden the half part of the street, and the tour of ouenys.
Ko Marakia tama a Harimi, ko Hahupu tama a Pahata Moapa, ki te hanga i tera atu wahi, i te pourewa ano hoki i nga oumu.
12 Sellum, the sone of Aloes, prince of the half part of a street of Jerusalem, bildide bisidis hym, he and hise sones.
I tona taha e hanga ana a Harumu tama a Harohehe rangatira o te hawhe o nga wahi o Hiruharama, a ia me ana tamahine.
13 And Amram, and the dwelleris of Zanoe, bildiden the yate of the valei; thei bildiden it, and settiden the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris therof; and thei bildiden a thousynde cubitis in the wal `til to the yate of the dunghil.
Ko te kuwaha o te raorao he mea hanga na Hanunu ratou ko nga tangata o Tanoa. Na ratou i hanga, na ratou ano i whakatu ona tatau, ona rakau, me ona tutaki, kotahi mano ano hoki nga whatianga o te taiepa, a tae noa ki te kuwaha paru.
14 And Melchie, the sone of Rechab, prynce of a street of Bethacarem, bildide the yate of the dunghil; he bildide it, and settide, and hilide the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris.
Ko te kuwaha paru na Marakia tama a Rekapa rangatira o tetahi wahi o Petehakereme i hanga: nana i hanga, nana ano i whakatu ona tatau, ona raka, me ona tutaki.
15 And Sellum, the sone of Colozai, prince of a toun Maspha, bildide the yate of the welle; he bildide it, and hilide, and settide the yatis therof, and lockis, and barris; and he bildide the wallis of the cisterne of Ciloe `til in to the orchard of the kyng, and `til to the greces of the kyng, that comen doun fro the citee of Dauid.
Ko te kuwaha i te puna, he mea hanga tera na Harunu tama a Korohote rangatira o tetahi wahi o Mihipa; nana i hanga, nana ano i hipoki, nana i whakatu ona tatau, ona raka, ona tutaki, me te taiepa i te poka wai i Hiroa i te taha o te kari a te ki ngi, a tae noa ki nga kaupae e heke iho ana i te pa o Rawiri.
16 Nemye, the sone of Azboch, prince of the half part of the street of Bethsury, bildide after hym til ayens the sepulcre of Dauid, and `til to the cisterne, which is bildide with greet werk, and `til to the hous of stronge men.
I muri i a ia e hanga ana a Nehemia tama a Atapuku, rangatira o te hawhe o nga wahi o Peteturu, tae noa ki te ritenga o nga tanumanga o Rawiri, ki te poka wai i hanga, ki te whare ano o te hunga nunui.
17 Dekenes bildiden after hym; and Reum, the sone of Beny, bildide aftir hem. Asebie, the prince of half part of the street of Cheile, bildide in his street aftir hym.
I muri i a ia ka hanga ko nga Riwaiti, ko Rehumu tama a Pani. I tona taha e hanga ana a Hahapia rangatira o te hawhe o nga wahi o Keira, i tona wahi ano.
18 The britheren of hem, Bethyn, the sone of Enadab, prince of the half part of Cheyla, bildiden after hym.
I muri i a ia e hanga ana o ratou teina, ko Pawai tama a Henarara, rangatira o te hawhe o nga wahi o Keira.
19 And Aser, the sone of Josue, prince of Maspha, bildide bisidis hym the secounde mesure ayens the stiyng of the `moost stidefast corner.
I tona taha e hanga ana a Etere tama a Hehua, rangatira o Mihipa, i tetahi wahi i te ritenga atu o te haerenga ki runga ki te takotoranga mea whawhai i te koki o te taiepa.
20 Baruch, the sone of Zachay, bildide aftir hym in the hil the secounde mesure fro the corner `til to the yate of the hows of Eliasiph, the greet prest.
I muri i a ia ko Paruku tama a Tapai, uaua rawa tana hanga i tetahi atu wahi, i te koki o te taiepa, a tae noa ki te tatau o te whare o Eriahipi, o te tino tohunga.
21 Marymuth, the sone of Vrie, sone of Zaccur, bildide after hym the secounde mesure fro the yate of Eliasiph, as fer as the hows of Eliasiph was stretchid forth.
I muri i a ia ka hanga ko Meremoto, tama a Uria, tama a Koto, i tetahi atu wahi, i te tatau atu ano o te whare o Eriahipi, a tae noa ki te pito o te whare o Eriahipi.
22 And prestis, men of the feeldi places of Jordan, bildiden aftir hym.
I muri i a ia ka hanga ko nga tohunga, ko nga tangata o te mania.
23 Beniamyn and Asub bildiden after hem ayens her hows; and Azarie, the sone of Maasie, sone of Ananye, bildide aftir hym ayens his owne hows.
I muri i a ia e hanga ana a Pineamine raua ko Hahupu, i te ritenga mai ano o to raua whare. I muri i a ia e hanga ana a Ataria tama a Maaheia tama a Anania i te taha ano ki tona whare.
24 Bennuy, the sone of Senadad, bildide after hym the secounde mesure fro the hows of Azarie `til to the bowyng and `til to the corner.
I muri i a ia ka hanga ko Pinui tama a Henarara i tetahi atu wahi, i te whare atu ano o Ataria, a tae noa ki te koki o te taiepa, a ki te pikonga.
25 Phalel, the sone of Ozi, bildide ayens the bowyng, and the tour that stondith forth, fro the hiy hows of the kyng, that is in the large place of the prisoun; Phadaie, the sone of Pheros, bildide after hym.
Ko Parara tama a Utai i te ritenga atu o te koki o te taiepa, o te pourewa hoki e kokiri ana ki waho i te whare o te kingi i runga, i te taha o te marae o te whare herehere. I muri i a ia ko Peraia tama a Paroho.
26 Forsothe Nathynneis dwelliden in Ophel til ayens the yate of watris at the eest, and the tour that apperide.
A i noho nga Netinimi ki Opere, a tae noa ki te ritenga atu o te kuwaha wai, whaka te rawhiti, ki te pourewa ano hoki e uaki ana ki waho.
27 Aftir hym men of Thecue bildiden the secounde mesure euene ayens, fro the greet tour and apperynge `til to the wal of the temple.
I muri i a ia ka hanga ko nga Tekoi i tetahi atu wahi, i te ritenga ano o te pourewa nui e kokiri ana ki waho, a tae noa ki te taiepa o Opere.
28 Forsothe prestis bildiden aboue at the yate of horsis, ech man ayens his hows.
Ko to runga ake o te kuwaha hoiho ta nga tohunga i hanga ai, i te ritenga ano o te whare o tenei tangata, o tenei tangata.
29 Seddo, the sone of Enner, bildide ayens his hows aftir hem. And Semeie, the sone of Sechenye, the kepere of the eest yate, bildide after hym.
I muri i a ratou ka hanga ko Haroko tama a Imere i te ritenga ano o tona whare. I muri ano hoki i a ia ka hanga ko Hemaia tama a Hekania, kaitiaki o te kuwaha ki te rawhiti.
30 Ananye, the sone of Selemye, and Anon, the sixte sone of Selon, bildide aftir hym the secounde mesure. Mosallam, the sone of Barachie, bildide ayenus his tresorie after hym.
I muri i a ia ka hanga ko Hanania tama a Heremia, raua ko Hanunu, ko te tama tuaono a Tarapa, i tetahi atu wahi. I muri i a ia ka hanga ko Mehurama tama a Perekia i te ritenga ano o tona ruma.
31 Melchie, the sone of a goldsmiyt, bildide aftir hym `til to the hows of Nathynneis, and of men sillynge scheldis ayens the yate of iugis, and `til to the soler of the corner.
I muri i a ia ka hanga ko Marakia tetahi o nga kaimahi koura, a tae noa ki te wahi i nga Netinimi, i nga kaihokohoko, i te ritenga atu ano o te kuwaha Mipikara, ki te pikitanga atu ano hoki i te koki.
32 And crafti men and marchauntis bildiden with ynne the soler of the corner and the yate of the kyng.
Na, ko te takiwa o te pikitanga i te koki tae noa ki te kuwaha hipi, he mea hanga tera na nga kaimahi koura, na nga kaihokohoko.

< Nehemiah 3 >